
Noob beginnings

A horned woman goes running through the halls of a castle. "Damn where did that girl get to now. I will just bet that damn Kawa also is behind this mess. But I will deal with Kawa when I catch them."

A procession of two guards move by and the lady looks them over when they pass. "You gentlemen men wouldn't have seen two you children run by would you?"

The older of the two guards stops and laughs, "so what did those two do this time."

The woman glares, "Kawa, stole food from the kitchen again and ran interference for her again. As for the young lady she did it again."

"Damn that's the third time this week is she trying to have the Queen execute her? Jenson, have you see the two half-pint trouble makers?" Asks the guard older guard.

Jenson shakes his head but becomes unsteady doing so. "No sir I haven't seen either of them!"

"Well lady Marril, I am afraid we couldn't..."

Jenson wobbles about and suddenly a small cry is heard from his stomach. "Watch it!"

Says his stomach. The other guard and the old horned woman stare at the young guard Jenson.

"Jenson what was that!" Speaks the other guard.

"Uh, my stomach. Guess it's not too happy about that roasted chicken for breakfast I had." Jenson tries to move away from the guard and the horned woman but does so in an odd way as the lower half of the solder turns almost fully around while the upper half remains facing the direction it was earlier. A low whisper comes from Jenson. "What are you doing?" The two onlookers glare harder at the guard who suddenly trips over his own feet and splits into an upper and lower half.

The out of the lower half a young red-haired girl in a maid, fear hits her face as the woman looks at the girl. "Damn it Kawa you said she wouldn't find us!"

"And she wouldn't have if you didn't trip over your own damn feet Zel!" Cries the upper half of guard Jenson.

"I swear Jenson was by my side all morning when did you brats... how did ...you?" Proclaims the old guard.

"Hahaha, to switch with a guard guise his form and confuse even the greatest of foe is no problem for the master of disguise, the laughing fox, Kawa..." Kawa proudly proclaims before Marril grabs Kawa's ear. "Ouch ouch ouch! Stupid old hag!"

"More like the master of mischief and scrubber of dishes! You are to get back to work this instant or I will make you regret stealing from the king's breakfast tray again! As for you young Azulle!" The old Marril looks with evil intent at the two children.

"You're on your own Kawa!" Azulle dashes off quickly down the hall.

"Damn that girl is fast!" Proclaims the guard.

"Yes, but she is cursed." Sighs Marril. As a loud crash is heard from the direction Azulle ran.

Marril slowly walks and finds the young maid rubbing her forehead which is now bleeding.

"Poor child can't seem to keep on her own feet. Come along Azulle you know you can't escape your punishment for hitting the young lord again."

"I am not going!" Azulle whimpers back still rubbing her head.

"Well then do you plan to heal that head injury yourself then... it looks like a bleeder. What do you think Kawa?" Marril says still holding the child Kawa by the ear... only to later look and see that all she is holding is a mask of Kawa or at least the person she has known as Kawa. "Damn it that kid did it again. Still, they will show back up when they get hungry again. It's not like Kawa has any luck otherwise. Come along Azulle."

Azulle weights her options before her. And while she was gifted strength and speed on her own to fight back with the horned matron. She is quite klutzy with her actions and the current blood loss from running headfirst into a sword rack has left her at the disadvantage of severe blood loss if she isn't taken to the castle's doctor soon. Azulle knows deep down in her past seven years of life that this strange world has many things just as powerful if not more powerful than her. But a clumsy child is still likely bound to get hurt and from time to time it's just better to admit defeat and live to fight a new day with the authorities of adults than deal with one's own festering head wounds alone.

Still, as Marril walks with Azulle she can't help but think back to her life before this one. And more so the time between this and one she first came from, where she once was a tough, skilled member, of a yakuza family. Feared as the Smiling Devil of Ebisu.... and of the damn god that killed him and brought him to a strange world where he is reborn as a cursed maid girl. But her thoughts also traverse to another godly creature one and the time right before Azulle's new life began.

"So you have no clue about role-playing games!" The goddess Ori asks as she tries to adjust the potato sack she is wearing.

"Who has time for games? That crap is for lonely nerds and shut-ins! I was out there to make money and swoon women." Eito laughs off.

"Well, it would help you to know this stuff. I will try and find you a book about this stuff and get it to you as quickly as I can. Till then I have a few things to tell you about the world you are going to and we need to figure out what you need to take with you as well... wait a minute if you are being born there I guess you can't take it with you. Guess I will just have to go to the world and bring it with me." Ori puzzles.

