
I was given a system that makes me stronger through dual cultivation

Disappointment of the Yi clan, Yi Tian was treated like trash by everyone except for his mother. Expected to be the next heir to the clan, his birth revealed that he was missing the Yi clan's spiritual roots and the ability to accumulate qi in his dantian. However, his world turned upside down when he awakened his Dual Cultivation System which had been dormant in his body since he was born. Follow along as Yi Tian strengthens through the system, acquires multiple wives, has dozens of children, and conquers the world. —————————— Tags: Netori (NO NETORARE), Revenge, R18+, Harem, Dual Cultivation, System, Slavery, Murder, Ruthless MC (Doesn't Spare His Enemies), Weakest to Strongest

soaring_bluebird · Fantasy
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14 Chs

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This information about her shameful and traumatic past was something that most people knew as it was frequently discussed at the red light district.

Of course, as the son of the man who did this to her, Yi Tian was also aware of this fact.

It was something that had never left his mind since he learned of it the day it happened.

It was also why he never hired her service before because he felt terrible making another victim of his father's wrongdoings suffer with his presence, a reminder of the evil man as the two of them shared practically the same face, albeit Yi Tian's was a little more handsome because his mother also contributed with her half of his genes.

'She's glaring at me like she wants to gouge my eyes out,' Yi Tian thought as he watched her enter the room he had been waiting in.

He had seen him from a distance a few times before but now that he was up close, he was reminded of why she was so expensive.

It cost more to hire her for an hour than to hire any other courtesan at Golden Hour for an entire day.

Her identity as a cultivator definitely played a part but her beauty was also just as responsible for the price tag on her.

Byeon Min-Hee was a tall woman. Almost as tall as him.

Standing at 5'11", she had fiery red hair that reached her knees, a figure full of curves, a large bosom that looked like it was about to pop out from the fabric holding it in place, and her exposed stomach showed a piercing just below her belly button.

Her fox-like red eyes were stabbing daggers at Yi Tian.

'Look I feel bad but it's not like I'm my father. I'm just... me.'

The two of them just looked at each other for a minute.

She was trying to read his facial expressions and analyze the face that looked similar to the man who caused her 8 whole years of suffering.

She had a boyfriend before the incident.

She had a family who loved her and supported her journey as a cultivator.

She had a future that was bright compared to everyone else in her circle.

Now — all of those things she had was gone.

Her boyfriend dumped her, unable to find it in himself to love someone who had to abide by the command of her owner otherwise she'd die.

Her family disowned her because for one, they were afraid of offending the Yi clan by supporting her, and secondly, they didn't want to be associated with someone who sold their body — even if it wasn't by choice.

Her future — what future? What future could she possibly have in the red light district as a courtesan?

Even if she's a high-grade courtesan who people would have to sell their organs just to afford a single night with her, she was still nothing more than a courtesan.

"Why?" was the first thing she asked, breaking the silence.


"Why now? You and everyone in this place know why I work here. So why now? After all this time, after all these years of me waiting for the day when I'd have to serve you in disgust... now you choose to purchase my service after I forget about your existence."

The last part was a lie. It was impossible for her and anyone in the city to ever forget the existence of Yi Tian, the biggest disgrace of all time.

Byeon Min-Hee looked hurt, angry, disgusted, distraught, and there was a glint in her eyes that looked murderous.

Yi Tian didn't respond immediately although he had an answer in the back of his tongue.

Instead, he was checking out her status screen, analyzing it.

[Byeon Min-Hee]

[Inner Thoughts: Why? Why? Why? Why now? I want to kill him! I want to kill him and his father! I want to squeeze the life out of their body with my hands! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!?]

[Love Points: 0 (Hatred)]

[Cultivation Level: Middle-stage Qi Condensation]

[Cultivation Method: Burning Sun Art]

[Spiritual Roots: Basic Root]

[Martial Arts: Ni-Yang Blade]

[Techniques: Fire Punch, Fire Wall, Pressure Clap, Lightning Strike, etc.]

[Breathing Exercises: 7 Basic Meditations]

'Compared to Yi Lihua, she has a ton of techniques. Makes sense since they're all probably Common ranked.'

