
I Was Found

" It's like you're a whole different person. You've changed...a lot."Gwen bit her lip to prevent the burning tears in her eyes from falling. " I haven't changed. I'm just showing you a side of me that you didn't get the chance to see before. " His eyes were devoid of emotion and this scared her more than it hurt her. Gwen is pretty much an open book. She's down to earth and likes to view her thoughts . But due to wicked fate , she has to get her hands dirty in order to provide for her family. She'd been in a community gang for the last seven years and her family had no knowledge of this. One thing she'd learnt from working in this gang was that no one was to be trusted. People could either make or break you. Her hidden life is going pretty much the same till she meets Alec Reinster . What role will he play in her life? Will he give her a reason to open up her heart or will he be the reason she wishes she'd never had a heart in the first place ?

Lexy_whyte · Urban
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73 Chs

I want you.

Alec was quiet for a while before moving to his desk and sitting on it. He was tall so his feet were still touching the ground .He looked at Gwen .

" What do you mean?" he wanted to hear the words straight out of her mouth. He wanted to hear her say she wanted him.

Gwen walked to him . She took a deep breath before bringing her hand to his face. " I want us to be ...more than friends. "

She had sincerity in her eyes with a hint of nervousness and anxiousness. Alec loved how expressive her eyes were. She looked like she was waiting for him to say something but she didn't know that she had him at ' I want us'. Her hand was still on his face. It was so soft . He held it and brought it to his lips. He kissed it and looked back at Gwen. Her huge eyes blinked several times and she was blushing. Alec couldn't stop himself. He held her waist firmly and pulled her to him so that she was trapped in between his thighs. Gwen gasped but before she could react any further he grabbed the back of her head and kissed her ferociously. This time he wasn't asking , he was taking. His tongue forced its way into her mouth. He sucked and bit and touched every corner of her. She tried to pull away for air but his steady grasp on her kept her in place. She subconsciously let out a moan . Then she realized that she'd evoked his desire when her hand accidentally touched his throbbing ,stiff, tall manhood. Gwen quickly retracted her hand when she could have sworn she felt it move. Alec stopped kissing her as though he felt her touch it . His lips curved into a wicked smirk.

" You shouldn't have done that." His eyes landed on her chest . He licked her collarbone and sucked on her neck. He bit her and she clutched his shoulder.

Gwen's eyes were closed and her head thrown back. She bit her lips and let Alec have his way. She just wanted to let go. She held her breath when she felt Alec's lips on her chest. He was unbuttoning her shirt with his mouth! She was surprised but aroused at the same time.

Alec wanted to take his time but he was already blinded by need. What his lips couldn't do he did with his hands. He undid her bra from the back and impatiently took off her shirt. She was exposed . He breathed in . He was so hard that it was starting to hurt. He looked at Gwen . She was blushing. She tried to cover her chest with her hands but Alec stopped her. He gripped her waist tighter till he left marks. His lips caressed her stiff nipples and his tongue made circles around them. Gwen felt shivers down her spine. Her hands held his hair and she moaned in pleasure. Alec started to suck and bite. His lips were hot against her skin. Gwen closed her eyes. Her legs became weak but Alec held her firmly between his thighs. She felt a bubbling sensation build up in her nether regions. She was ecstatic with desire. Alec was still fully clothed yet he was wrecking havoc on her. She felt his hands trail all the way under her black leather skirt. His hands slid up her panties and soon,he found her bud. She was extremely wet . His lips were still on her mountains but he managed to laugh.

" You're wet for me." His hands played at the surface of her bud.

" Al...Alec...stop..." she had no idea what she was saying but she was speaking. Alec came back to her lips and kissed her fully . As he kissed her he slid his finger into her. She gasped in his mouth but he didn't let her break the kiss. His finger started to move . Up and down then repeatedly but faster. Gwen's hearts was pounding in her chest. She was in a state of euphoria. She was losing oxygen from Alec's kiss yet she was on fire from what his hands were doing down below. She clutched his hair with all her might. He put in another finger and rubbed even harder. Gwen broke free from the kiss and her moans filled the room.

Alec had had enough. He wanted to enter her. He took his hand out and started to take off his shirt but then he heard a knock on the door. He didn't care if it was the president himself , he didn't want any distractions.His shirt was almost off when Gwen stopped him. She was panting and strands of hair were stuck to her face. She looked so heavenly. He just wanted to make her his.

" It might be important." she forced herself out of his grip and picked up her bra and shirt . It took all of Alec's self restraint to let her cover herself up again. He watched her dress up. He noticed a tattoo just below her left breast. It looked like a wolf. He didn't see it before on their first night. That office was a bit dark and he was too excited.

He was putting his coat on when the door opened. Luckily Gwen was done dressing.

" Alec , I left my briefcase here. " Derek paused. It was her . The beautiful lady he'd met. What was she doing in Alec's office ?

" It had to be you." Alec said between clenched teeth. He felt like pushing Derek off a cliff. He had the worst timing ever.

" I think I'll leave now. " Gwen picked her bag and walked to the door. She stopped by Derek. " Nice to see you again." she left.

Derek kept staring at her back. He held his heart and pointed at Alec . " How could you?!!"

" How could I what?" Alec organised his collar.

" It's very evident what was going on in here!" Derek pointed at Alec's still standing erection. Alec sighed.

" Why did she say that to you? Have you met before?" Alec looked at him questioningly.

" She's the mother of my kids!" Derek shut the door behind him." Well...future mother of my kids."

" Fuck you , Derek. Stop kidding around. " Alec ran his fingers through his hair trying to put it back in place.

" For the first time in my life, I loved a woman and it turned out she was my sister-in-law!" He cried out dramatically. Alec just laughed. Derek was his childhood friend. He was closer than any of Alec's family. He was as good as Alec's brother.

" So...is she the one?" Derek winked at Alec.

" Yes. Yes she is ." Alec smiled.

By the way , this is my first book so I would appreciate your comments . Thank you for supporting. Please add to your library. Lots of love.

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