"Bring what with you?" Eito questions.

"The world Mr. Isea set is called Salverholt. In which you will be born in the capital of the Kingdom of Falden. In this world people are born and by their third birthday are given magical tablets that display their stats and skills. Well, the important people that are... the non-class people are denied tablets either they don't exist or the powers of that world refuse to give them out is beside the point. Those class-less people are stuck doing menial jobs and tasks their whole life. So by the age of six, it's expected of children to already be working and training on the jobs they will have their whole lives. Of course, if you are lucky enough to have a tablet then you have a greater amount of freedom over those who don't." Ori states.

"So I get one of these tablets then even if I have to steal one." Eito States

"That's just it, you can't steal one and expect it to work for you. Each tablet is aligned to the only one that it would work for. But Lucky for you, I will get you your tablet along with a book perfect for you to fully understand how RPGs work. I will bring them to you and once I choose my own class and figure out everything for my own personality I will join you in the world to help guide you on your goal ok." Ori cheerfully states.

"Hmm. I don't know something doesn't feel right..." Eito grumbles.

The scene reverts back to Azulle being marched into a room where a large woman stands with fury looking over her. As Azulle, thinks to herself. "Damn it that stupid goddess should have brought me that damn tablet year ago now I am stuck being a maid in this damn mess. Where are you flaky goddess of Fate?"

"Azulle! So you hurt my dear sweet boy again! What do you have to say for yourself?" Shouts the large royally dressed woman.

"My shoe came loose and..."

"No excuses! If you didn't have my wretched husband's blood in your veins I would have had your head cut off years ago! You know good and well that the great sage Baru foretold of the day that my son would defeat the demon lord. But how can he do that if his damn personal servant keeps beating him up!" Shrieks the Queen.

"If he wouldn't be such a worthless wimp then I wouldn't hit him. You stupid queen cow!" Azulle grumbles.

"Why you little brat! I can see more training is due to put you in line. Marril I leave this to you as the head of servants to put this insolent welt in line or next time I will be dining on her vulgar tongue." Snaps the Queen. "Till then you will apologize to my dear sweet Gil and do whatever he wants of you! Understand girl!"

"Whatever, I hope my tongue will make you choke you..." Azulle's mouth is clamped shut by Marril.

"She will not do it again, your ladyship!" Marril states squeezing Azulle's head to the point that more blood gushes out. As the Queen leaves Marril lightens up and turns Azulle to her. "Are you looking to die, girl!"

"Please I won't die that easy horned hag!" Azulle states but is quickly punched into a wall from Marril. "Hey you shouldn't be so rough I am just a kid you know!"

"You should behave better. Despite having the blood of the King in this land you are tabletless. You will forever be a servant and nothing more. And you don't want to end up like your mother." Marril grits her teeth and rubs Azulle's head. "I am sorry I have to treat you like this..."

"It's okay Marril I will see it through and one day I will have a tablet you will see and then I will take down the demon lord. It's a promising one a ma.. ma.. only a maid can make."

"Well, aren't you as brave as ever! Now if you will continue that bravery then go apologies to the young lord. Then get the doctor to see to your injuries as always."

"Yes, Marril." Azulle shirks down her head and proceeds through the closed doorway she knows all too well and yet dreads the most.

As the door opens an elaborate room decorated in books small wooden weapons and toys fill the room where a massive bed lays and far in the darkest corner is a ragged small bed and chest. Sobbing is heard from the big bed as she walks to it and bows her head. "I am sorry my shoe slipped off and whacked you across your face, my lord." Azulle states gritting her teeth knowing full well what comes next as the formal lump of sobs moves to meet her then a small appendage slips out and flips Azulle's skirt!

"Blue ones today!" The young prince smirks.

"Stop it Gil that isn't how a man should act!" Azulle snaps at the young lord. She grabs her own mouth to prevent further insults to get her in deeper trouble.

"I will act how I please for I am the future great hero of this land. And while you are my dear sister you are still nothing but my servant! And for a servant to strike his master deserves to be punished the way their lord sees fit. Besides what would a clumsy girl as you know about how to be a man." The young hero Gil laughs.

"I can kick your ass." Azulle's anger finally lets out as Gil continues to hold up her skirt.

"Fine then, I think I know a fitting punishment for you today, Zel!" Gil pulls down Azulle's underwear. "These are mine now, if you want them back you will have to lose to me in tomorrow's sword-fighting test."

