
I Was Forcefully Hired to be Reincarnated in Other Worlds

Nishinomiya Tatsuya, 17 years old. As a NEET, I enjoy avoiding social interactions, roasting anti-vaxxers, screwing with some Karens in some websites, looking through memes, reading novels, watching anime, like the basic stuff you usually do. Until Gods became desperate and killed me. They forcefully made me agree to be reincarnated and do something for them. As they don't want to be seen as a black company, they offered me new life in new worlds. What's the mission? Kill Nyarlathotep... ======= Current World: My Girlfriend is a Zombie (Manga) ======= Please, go easy on me in this one Cover not mine/I am also not sure who owns this but here's the link from where I found it: https://twitter.com/suechiee/status/1246227909741662208 If you are the owner and you want me to take it down, then, you can email me here: hiatusmaster@gmail.com ======= Warning, this story may include: -Grammatical Errors -Spelling Errors -A few wrong details -Probably short chapters You have been warned

Master_Hiatus · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Restoration

Tatsuya saw various ways but he thought that getting the 'Restoration' skill was the best way to tame and train his zombie waifu. So Restoration, it can restore anything, as long as the owner previously owned said thing. Its not limited to physical items.

With said ability, Tatsuya wanted to restore the zombie girl's intelligence to the point that she won't kill him. That would give him a chance to make her join him. Who wouldn't want a zombie girl that can be your waifu and assassin at the same time.

Anyway, Tatsuya found out that Moogle had a shop option. When he searched for ways to have the Restoration skill, he found out that it can only be acquired through skill fragments. They were books that contain skills.... its a fucking skill gacha!

Good fragments costed a lot and he was broke af. There was even a sale and a buy 1 take 10 and all he needed was 10 000 Godbucks!

'Now that I think about it, how do I earn money while I am in this shitty dimension I know nothing of?'

Apparently, God was on his side.

As he tried search for income sources, he stumbled upon an interesting offer. So the employer wants someone from World 1 to be his supplier of undead resources.

'This is weird but I am in the said World 1....*smirk*'

He tapped on the said offer and read about the employer's bio.

'A merchant/alchemist Goddess? Alright, that's alright. Now how do I... oh there's his number. Let me...'

And so, the phone rang.


"Hello, is this Uwukawaichan, the guy who wanted to hire a supplier from World 1?"

Tatsuya cringed from the username this employer used.

"Yes, do you want the job?" A woman with a loli like voice said.

'Oh... alright, a merchant and alchemist loli. Isekai is already goddamn weird, might as well happen.'

Tatsuya replied in a respectful tone, "I am currently residing in World 1 and I have no money so when I saw your job offer, I just decided to give it a try."

The loli hmm'ed.

Tatsuya was sweating. He wanted the job and a way to control the zombie waifu so money was required (cause fuck all, I have money)! Without money, welp, the waifu will have to remain unconscious until he finds a way.

"Alright then, if you truly are in World 1, here's what I will need. I need 10 zombie gels and some zombie corpses. The more corpses, the better pay you get. Is that clear?"

Tatsuya had questions.

"When and how will you pick up the supplies?"

"Oh, you're not aware of your phone's 'give/receive' function? By clicking the Mail function, you can scan the items and mail them to me. Also, send them to me before 2 days, clear?"

Tatsuya felt like the give/receive function was something out of cultivation chat group novels.

(Not referring to the novel, referring to the genre.)

"Clear. I am going to get to work." The loli released a small 'mhm' once again and to Tatsuya, it was cute.

Tatsuya then heard beeping noises, notifying him of the fact that his employer Uwukawaichan, had dropped the call.

'The fact that I am the supplier of a merchant and alchemist loli who's username is Uwukawaichan.' Tatsuya started his little massacre.


Now, Tatsuya managed to kill over 20 zombies before he realized he had no idea what zombie gels were. It seemed so familiar yet....

"Oh, its that ecchi comic that involves sexy zombies eating zombie gels in sexy ways!" Yes, that's how Tatsuya remember My Girlfriend is a Zombie. It do be like that sometimes.

"Before I think about anything else, I should just finish this first."


Tatsuya finished and from the 40 corpses that he had, 10 of them had no heads, 5 lost some part of their limbs, and 7 had holes somewhere in their body. Anyway, Tatsuya managed to get the gels and reserved 10 for his employer with a name that looked like someone who writes fanfics and snorts rainbows.

(MC traumatized from overly cringing vids featuring uwu and furries)

Tatsuya then opened the Mail app and selected Uwukawaichan's icon from call history as receiver. He soon scanned the corpses and gels. In the matter of seconds after clicking send, the corpses and gels were gone.

'....Do you know how much I need this to be on online shopping companies like ebay!? Shits efficient af!' Then again, its God tech. Something that surpasses the genius of german engineering.

(A/N: Impossible!)

Tatsuya then put the remaining gels on a random container he found while murdering undeads and started walking towards the clothing store. After making sure that the zombie waifu was still unconscious, he decided to sit somewhere and wait for the pay.


Uwukawaichan soon sent a mail with a contract, a black card, and 10 books.

'Oh shit, its skill fragments! Forgive me, uwukawaichan-sama, for I have underestimated your generosity!' Tatsuya prayed.

The contract was probably for the job he was taking. A black card always mean fuckton of money when it comes to cultivation mangas. And then skill fragments.

Tatsuya read through the contract and made sure there was nothing weird with it. He signed it and sent it back to his generous boss.

Next, he pocketed that black card he received.

'I'll just search on how to use this later, for now, gacha time!'

Now for information, Tatsuya was slightly a gacha addict. He wasn't a whale, no, he still had his F2P virginity. But you see, he had this thing where he would be lucky to the point he would get UR in the span of 30 pulls or two 4 stars in one day or gacha.

In short, said things fueled his desires of gacha.

'Alright! Lets open them up!'


[Dark Sword Arts]

[Water Blades]

[Trajectory Control] 'Nice!'

[Restoration] 'Here it is!'

"I haven't opened them all yet I already have what I needed. Now lets see..."

To use the book, all he had to do was open to the second page (since first page only has the skill name).

As he opened the book, he started seeing memories of invocation, use, and potential. Tatsuya soon opened his eyes and felt a little pain. Not that its like painful pain but more like annoying pain.

Tatsuya knew that the zombie waifu, who's name probably starts with Ye something. Memories do be like that.

Anyway, he started approaching the zombie girl. After making sure she was still unconscious, which was kind of weird, he started the invocation.

He put his hand on her head and with the thought of restoring her intelligence, he started chanting.

Ye Lian (finally!) woke up when she felt physical touch. The moment she saw the hand and Tatsuya's face, she wanted to attack him. But you see, the spell started work.

Seeing that Tatsuya wasn't that good still, he only managed to make her regain a part of her intelligence.

Tatsuya backed away now. Meanwhile, Ye Lian was now sitting on a pile of clothes with no urge to murder the man in front of her.



(~ ̄▽ ̄)~