
I was a merchant NPC before I became the LAST BOSS.

Hello. I'm here to tell you that. The main story of this book is already posted. The title is "Looks Is Better Than Stats." I'm going to continue this book later, once the main story progresses, since this is an origin story and Eidos is a really important character in the main story. I actually intended to post the main story first, but because I wanted to join the September event, because the main story is not a revenge story I posted this first. you might thought that this book felt a little bit rushed.  and my answer is because it is. Don't worry, I'm going to make this book much better, but for now, I'll focus on the main story.  I already have 100+ chapters in the main story, and I only need to proofread them. So please keep supporting me and enjoy the main one. This is the main story synopsis. In the year 2033, humanity achieved an astonishing milestone in the realm of digital technology and interface integration, forever altering what was considered "normal." The Neurochip, a groundbreaking invention by the enigmatic genius "Ilun Mask," swept across the world like a digital tsunami, transforming the very essence of human existence. This transformative technology paved the way for the birth of the world's first Full Dive MMORPG, NEuEarth Online. Amidst the millions of players who ventured into this immersive virtual realm, one particular player stood out. In terms of looks, he is the strongest! but the saying "don't judge the book by its cover" has never been real when it comes to this player. Embark on a journey into this immersive FD- MMORPG, where a grand quest unlike any other awaits. In a departure from convention, the completion of this quest signals the game's ultimate conclusion. Step inside, where digital realms blur with reality, and discover what it truly means to live in a world where boundaries cease to exist

Ank_Art · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Journey To The West Part 9

Atnas's demeanor shifted, his eyes taking on a grandfatherly warmth as he turned to me. It was as if he could see the weight of my past and the uncertainty of my future, and he wanted to offer whatever solace he could. With a sigh, he began to speak, his voice carrying the wisdom of someone who had seen his fair share of hardships.

"You know, Eidos, life in this world can be exceptionally tough. Sometimes it feels like the odds are stacked against us, and the burdens we carry seem too heavy to bear," Atnas said, his deep voice resonating with sincerity. "I've seen many young souls like yours, filled with determination and a burning desire to set things right. It's admirable, truly."

He paused for a moment, his gaze turning distant as if lost in his own memories. Then, with a heavy heart, he continued, "I apologize for not being able to save your town, Eidos. I wish I could have been there to protect it, but the responsibilities I bear prevent me from leaving this city without at least five knights by my side. You see, if we were to fall, it would spell disaster not just for us but for the entire world."

Atnas's eyes, once filled with sorrow, now radiated determination. "But that doesn't mean I've given up hope. Every day, I work tirelessly to ensure that this city remains a sanctuary for those seeking refuge from the chaos outside. Perhaps, in time, you'll find your purpose, how about it? How about trying to be one of the city knights and help me make this city a better place as you look for what you want to do in your life?

I was filled with a sense of urgency as I addressed Atnas, the imposing figure who had given me solace and guidance in this unfamiliar world. "I'm sorry, I still have an important Quest to do. That's why, sir, I can't linger here. I came to this city with a specific purpose – to purchase a world map. It's crucial for my quest."

Atnas regarded me with an expression of genuine surprise. His bushy white eyebrows shot up, emphasizing the astonishment in his eyes.

"Ah, I see," he finally responded, but the mischievous twinkle in his gaze gave me pause. He chuckled heartily, his laughter echoing through the serene hillside.

"Ahaha," Atnas boomed with amusement. "Young Eidos, you have quite the timing, I must say. You see, those world maps you seek can only be purchased within the guild hall, and who do you suppose is the guild master?"

My heart sank as I realized the implications of his words. Atnas, with his jovial demeanor, was suggesting that I needed his approval to acquire the world map. His grin widened, revealing a sense of playful mischief.

My brow furrowed in a mix of curiosity and determination. "So, Guild Master Atnas, how do I obtain your approval?"

Atnas leaned closer, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Well, young Eidos, it's not as simple as merely asking for it. You'll have to complete a little task for me first."

My interest was piqued, and I leaned in to hear more. "A task? What kind of task?"

With a hearty laugh, Atnas replied, "Well, for starters, I need you to learn a skill that can change a person soul, it would be the end of you if a high level enemy sense your presence. A unique skill that allows you to change a part of your being into something different; you might already know it, but part of you is akin to a monster. You see, Eidos, when I arrived here, I thought there was a formidable monster lurking around the city. But what I found instead was a young man peacefully asleep."

I was intrigued but still uncertain. "How can I learn this skill?"

Atnas's laughter rang out once more as he playfully slapped my back. "Ahaha, through training, my boy! Come with me; I'll take you to the training facility within the guild."

I hesitated for a moment, my mind filled with questions and doubts. However, Atnas's comforting presence and the promise of training in a place free of players swayed my decision.

"Alright," I finally replied, my voice tinged with determination. "Lead the way, Guild Master. I'm ready to begin."

Atnas's eyes sparkled with a kind smile as he gestured for me to follow. "Don't fret, young one. In that training facility, you'll find only ordinary humans, no players to worry about."

I joined Atnas on this new path, unaware that the journey ahead would not only teach me the elusive skill [metamorph] but also reveal some hidden depths of this world and its secrets.


As Atnas led me into the guild hall, my senses were immediately overwhelmed by a whirlwind of sights, sounds, and intriguing details. The hall was bustling with activity, with players and humans engaged in various tasks and conversations. The air was filled with the chatter of voices, the clinking of armor, and the occasional burst of laughter.

I couldn't help but be captivated by the bustling atmosphere of the guild hall. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting epic battles and legendary heroes, and banners bearing the emblem of the city hung proudly from the rafters. It was a place steeped in history and tradition.

As we ventured further into the guild hall, I noticed a series of long tables where members of the city's guard were gathered, enjoying a hearty meal together. Atnas explained that this was a common practice, a time for camaraderie and bonding among the knights who patrolled the city.

My attention was then drawn to a large, ornate door at the far end of the hall. It was an imposing entrance that seemed to beckon with a sense of mystery. Atnas smiled and gestured towards it.

"That, my boy, is where the true training begins," he said. "Beyond that door lies the training school for those aspiring to become city knights. It's a place where you'll learn not only the skills of combat but also the values and principles that guide our order."

With a sense of anticipation and excitement, I followed Atnas as he led me towards the grand door. As it swung open, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at what lay beyond. It was a new chapter in my journey, a chance to grow stronger and discover the secrets of this world.