"That's my only pair you jerk! And these damn skirts are short enough to expose me, give them back!" Azulle cries out.

The scene changes to later in the day Azulle is walking upstairs holding her skirt down from behind. "Stupid world. Back when I was a man I didn't have to worry about this embarrassing crap. But worse is that lazy moron Gil. I should beat him while he sleeps and take back all the clothes he stole. But the one damn place he keeps them is in that dimensional hole of his. But I guess it's the one thing that he is good at."

"Talking to ourselves again, Azulle!" A kind-looking woman in white in a wheelchair sits looking from a small perched room along the walls of the castle. "Looks like you're here for the usual visit. So have a seat. And tell me what did you run into this time."

"It was a sword rack back near the guard's barracks. Kawa was trying to help me get away from the Queen again." Azulle says calmly laying her head on the kind woman's side.

"Well, she certainly does have a temper. But try to not tick her off too much." The woman rubs the injured head and light begins to heal the wound.

"I know... I just wish I could get out of here. But I don't have my tablet. Both Kawa and Gil have theirs but I guess the goddess of fate has forgotten me." Azulle looks down as the woman continues to rub her head. "If I had a tablet I would be well on my journey now to fight the demon lord and I would get the money to buy your freedom too, mom."

"That is sweet of you my strong little girl to feel concerned for her mother. But I told you before sweetheart I am not a prisoner here. I am the castle's doctor and I have a tablet of my own... not to mention the king is so kind..."

"But mama, When the Queen found out I was yours and the king's child she ... she." Azulle's words stumble out of her. "She cut off your legs."

"Such was the punishment of my sin dear. A sin I have made peace with the Queen on. Just as you need to make peace with Gil. Luckily I guess I may have some extra clothes for you in my bedroom go on and fetch them why don't you." Azulle gets up and walks into the room when suddenly a large flash of light hits and a face Azulle has almost forgotten is right in front of her causing her to jump and almost head out of the room! "Honey, are you okay in there?"

"Yes, Mama I just stubbed my toe that's all." Azulle laughs it off and turns to face the face of the goddess Ori.

"Hi-ho, Mr. Eito." Ori proudly states

"Ori, where the hell have you been? You were supposed to be here four years ago!"

"Sorry I can't be there right now so I prerecorded this message for you Mr. Eito!"

"What four years late and you send me a prerecorded message!"

"I am still working out the very difficult decisions for my form to appear in that world. But I can assure you it won't be much longer. Till then I can proudly say after six grueling years of search I have found you the best book for you to understand RPG worlds and also have sent you the top in the line of Tablets to serve you in this world."

"Top of the line? Everyone has the same stone tablet that shows their stats how mine could be..." Azulle grumbles as she digs through the clothing to find the source of the broadcast. When suddenly a smartphone drops to the ground and the message from Ori glitches then returns. "No way, she got me a smartphone in a fantasy world!"

"This is the best in heavenly design. The phenomenal extra-dimensional social information service... or P.E.N.I.S. for short will adapt all your stats and needs and can be used to call any members you have contact with to gather them around you. Yes the P.E.N.I.S. is one fine device... " Azulle throws the device across the room.

"Stop calling it that!" Azulle shouts!

"The P.E.N.I.S. is virtually indestructible and easy to carry or accessorize! Yes, your new world friends will be quite amazed at the look, feel, and power of your penis. It even comes when you..."

"Enough already about the P.E.N.I.S.!" Azulle shouts as her mother rolls in.

"What is this about a penis honey?"

"Hehe, mom it's nothing I just ... I think I just got my tablet." Azulle holds up the smartphone device.

"I don't know honey that must be just some strange rock or..." her mother sits there puzzled as the device starts to ring. "The rock is making noise!"

Azulle grabs it and answers. "Hello?"

Suddenly the voice that was playing earlier speaks out depressed but clearly, Azulle can tell it belongs to Ori. "Um is this Mr. Eito?"

Azulle's mom replies "it talks and is asking for a Mr. Eito?"

"Sigh it's me, Ori. Where the hell are you?" Azulle's mother is puzzled as her daughter admits to being Mr. Eito.

"Wow you sound cute but then you are three now..."

"No, I am seven Ori and a girl!" Azulle shouts back in anger then look and sighs. "Look mom I can explain after this call okay."

"A call?" For what the doctor thinks.

"Okay then. Mr. Eito I have a few vital questions? .... what do you think would be best for my class when I come to that world... I can't think of the best choice... hello! Mr. Eito!" Ori asks.

"Ori, you indecisive idiot!"