
I Was a Small Fish When I Reincarnated, but I Can Become a Dragon

When I woke up, I was in the shape of a fish in the river. Why did I look like a fish, and who am I in the first place? While leaving only the memory of being human in the previous life and being puzzled by the loss of all memories of himself, the days of hunting for prey to live in the world to live have begun. And it seems that this small fish can become a dragon as it evolves. When I heard that from the skill of “voice of heaven” and had the purpose of living, I went to enjoy this world. This story is about a small fish aiming to become a dragon.

Shinuchi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


Several hours have passed since my race changed and evolution.

...I've gradually learned about the race called Rain Bass.

I can go against the currents while looking like the water currents doesn't affect me at all. There's some resistance, but it doesn't matter at all. Or rather, It looks like I'm not affected by the water currents.

I tried catching the water currents directly on my side, but I was able to cross the water currents sideways in no time.



And one more thing… My swimming speed is so fast. If I swim along with the flow, I'm able to swim even faster.

But! I can't turn around.

In a stream of water, the water pressure I receive on my body replaces the brakes. However, my speed's too fast and it takes some time for the brakes to be applied.



I came up with that! That's right! It's [Water flow manipulation], you guess it right ma man!

If the natural water pressure doesn't work, I can create my own water stream!



So I tried to swimming at full throttle and made a U-turn to 'brake'! (drift maybe? fish drifting lol)

I see! After all, water pressure alone couldn't stop me instantly!

Then! I created a new water current from behind me with [Water flow manipulation] and received it with my body! Then, it became possible to completely suppress my momentum and stop.



I forgot the existence of my MP while doing all of this.


Race: RainBass

LV: 2/10

HP: 20/20

MP: 0/25




Right now I floating with my body lying down. I don't feel motivated. I mean, 'what a pain' kind of feeling…

When MP runs out, it seems that a considerable burden is applied to my body.

I'm conscious but I can't move.



Ha~~. Well, I don't have enough information of this world and how it works. I completely ignore the support of the [Voice of Heaven] and remember it with my body. Am like those old men who think they know everything and don't read the instructions?

I could have avoided this by listening to it! What a pain.



How about this? I wonder if even 1 MP can make my body move again, let's have a look after I've recovered… Alright. Heaven's voice. Please tell me what happens when one runs out of MP.



[MP. It is used for skills such as magic, transform, and strengthening. The recovery method is either to resting or to eating monster meat. When MP runs out, the burdens continues to be applied on the body, it becomes difficult to move properly, and it's kept in that state until MP is fully recovered before it can move again]



I will be in this state until my MP is fully restored… I think this is too much because I got into this state soon after I evolved…

Ah, I wanna close my eyes and sleep. Ah right, I'm a fish, so I don't have eyelids.

It was the first time I wanted to be a blowfish (puffer fish). It's impossible because this is a river in the first place.*

(E/N. *Puffer also known as blowfish, pufferfish produce a blink-like response when researchers direct gentle jets of water towards their eyes. But instead of relying on eyelids that slide vertically or horizontally – blinking as we know it – their eyes close in a circular motion.

*Puffer fish live in salt water e.g seas or oceans)



I want eyelids! Give me eyelids and a comfortable place to sleep!

No, who the heck is the one to give me an eyelid. Keep it cool, me, and think. Mmm, that's it.

...Isn't the MP running out and losing my life the same thing? I'm scared of running out of MP now.



[MP has slightly recovered]



......We apologize for the inconvenience.



When my MP recovered, my body started moving again.

Checking my surroundings, ensuring my safety, and at the same time taking a rest. I didn't meet any enemies.

However, it's strange that even though I just left floating on the water flow for several hours and floated, none of them saw me.

I think there's something wrong with that… I can't find any source of this problem.

I'm wondering if I should go upstream or downstream… But for the time being, I should be heading upstream.



...My MP ran out and I'm back after quite a bit. Or rather...... It's already night?



After all what just happened seems to have taking a good amount of time. Full recovery take's about two hours.

I don't have a sense of time anymore, so I can only understand it as: dark as night and bright as morning.



