
I Want You Mine

"Master Brei! what are you doing here? the party is not over yet." a middle age woman said. "Just having some fresh air Aunt Lutcia, I'm kinda bit tired." the replied. "Anyway, I saw Mr. Winston daugher, Brithney Winston inside...why don't you talk to her..?" the woman said. "Yeah. sure..when I get back there." the boy said with a grin on his face. "okay." the woman agreed and went back inside. After she went inside the boy took a deep sigh and went out to the garden for a walk. While he was walking he took a deep breath to enhale some fresh air but he blurted out when he smelled something awful. He followed the smell and lead him to the flower of roses. "Is this where that smell came from?" he curiously asked himself. then he smelled the roses but out of his surprises a stray cat jump in to his faces and it's butt went to his slender-like nose. He got very surprised and fall into the ground then the kitty went off of him. "MJ! Are you alright?! Are you hurt??" the girl asked worriedly who came out of nowhere. "Yes! I'm fine. the boy said and stood up and tidied his suits. "And my name is not m-...the boy added but he got frozen out when he saw a beautiful gorgeously looking angel who took the cat and sheltered it onto her arms and had her attention as well. Then the boy felt embarassed when he got her attention and looked at him. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't see you there. the girl said to him politely. The boy lost his senses for a while after hearing her say those words. "N-no! It's alright! I- ahh..Just got here as well when I hear a loud thud. the boy denied. "Oh, yeah! that sound! I wonder where that came from. the replied cluelessly. "Why are you here anyway? The party is not over yet." the boy asked curiously."Oh! I actually don't know where I am right now...but when I got here I saw this little kitten strugling from that statue plant." the girl explained as she pointed out her finger to the direction where the kitten was trapped. The boy got a little confused and looked at the direction to where she was pointing at. The boy burst out of laughter when he saw his Aunt Lutcia's favorite sculpted plant for it was her statue made out of leafy tall tress or topiary in short and sculpted by the Zanderson's top and well talended gardener Mr. Ropert Samson. The nose were loosened then face were full of scrathes from its sharp and pointy nails due to it's struggles in finding a way on getting his self out of it. It's mouth cracked. Everything was messy his aunt's face were like a zombie from the Zombie Apocalypes. As the boy laugh the girl do the same and only stop when he also stoped. he cleared his throat and looked at the girl and their eyes meet, suddenly his soroundings went slow and fuzzy and his full attention was only with her. "Hello...hello...Hey! the girl shouted and snapped in front of him. "You okay" she asked. "Yeah! yeah...the boy replied as he come to his senses."I was just captivated by your beautiful face." he suddenly said it out loud while telling it to himself but it got slipt out. "Oh! n-n-no..the statue captivated me beacause it was beautiful!yeah! that's what I meant." he explained nervously. the girl give him a big smiled and said. "the statue huh?"the boy smiled awkwardly then the cat meowed and got the girl attentions back and watches the time. "God I need to go!" the girl said in a hurry. "wait. what? why? where? but the party's not over yet. he asked but the girl was determine to go so he offered her to escort her himself. but the girl politely refuses him. "Thanks for today. and also...thank you for telling me that I'm beautiful. the girl said and went off. the boy blushed and felt shy. but then he only realizes that the girl was gone when she was out of his sight. The boy run after her for he dosen't have her phone number but the girl was nowhere to be found. He waited for the Girl to come back but many years passed by he didn't get a chance to met her again. "I want to see her again."

DaoistIW2Gil · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1 Long time acquaintance

"Mr. Xavier Brei Zanderson! It's a pleasure to meet you."an old man in a suit greeted him and held his hand for handshake.

"Mr. Demaclease! How are you? It's been awhile!" He replied as they handshaking and sat down on the table"So..? Why do you want to see me here in the italian restaurant? I heard your business in Australia was quite great!." He said as he started the topic.

"Oh, yes! but right now my son Treyton is the one who's running it for I have some business here to do as well... and that's why I'm here. and I meet you here to... You know you're very famous here in our country and you also been rewarded internationally! so... I'm kinda thinking if we could envite you to be our model in our brands of underwares which is " Zanders" but ofcourse! If you'll accept this proposal of mine then I guarantee you greatness..." Mr. Demaclease said with a bright smile on his face as he handed over his proposal documents.

