
I Was Found

" It's like you're a whole different person. You've changed...a lot."Gwen bit her lip to prevent the burning tears in her eyes from falling. " I haven't changed. I'm just showing you a side of me that you didn't get the chance to see before. " His eyes were devoid of emotion and this scared her more than it hurt her. Gwen is pretty much an open book. She's down to earth and likes to view her thoughts . But due to wicked fate , she has to get her hands dirty in order to provide for her family. She'd been in a community gang for the last seven years and her family had no knowledge of this. One thing she'd learnt from working in this gang was that no one was to be trusted. People could either make or break you. Her hidden life is going pretty much the same till she meets Alec Reinster . What role will he play in her life? Will he give her a reason to open up her heart or will he be the reason she wishes she'd never had a heart in the first place ?

Lexy_whyte · Urban
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84 Chs

I think...I love you.

Alec covered Gwen with kisses. She was lying on his chest and she was quiet . She seemed to be thinking about something.

" What's on your mind ? "

Gwen didn't answer. She had been trying to understand herself. She'd never felt like this before . She was getting used to the feeling of Alec's hands around her waist , his lips caressing hers , his body on hers...She snuggled closer to him. She wanted their bodies together like this... forever.

Gwen never let herself get comfortable with anyone. She didn't want to get accustomed to someone's presence and be lost when they left. But what she felt for Alec was scaring her.She didn't know if she could call it...love. She could her his heart beat and she just couldn't help but wonder if that heart was beating for her.

" Are you alright?"

Alec made her face him. They were on their sides , facing each other. Gwen looked into those blue eyes...they were the only thing she wanted to look at all day.

" I have a question." Gwen touched his lips with her thumb. They were soft and she wanted to kiss him.

" Have you ever loved someone before ?... " She paused. " How do you know it's love ? "

Alec felt his heart beat faster. What was she trying to say? Was she trying to say what he thought she wanted to say? He tried to read her eyes but they conveyed an emotion he couldn't explain.

" I've never been in love. " He was being honest with her. He didn't know what love was. He always felt what people called 'love' was just when too people get comfortable with each other's presence and choose to satisfy each other's physical and emotional needs.

But each time Gwen touched him , he felt like the world was his. Everytime her lips were pressed against his , he felt his body burn from within and just the thought of her being with anyone other than him made him want to bring hell on earth. He looked into those huge hazel eyes and he felt current run through him.

Alec's answer made Gwen frown from within. He'd never been in love. What if this was a one sided feeling from her side ? Would she be able to bear the rejection ? Then she recalled that their relationship started with that night they'd had sex. What if he was only doing this for the physical pleasure and yet here she was building castles in the sky.

" But I can tell you what I think love is supposed to be like. "

Alec's voice broke through her thoughts. She looked in to those blue eyes once more. She didn't care if he loved her or not , all she knew was that she felt something for him and it only grew with every passing moment.

" When you love someone , every thing they do looks perfect to you. All their short comings , imperfections , flaws...they all mean nothing to you. "

" When you love someone , just the mere sight of them makes you feel like you've been set ablaze... but you'd want to burn in those flames forever. "

" When you love someone , you always want them close and you'll never want to share them. When you look into their eyes , you can see their soul , you can see a future with them...no words are needed to express each other's feelings...their bodies do the talking."

Alec came closer .

" When you love someone, you do stupid things like blackmailing her to go to a ball with you...breaking a vending machine... claiming her as your girlfriend before getting her consent..." Alec had a smile on his perfect lips.

Gwen had tears in her eyes and Alec wiped them away with his hand . He caressed her cheek and kissed her forehead.

" I don't know about you , Gwendoline Prudence Barkley...but I've done all those things...I've felt all that for you. "

" I think...I love you . "

Just as those words left his mouth , Gwen felt her world stop. The only sound she could her was that of her own heart . It was nearly beating out of her chest. Did Alec just say he loved her ? But then Alec spoke again.

" I love you Gwen...from the first moment I set my eyes on you...You drove me mad. "

Gwen could hear fireworks explode in her ears . She was frozen from excitement and panic at the same time . She didn't know what to say back . Should she also confess her feelings? Shit ! This was hard ! But then her panic got the best of her and she gave the most stupid reply she could think of.

" It's good to know. "


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