
I Was Abandoned For Being Weak, But I Have One OP Ability

I was transported to another world against my will. I was given a weak body that held everyone back to the point where I was left behind. Soon thought they would learn how strong I really was.

Calamity95 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 4: The Ruins By The Lake

Volume 1

Chapter 4: The Ruins By The Lake

I really underestimated the distance between myself and the village. By the time I reach the place, the sun has set, and there is not a soul in sight. But the more I look, the more I wonder if there was ever anyone here in the first place. The place looks worse for wear, and I blame the dying light for not noticing earlier. The buildings lay in ruins, and it didn't look like anyone had been here in years. Although I spot a few places that escaped whatever devastation came to this place here and there.

Walking through the deserted village, I am unsure whether anyone even survived the destruction of their village or if they simply had to leave everything behind. Starting to peek into the abandoned building, I can see clothing and valuables left behind. A few of the tables even have rotten food laid out as if the people here had to suddenly leave in a hurry. I will not complain about this as I quickly find a change of clothing. Still, I feel like I am stealing despite the dust and cobwebs telling me no one has been here for a long time.

Exploring more of the village, I helped myself to a backpack, coat, waterskin and blanket the people who lived here left behind. I don't believe anyone will miss this stuff, but I still feel bad and only take what I need to survive, leaving everything else untouched.

It was tempting to take some of the money left lying around, but I restrained myself and set about looking for a place to spend the night. A few of the buildings look to be still in decent shape. They are dusty and filled with cobwebs, spiders, and many other creepy crawlies, but I try not to think about them as I find a spot to settle down for the night.

I lay the blanket on the floor and settle down on top of it to try and enjoy a terrible meal consisting of ice-cold wolf's meat I didn't finish earlier. It is horrible. The meat is tough and cold, and once again, I wish I had something to season this bland meat with, but I force down the meat one gulp at a time, knowing I will need my strength in the morning.

The city does not look far away, but I thought the same about this village when I first set out for it, so I might spend another day walking to reach it. Before I sleep, I go to the well I spotted in the village centre and drink my fill of water, washing away the horrible taste in my mouth. I filled up my waterskin while I was there before settling down for the night.

Laying on top of the blanket, I stare at the shadows on the ceiling, hoping things will get better in the morning. Once I reach the city, I will have to face the others. I'm not looking forward to it, but we must defeat the demon lord together if we want to go home. Maybe now that I am stronger, things will be different.

I may need to start planning to find a way to live by myself, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, I need to get to sleep if I want to get up early tomorrow morning. Closing my eyes, I try to get comfortable. It wasn't easy when all I had was a thin blanket between my back and the on this hard cold floor, but I managed to fall asleep. I hope I reach the city tomorrow so I won't have to spend another night like this.


I wake up with a dreadful feeling that something is wrong as the ground shakes. I have never felt this way before. Every fibre of my being is screaming something is wrong. Is this what my danger sense ability does whenever I am endangered? I am starting to wish I did not have that ability if this is what it makes me feel every time a threat approach. But something strikes me as odd about the shaking. It does not feel like an earthquake, almost as if… I quickly run to the window to confirm my suspension.

Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!

I see it. As the sun peaks above the horizon, I see it walking towards me, wielding a giant club. Whatever it is, it is massive, taller than the buildings in the village. I do not know how, but it seems to know exactly where I am as the thing heads straight for me, getting bigger by the second. The closer it gets, the more I can make out, although I wish I never saw this thing in the first place. Whatever this creature is, it has dark green skin, a bald head, and a chubby body. But the worst thing is the smell. I almost throw up at the stench of rotting food that is growing worse with every step that thing takes towards me.

Stomp!! Stomp!! Stomp!!

The building I am in violently shakes, sending dust and lose objects falling to the ground. How does it know where I am? I swear this monster is looking directly at me with eyes so black I can barely make them out. The giant monster stops right in front of where I am hiding.

"I CAN SMELL YOU, HUMAN," Even its voice shakes the building. "I AM HUNGRY, AND YOU ARE MY FOOD, HUMAN."

I am frozen as I watch the giant raise a massive club that looks like it may have been the trunk of a tree at one point in time. Before I can even blink, the roof of the building I am in is turned to rubble as the giant's club comes crashing down. I would have been crushed if I had not improved my stats, but I managed to dive out the window just in time. Unfortunately for me, I land right in front of the giant. Looking up, I shiver when I see the massive monster licking his lips.


I gulp as I watch him raise his club once again. I can't let him hit me with that club. Quickly glancing around, I find myself trapped by the rubble on three sides and the giant on the other. This is probably an unwise decision but the way I see it, I have no other option. I rush forward before the giant can attack me. Drawing my knife as I run, I cut open one of the giants' ankles, but it does not appear to have hurt him.


Skill Acquired: Dagger Level 1 (The ability to use a dagger)


The giant slowly turns to face me, and I am horrified to see the gash on his ankle completely heal. So, cutting it will not work. I grit my teeth and look around, but I can't see anywhere else to go before I am forced to dodge the next attack from the giant.

