
I was a merchant NPC before I became the LAST BOSS.

Hello. I'm here to tell you that. The main story of this book is already posted. The title is "Looks Is Better Than Stats." I'm going to continue this book later, once the main story progresses, since this is an origin story and Eidos is a really important character in the main story. I actually intended to post the main story first, but because I wanted to join the September event, because the main story is not a revenge story I posted this first. you might thought that this book felt a little bit rushed.  and my answer is because it is. Don't worry, I'm going to make this book much better, but for now, I'll focus on the main story.  I already have 100+ chapters in the main story, and I only need to proofread them. So please keep supporting me and enjoy the main one. This is the main story synopsis. In the year 2033, humanity achieved an astonishing milestone in the realm of digital technology and interface integration, forever altering what was considered "normal." The Neurochip, a groundbreaking invention by the enigmatic genius "Ilun Mask," swept across the world like a digital tsunami, transforming the very essence of human existence. This transformative technology paved the way for the birth of the world's first Full Dive MMORPG, NEuEarth Online. Amidst the millions of players who ventured into this immersive virtual realm, one particular player stood out. In terms of looks, he is the strongest! but the saying "don't judge the book by its cover" has never been real when it comes to this player. Embark on a journey into this immersive FD- MMORPG, where a grand quest unlike any other awaits. In a departure from convention, the completion of this quest signals the game's ultimate conclusion. Step inside, where digital realms blur with reality, and discover what it truly means to live in a world where boundaries cease to exist

Ank_Art · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Jolly Knight Vs. NPC: Part 5

After the initial shock had settled, Seraphina took a step back from Eidos, her gentle and serious demeanor returning. She looked at him with an earnest expression, her blue eyes reflecting a deep sense of purpose.

"We've been searching for you, Eidos," she began, her voice steady and determined. "We know about the wanted posters, and we know why you did what you did."

Eidos furrowed his brow, his mind racing. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together, but there were still gaps in his understanding.

"You see," Seraphina continued, "those players you defeated weren't just any players. They were part of the VOLCAN guild, a notorious group that preys on innocent citizens and causes chaos in the city."

Eidos's eyes widened as he absorbed this information. He had been unaware of the VOLCAN guild's true nature, and the gravity of his actions began to sink in.

"They were terrorizing different towns," Seraphina continued. "And you, Eidos, you stood up to them. You protected our people when no one else could. That's why we've been searching for you, to offer you our support and protection."

Eidos felt a mixture of emotions swirling within him—relief, gratitude, and a deep sense of vindication. He had been branded a criminal for doing what he believed was right, and now, these knights were telling him that they understood and appreciated his actions.

As the other Jolly Knights nodded in agreement with Seraphina's words, Eidos finally found his voice. "I didn't know who they were. I only wanted to protect the people against those players."

Raiza stepped forward, a friendly smile on his face. "Well, you did one heck of a job. as you can see, even with our power, we are still lacking in numbers, it's hard to admit but we can't protect everyone."

Kael, on the side, clapped Eidos on the back. "You're among friends here lad. We're the Jolly Knights, and we stand for justice and protection. You've already proven yourself to us." Eidos smile then


"AHAHAHAHA! I told you they're good people, and you can trust them," Atnas chuckled heartily.


Eidos, however, couldn't contain his frustration. "No, you didn't," he retorted, a touch of exasperation in his voice. "You just blurted out my secret. It felt like you threw me into a pack of wolves and watched how the story unfolds! I almost had a heart attack. Please, let's not do that again."

It was the longest complaint Eidos had voiced in his entire life, and it vividly showcased his scared he was over the matter.

Atnas continued to chuckle heartily at Eidos's exasperation. "Ah, my boy, sometimes the path to trust is a rocky one, but it leads to the most rewarding destinations. Besides, it all worked out, didn't it? You're in good company now."

Eidos let out a long, exasperated sigh, realizing that there was no use dwelling on the past. "Yes, it did, but please, in the future, a little warning before revealing my secrets would be greatly appreciated."

Seraphina, who had been observing their exchange with a smile, interjected, " Master Atnas has a tendency to act impulsively, but his heart is in the right place. We've all had our moments of surprise when dealing with him."

The other members of the Jolly Knights nodded in agreement, recalling their own experiences with their guild master's unpredictable behavior.

Eidos couldn't help but smile at their camaraderie. Despite the initial shock, he had found himself among a group of people who genuinely cared for one another, quirks and all.

"Are you guys done?" Marie chirped, her tone light and playful.

". . . . . . . . . "

"Now let's continue the fight!" Her words were like a splash of cold water, jolting the room back into action.

The red-haired girl's interruption hung in the air, abruptly yanking everyone's attention away from the emotional exchange that had just occurred. Her innocent smile clashed with the lingering atmosphere of gratitude and revelation.

Kael, one of the Jolly Knights, shot a disapproving look at Marie, as though silently reprimanding her for breaking the delicate atmosphere. His expression seemed to scream, "Read the mood, woman!" His sharp blue eyes narrowed in playful annoyance, but he couldn't help a small grin from tugging at the corners of his lips.

Marie, however, was unfazed by the tension she had inadvertently created. Her gaze remained fixed on Eidos, and her excitement was palpable. Her green eyes sparkled with anticipation, and she wore an expression of genuine enthusiasm.

Seizing the moment, she extended her palm, and her staff, which had been resting on the ground, responded to her command. It teleported back to her hand with a faint shimmer, and she gripped it firmly.

"Master Atnas said you still haven't shown us your true power," Marie declared, her excitement palpable as she fixed her gaze on Eidos. Her green eyes sparkled with anticipation, and she was ready for the battle to continue.

The other Jolly Knights, while momentarily caught off guard by the abrupt shift in mood, quickly embraced the idea of resuming the fight. Their spirits were high, and they were eager to witness Eidos's hidden abilities firsthand.

Eidos, his fatigue and hesitation creeping in, attempted to negotiate, "But..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Marie swiftly cut him off with a stern and intimidating expression. "You're going to fight, right?" Her words were more of a statement than a question, and the fiery determination in her eyes left no room for argument.

He then looked at his side where Atnas is standing trying to seek help Instead Atnas clapped Eidos on the back once more. "Consider it a trial by fire, my boy. You've passed with flying colors. Now, let's focus on the task at hand. the second part of the test."

"thats...yes sir"

Eidos, though slightly taken aback by the sudden change in atmosphere, understood that there was no escaping this confrontation. The truth of his identity was out in the open now, and he had to prove himself to his newfound people that he respect.

Marie's face broke into a triumphant grin as she took a step back, creating a bit of distance between them. She held her staff at the ready, her stance confident and her energy palpable. It was clear that she was eager to see Eidos's true power, and there was no turning back now. The room crackled with anticipation as the battle between mentor and student prepared to resume.