
I Want You to Create a Handgun but You Give Me a Mechanical Armor Instead

#mecha creation Rayen was transmigrated to a world where he was in the army as an equipment creator. He had also received a legendary weapon system. When he received a mission to create handguns, Rayen created a mini electromagnetic cannon with his system. After seeing the tank got completed destroyed by the mini cannon, the general scolded, “Didn’t I ask you to make a handgun? What the heck is this electromagnetic cannon?” “Sir! Didn’t you request me to create a small, quiet, but powerful weapon? I was just following your order!” Rayen replied. When his country was going to participate in a military exercise with another country, they needed extra bulletproof vests, but Rayen created military-grade exoskeletons instead. After seeing their army totally destroying the other country, the general scolded once again, “I asked you to create a couple of bulletproof vests! What the heck are these exoskeletons?” “Sir! The request was to make a lightweight but powerful armor! Isn’t this what you wanted?” When they needed single-man combat vehicles to deal with terrorists, Rayen created mechanical armors instead. The terrorist group could only surrender right away. “What the hell are those armors? Are we in a sci-fi movie? How are we supposed to fight you?” The general could only glare at Rayen this time. “Sir! You needed a combat vehicle that has multiple functions, right? The flight-capable armor is the answer!”

Floating Phantom · Urban
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40 Chs

Shocking Change!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Originally, Li Qiang thought that his words would surprise the Chief of Staff for a long time, and he would ask him for details repeatedly.

The expression on Huang Lin's face was not as surprised as Li Qiang had expected. Instead, it became a little strange.

He had some impressions of the recruitment of new recruits this time. There were thirty of them in the foundry camp. However, before today, no one had reported to him that any of those guys were outstanding.

However, now, an idea that even an outstanding weapons scholar like Li Qiang could not think of was actually settled by a recruit. This abnormal fact even caused him to have a strange suspicion.

He asked, "Li Qiang, we don't have much time. Although these parameters are about to be realized, you have to try out a set as soon as possible. I hope that there won't be any accidents on the battlefield."

Battalion Commander Li nodded and said, "Please, rest assured, I guarantee that this plan will not have any problems with my result of being the first to graduate from the empire's highest military science and technology academy!"

Not far away, the supervisor, Howard, who poured himself a glass of wine, sneered and said, "The current Vulture Corps actually has to rely on a new recruit's plan to save the war? It seems that I have to report this matter to His Majesty."

Hearing this, Huang Lin's face twitched, and the tone in which he spoke to Li Qiang at any time became gloomy and cold. "I'm very glad that you have such a talent under your command, but you need to be responsible for more. Go and implement this plan, but I think that 15,000 sets is a little too little. You need to work three hours more every day. The corps needs 18,000 sets for the frontline. If the materials are not enough, tear down part of the armored vehicles.

"In short, it must be 18,000 sets."


Li Qiang immediately stood up and saluted. "Yes! The foundry camp will definitely complete the mission! We will immediately start production!" After saying that, he quickly left the office.

However, after Battalion Commander Li left, the supervisor Howard's strict voice sounded. "Huang Lin! Are you crazy? The armored vehicles were given to your corps by His Majesty the Emperor! There is the royal family's crest on them! This is disrespect and blasphemy!"

"Brigadier General! I order you to withdraw as a supervisor and..."

Before Howard could finish his words, Huang Lin's right hand suddenly burst out from under the military windbreaker and grabbed his neck like lightning!

The force was so great that he could not even say what he was going to say next!

"Uh... !"

At this moment, Huang Lin no longer had that baby-faced smile from before. Instead, it was replaced by terrifying deep eyes!

His voice was not loud, like a lethal poison needle but it was unusually cold and clear. "I've already said that you don't need to interfere in this matter. If you still use the same words to deal with me when I let go of my hand, I guarantee that you will die in this office immediately!"

"Is that clear?!"

Realizing that he had been lifted into the air, Howard was so scared that his eyes almost fell out!

He nodded with all his strength, indicating that he would not interfere in those matters again.

After two seconds, Huang Lin let go of his neck.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Looking at Howard, who was holding his neck and coughing dryly, Huang Lin's face changed back to that harmless expression.

The amiable smile seemed to prove that he was not the one who had attacked Howard just now.

After showing two dimples, he said politely, "Then, Mr. Supervisor, let's continue to discuss the next battle plan. After all, I'm the only one among the higher-ups in the entire corps who can stand the smell of your perfume."


On the other side, after everyone in the foundry camp gathered again, Li Qiang also began his own mobilization order.

When they learned that they had to work three more hours a day, they did not mind. On the contrary, they were all rubbing their fists and even felt like they had survived a disaster.

After all, excessive work was not worth mentioning compared to losing their lives on the battlefield.

After giving his speech, in front of everyone, Battalion Commander Li walked over and patted Rayen on the shoulder, saying, "Rayen! You must work well. The Chief of Staff is very concerned about this plan. I hope that you will receive the attention of the higher-ups of the corps!"

This was exactly what Rayen had hoped in his heart!

"Thank you, sir!" Rayen saluted, his heart full of motivation.

Nick, who was in the team, was very jealous, but he did not know what to say. He only stared at Rayen's back with a fierce gaze.

On the way to the factory, the recruits in the queue also began to discuss in low voices.

Powell looked at Rayen's back enviously and said, "Rayen's plan has actually been approved! This is great! In the future, I will also design a plan!"

Davis revealed a mischievous smile and teased, "What similar plan? The sexy lingerie of a p*rn star girl?"


This fatty's words caused Rayen and the others to burst out laughing.

After entering the factory building, Staff Sergeant Steven also laughed and shouted, "Guys! Our class has received a thousand sets of missions. This represents our contribution to the corps and the Empire! I can guarantee that after this war is won, your outstanding performance in completing the missions will allow our class to become an official team in the camp ahead of time!"

Hearing this, several recruits asked, "That's great! Will our military ranks be promoted?"

"Military ranks aren't important. The salary should be increased, right?"

"It's all thanks to Rayen!"

"Does the corps leader already know Rayen's name?"

"Wow! Our brothers are going to be famous in the regiment!"

Perhaps because he saw the light at the end of the tunnel, Steven did not lose his temper this time, instead, he smiled and said, "Kids, the mission hasn't been completed yet and you're already daydreaming? All the rewards will be redeemed after the victory! There will also be holidays and celebrations!

"But all of this must start from today's 200 mecha that must be completed!

"Everyone! Move! This way, you'll have a chance to touch the thighs of the Southern girls!"

Everyone found motivation in Staff Sergeant Steven's words. They immediately ran to their own operating platforms and started to get busy.

Now, Rayen felt great!

As a person with a low military rank, his own plan could actually obtain the approval of the higher-ups of the division. This made him feel an indescribable sense of pride.

If the war really changed because of his plan, his path of climbing up the ranks would definitely be quicker!

With this expectation, he was especially serious with his work.

By 12:00 p.m., when Steven ordered them to go back and rest, Rayen had already forgotten about himself and completed the work of 30 parts of the mecha!

After returning to the barracks, he was excited for another hour before slowly falling asleep.