She was entirely quantity over quality because as a courtesan, she didn't have the chance to go out there and acquire great treasures and manuals.

She just had to stick to what she could afford to buy and even though she had a ton of money that would last her for decades, manuals are stupidly expensive and even common ones could bankrupt the average human.

"Answer me," she demanded.

He continued ignoring her, analyzing her screen further.

'Out of everyone in the city, she's probably one of the most justified to have a "0" next to their Love Points stat. I'm the son of the man who did this to her. But I hope she remembers that at the end of the day, I'm just his son... I'm not him or Yi Xiaodan who suggested the punishment.'

Seeing her face turn red and veins bulging on her body, he finally answered her.

"I'm here to help you."

"...What?" Byeon Min-Hee couldn't believe what his response was.

He made her wait in angst that long for his answer just for it to be a joke.

She wanted to kill him but the command which forced her to be a courtesan caused her to wince.

A courtesan had to do what a courtesan was required to do which is to serve their customer. Even if their customer were weird, ugly, or straight-up terrible to the courtesan, they had to finish the job, including her.

"Let's just finish this so I can head back to sleep," she said while grinding her teeth.

'At least he doesn't last very long,' she thought, referring to the information that had been spread amongst the courtesans.

The sooner she finishes the job, the sooner she can get away from him and stop looking at his face which she wanted to shred into small strips of flesh.

'She thinks I'm joking with her. It can't be helped. There's no way to help her as a soul-binding contract is impossible to break.'

Except he had a way which was the <Master Method of Domination>; although she wouldn't become a free person, her master would be replaced by Yi Tian.

He knew that the only way he'd be able to convince her would be to show her.

* * *

Byeon Min-Hee never used flirting skills or picked up any skills she could apply in the bedroom.

She just did the bare minimum that the command required her to do.

So after getting undressed, she just got on the bed and awaited the moment she was dreading with all her might.

Her stomach felt like a mess and she was tempted to vomit everywhere almost as a sign of rebellion.

If she had vomited naturally, it would've been fine, but because she thought of it as an act of fighting back, again, her head felt like it was being split.

'Fine! Fine. I won't do it.'

Yi Tian, on the other hand, was taking his sweet time.

He was observing her body. 

She had smooth skin, large boobs that he wouldn't be able to fully grasp with his hands, and the color of her womanly flower was a light pink.

'No wonder men are willing to acquire debt just to spend a night with her. Even if she just lays there like a corpse, her beauty alone makes up for the expensive price.'

[Inner Thoughts: How long is this impotent man going to take? Just hurry up so I can consider the job done. Does he think by taking his time that I'll get up and help him get undressed? I don't care. I'll just lay here and let you get your few pumps in then leave once he finishes.]

'Why so impatient?' he chuckled.

He was here to help her and for something else that he was going to discuss with her once he successfully removed the soul-binding contract his father had placed on her.

But he was still a man.

A man who frequently visited the red light district and buried himself in the bodies of women (who all hated him by the way).

Seeing her voluptuous body, his beastly side where his libido resides woke up.

'Activate <Master Method of Domination>.'

[Inner Thoughts: I knew it. He's just like any other man who frequents this place. What does he mean he's here to help me? The audacity to lie to my face like I'm some fool. He's just here for his sexual desires like everyone else. I'm just surprised that he took this long to call my name. I guess... he was afraid of doing it with a cultivator. The rumors I heard last night about him growing a pair of balls seemingly out of nowhere... that must be true then. Just my luck that the first courtesan he picks after the sudden change is me.]

'How wrong you are. I am here to help you. You'll be praising me as your savior any moment now but... what's wrong with killing two birds with one stone? I get to enjoy myself and you end up being free. It's a win/win situation,' he smirked as he took off his shirt.

Byeon Min-Hee was looking up at the ceiling as she awaited him but she was still able to see him at the very bottom of her vision.

[Inner Thoughts: At least he has a nice body. If he was fat and ugly, I might just consider killing myself this very moment by disobeying the soul-binding command.]

P.S. there has been a change to the status screen. External and internal martial arts have been removed, and replaced by martial arts and techniques. Martial arts are simply martial arts that you can use qi to make your moves stronger (but still works without qi) while techniques require qi/P.E. to activate.

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