By the way, it's hard to see the surroundings at night, so I'd like to avoid moving too much, but I can see clearly for some reason today. It looks like it's around noon.



What is it? There's only one reason why I can do that. Is this a feature of RainBass? Maybe this race are nocturnal. This wasn't in the description from Heavenly Voice.

Well….. meh…. It's a good thing that I can see well in this darkness! With this, I can explore anytime, day or night!



There may be something which only appear at night.

Ah, I set the flag! It may be a little dangerous, but let's do our best! I'm resting right now because I was out of MP, i-it's not like I'm sleepy or anything! I don't have the concept of sleep in the first place!



Let's start searching around! Since I was washed away pretty far, I'll do my best to go upstream.



Then around 10 minutes later I arrived upstream. There were no small fish, and I couldn't even see my shadow, but I'm moving forward for the time being.

Probably the place where my egg shell was was at the upstream. I must have been washed away quite far since then.

At that time, I couldn't go upstream properly.

However, the lower I went, the less chance I had to see any creatures.

Thanks to that, I was saved in some places, but the problem is that my LV is hard to raise there. I want to raise my LV as soon as possible and go ashore.

There's gonna be a lot of trouble when I go up, but… I'll take care of it somehow.


How long was it? As I passed the place where I was born and headed further upstream, I was able to reach a large pond.

There are a lot of aquatic plants and big rocks, but it seems that this place is easy to find prey because of the good visibility.

However, there were no fish anywhere.



Hmm~~~ I went out to a larger place, but it's not good.

Did I climb to a place that I didn't know in tens of minutes? What a great fish is this RainBass. Or maybe the scales of the blue fish are too heavy …?

So I feel like I couldn't climb.



Well. I want to go higher … Where is this place?

It's a little too wide and I don't know the direction to go upstream.

Well, should I go around some more?



Moving around by using the RainBass'es high mobility.

By the time I got here, my LV had already risen to 5.

It seems my LV increased as I preyed on plankton faster while moving.

By the way, my current status looks like this.



Race: RainBass

LV: 5/10

HP: 30/38

MP: 30/45

Attack power: 31

Defense: 39

Magical power: 10

Agility: 34


-Special skills-

[Voice of Heaven] [Rare Species Benefits]


[Luminous] [Partial Body Strengthening (hard)]

[Fangtooth] [Physical Strengthening <Rain >] [Water flow manipulation]


[Dazzle] [Strong Acid]




This time, it seems that my agility increased, and my magical power is as it is, but my MP is still high.

The MP consumption's quite high with my current skills, so I would like to raise my LV more.

My defense and attack power are still low, but there should be no problem with my attack power because I have [Fangtooth] Attack power +80 just by using it.



I went around the pond while checking my status.

I went around while checking if there was anything, but after all that, there was nothing.

If nothing is done, I will be forced to live by only preying on plankton, but… I can bear the fact that my staple food is plankton.



About two-thirds of the lap around the pond, I found a way to go upstream.

There was nothing particularly noticeable, so I decided to go upstream as it was.




Too boring! Keep going! What is this exploration!!!!

What I can see around me is aquatic plants or stones! And clear water! For Neptune's sake, this is so boring.



[You got experience points]



Shut it! Can't you read the water, plankton!

There's nothing to do, and I'm losing my awareness. I'm sure that if I am attacked now, I will definitely get one shot-ed.

I'm so defenseless right now… I've never fought with this body. I want to fight something once, but… there's nothing to fight here.



I was fine because I had a high defense power until now, but now I completely weakened and my defense power is low.

Now that we have completely transitioned from the durable type to the mobile type, I would like to confirm how to fight. Because [Water flow manipulation] cannot be used in actual combat.

There's something I want to do, but I can't do it.



Suddenly, a big stone comes into view.

It's the same kind of stone that I've seen so far.

Normally, I who'd just go ignoring it, but there was one difference from the other stones.



............Hmm? ......Hmm!? A letter!!??



Yes, letters were written there. It's not just letters.

If it's just a letter, I'd just ignore it.

But this letter was so important that it caught my eye.



The characters written there were...... Japanese.

(Fui-nee: why Japanese, from all of the language. At least make it Stone age language or something)