A massive thud echoes through the village as the giant's club causes the ground to shake and dust to fly everywhere after striking the ground. Another narrow escape and it is a miracle the dust does not choke me as I flee. I run behind a building, hoping to buy some time, but the giant simply crushes the building under his foot.

"YOU CAN NOT ESCAPE ME, HUMAN," The giant leans over, and the force of his breath nearly knocks me over. "I WILL EAT YOU, HUMAN."

All I can do is run. I cannot fight back or even defend myself from something like that. I run, but no matter where I run, that giant always finds me destroying anything I put between us with its club or simply stepping on it. I don't know how long I can keep it up as I am sent crashing to the ground after a near-miss shakes the earth with such violence that the tiles of a nearby roof fall off. I return to my feet quickly, but the giant knocks me back down with a stomp.

"I TIRE OF THIS, HUMAN," The giant says, reaching towards me with its free hand. "I WILL EAT NOW, HUMAN."

I panic and throw a rock at the giant, but it bounces off the monster's skin. I grab another nearby object, a bottle covering the giant shoulder with some clear sweat-smelling liquid when the bottle shatters. None of the glass even scratches the giant, but I do not care as I crawl away, desperate to escape, only to feel my back hit the wall. The hand still reaches for me, and I panic, quickly grabbing a thick piece of wood and throwing it at the giant, only to bounce off. I throw a small metal rod. Next, that feels odd in my hands, but I still throw it, only for the metal to spark against the giant's chest, igniting its shoulder.


Skill Acquired: Throwing Level 1 (The ability to use a throw)

"HOT! HOT!" The giant screams and jumps back as a bright flame engulf the giant's shoulder. "HOT!"

The giant slaps his shoulder, trying to put out the flame, but all he manages to accomplish is spreading the fire to his hand. It is funny to watch, but I am too afraid to laugh. The giant falls into a nearby house, setting that on fire as I get to my feet. If I can find more of those bottles, I may win, but first… there it is. I quickly picked up that strange metal rod that caused the spark before returning to where I found that bottle.

I found a box nearby where I threw that bottle containing more of those bottles. Some of them have been smashed, spilling more of that sweet-smelling liquid. I quickly find a few still intact bottles and throw them at the giant, making the fire grow larger across his body. It screams and tries beating out the fire, but nothing the giant tries works. I throw some broken bottles next, but most liquid spills out before reaching the giant.

"IT HURTS!" The giant roars as the fire grow large enough to cover its entire body. "IT'S HOT! STOP HUMAN! IT HURTS!"

I ignore the giant and throw the last two bottles at it as it falls to the ground rolling around in agony. It takes minutes, and it is painful to watch, but finally, the giant goes silent and stops moving, finally dying. I watch the fire burn for a few minutes. Feeling my body shake as my adrenaline disappears and the chilly morning air finally starts to make its presence known. I move closer to the burning body of the giant as text suddenly appears.


Battle Ended In Victory

Giant Killed: 1

Level 8 Reached

+800 HP

+800 MP

+80 Strength

+80 Speed

+80 Stamina

+80 Dexterity

+80 Intelligence

+80 Skill Points

I may have gained a lot from that fight, but I would never want to fight another giant again. I sit and try to calm down, still afraid of the monster even as it burns. I do not think I will be going back to sleep. My heart is pounding too much, and I can already see the sun starting to rise.

The fire has finally burnt itself out when the sun finally pokes over the horizon. Parts of the house are still on fire, but I ignore it and approach the giant body with my stomach starting to rumble. It is already cooked… at least, I think it is cooked, so I might as well try it. I cut a piece off with my knife, not too big but enough to get a taste. Bringing it to my lips, I hesitate before eating it, not liking the burnt smell or look of the meat I cut for my taste test.


Giant Absorbed

+250 HP

+50 MP

+100 Strength

+20 Speed

+20 Stamina

+20 Dexterity

+5 Intelligence

Skill Learned: Club User Level 1 (The ability to use a club in combat) and Regeneration Level 1 (Refills 5 HP per second)

It does not taste great, but I got some valuable things from eating this nasty-tasting piece of meat. I hope it is only because I ate a burnt piece of meat that it didn't taste good. I cut myself another piece from a less burnt part of the giant's body, hoping it would not taste as bad as the first piece I tried. Unfortunately, I was wrong; somehow, it tasted worse than the burnt meat. I hate this. The taste is terrible, the meat is tough, and it leaves a horrible feeling in my mouth. I force myself to swallow the meat until I am full, knowing I will need the strength to reach the city today.

I thoroughly rinse my mouth with water ridding myself of the foul taste before I leave. It took some time, but I refused to leave until that taste was gone. I never want to eat giant meat ever again. But at least now I can't taste it anymore. Picking up my things, I hope to make it to the city today and not spend the night in another dangerous place like this village.