
I was forced to reincarnate in Cardfight Vanguard

I died... Oh well so what is this place ? Bad grammer

ItsDragonking · Anime & Comics
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So i am in cardfight vanguard now ...

So it's been 3 years since I have been reincarnated to the world of cardfight vanguard huh... Guys, I just can't accept the fact that a stupid card game can destroy the world like bruh whoever came up with this idea, and yeah some of you would like it is haven but think of this they have plot armor, and I don't have that.

So let me tell you about my life so far I have a mother and a father, so my mother has long black hair and my dad well let's not talk about him.

I look at my side to look at my dad.




So after one year my Mom died I just don't know what to think about that moment I mean she is not my real mom but still, she took care of me for 4 years so I could not help at her sight of her falling on the floor. This is how I remember how the event. I was my way back from school

"Hey, mom what for dinner? " I said in a normal voice as I was walking to the "Hej mom," said again as I walk in I see her on the floor. I went to the ground and sade " You okay mom "I kept shaking her but she did not wake up.

(10 hours later)

So we were in the hospital and my dad was really sad I could see it on his face I mean it's not like I was not sad too I mean come on she was my mother in this life and she was nice so I was sad to see her like that.

"Hi there are you the Shun family," said the doctor putting his fingers on his glasses

My dad stood up from his seat and walk to the doctor and ask "How is she? "

The doctor said "She is not doing well I am afraid we can see that she is not okay she will maybe recover she is in a coma right now I am afraid"

My dad had a really bad look on his face. All I could is just sit here and listen to the theme I felt so helpless. I then saw my dad walking to me and sade " Sade everything is going to be alright " All I could do was just cry.



Fine, you can get your 3 wish your luck that I am a nice guy and you know what throw an op system too that has the answer to everything and shop too and inventory with infinite storage.


I sade. Yes honey

Sigh I hate my life I thought

(Pov Me)

I was in bed and was sleeping out of nowhere I heard a voice

(Yo Welcome host I am Op system and came bearing good news)

I was stunned so that old man give me a system for not giving me the wishes, huh I guess the old man is not that bad with this I can save my mother.

"What news," I said to the system

Out of nowhere, I saw a screen with a lot of things I can but for example

(Mil =million)

Saiyan bloodline 10 mil

Yokai bloodline 2 mil and more...

I was Stunde when I saw I could get other things than cardfight vanguard cards. Then I heard the system say

(Host I can give you 3 stuff for free in the shop cuz you can get anything in the shop so choose)

I was stunned I could get what I wanted but what should I get.


That's right guys I am back btw I will upload it when I feel like it and this will be a multiverse story and tell me what wishes do you guys want me to wish oh and I will add minimal 500 words for each story. Oh and I will change the name of the Mc and that name will be Xander Shun

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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