Brei only looked at him and stood up, then he took a deep breath and said. "okay." Mr. Demaclease brighten up his face and his smile become bigger. " Your In?!" he asked excitedly and happily. "No. I said okay...I'm going to read your proposal..but I haven't aggreed to it yet. Brei replied with a serious look on his face. "Oh, ofcourse! please...you can take your time but ofcourse not for too long. I'll be glad to work with you Mr. Zanderson if you ever consider my proposal..." Mr. Demaclease said with a smile on his face then he looked at his wrist watch and said. "Oh I'm sorry but I need to go now." he said in a hurry. "Already? but we haven't eaten here yet." brei replied. "Sorry, but I still have a meeting to attend to. Anyway it so nice to meet you again..You've grown much already." Mr. Demaclease said.

"Thank you Mr. Demaclease. it's nice to see you too again and you too..you've grown much older. haha.." Brei said as he teased the old man. Mr. Demaclease only laugh and patted brei on his shoulder and take his leave together with his minions. Brei was left alone on the table.

"HAHAHAHAHHAHHHAH!!! Did you see his face?! he's fucki'n red! hahahah damn! that was really epic! hahaha!!! Oh my ghud! My stomach hurts! Brei said as he burst out to tears in laughing the people only looked at him like a crazy person. "Damn! I really can't believe I did that. well..well..well... it really is true that you will soon can have your time to make them suffer...as well." brei said as he changes his look with an urge look on his face.


Brei is with his mom was in the garden and brei was only 7 back then when Mr. Demaclease went and talk to his father. "Mom look! a butterfly! it's beautiful! little brei said with full of excitement and adventure on his face. "Yes it is honey. it's pretty. his mom replied with worried smile on her face. she keeps looking up the window where his husband's office is, two people talking seriously then Mr. Demaclease notices Brei and his mother down in the garden and looked at them from up the window. Brei looked up where his mother is looking and saw Mr. Demaclease having an argument with his dad then he turn his head to brei and give him a hideous smile. Brei only looked at him innocently and hugged his mom and said. "Mom..dad's visitor today is scary"

"Really? but that is Victor your uncle. your dad's older brother. You don't have to be afraid of him..."his mother explained to him. but brei is only innocent but he is smart and quick witted, he knows what's happening around him. "Come on. let's go inside...let's both greet your uncle Victor." his mother said and hold his hand and went inside their house.

"Brother-in-law! It's good to see you. what brought you here? Brei's mother said.

"Oh...Clara... only you can welcome and greet me kindly my brother dosen't even want me here and pleading me to leave his house..." Mr. Demaclease said with a shameless look on his face. however brei was only behind his mom's back hiding and Victor notices him looking frightened he smiled with a grin and said. "Oh...would you look at this! My cute little whimpy nephew. then he scoff. Clara hold brei tightly then his dad middle them and said. "Leave us...Alone!" then victor take a small step backward and put his hands up. "okay.! but please remember this brother... Don't make me get angry or else... your little whimpy buddy will take all of the credits." victor said while looking at brei who is still hiding on his mom's back then Mr. Demaclease took his leave. After victor leave the house everyone sigh in relieve and brei knows at that moment that Mr. Demaclease is someone you shouldn't displease.

June 11, 1995. Brei and his mother was going to the park. On their way someone overtake them from the road and their BMW car zigzag its run, but thankfully no accident happened on the road. "Moommm!!" brei shouted in surprised. clara on the other hand embraces him right away. "What a crazy bastard!" Morio exclaimed, their driver. I'm sorry ma'am..Are you okay? there's some bastard who overtaked us from the lane" Morio explained. I-it's alright. I think we- we should...head back to home. clara said in a nervous tone. she was shaking while hugging brei who's still scared. "Are you alright honey?" clara asked to her son while touching his face. I'm okay mom...but are you? your head is bleeding it must be when you bump your head while protecting me." he said worriedly. "No! I'm fine baby..she replied. Are you sure you're alright ma'am? don't you wanna go to the hospital?" Morio said in a worried tone. "No! I'm fine. just please take us back home" clara said. the driver nodded. and pull back the car to go back home.

In a Cross Intersection of San Lentcio A car accident happened where a big delevery track bump in to the car of the family Zanderson the owner of one of the biggest company here in our country, the driver said to be drunk while driving. Their driver confirmed Dead on the Spot but Mr. Breiyton Zanderson's family were being run in to the hospital. This is Emely Pan your News Patrol Alert!

"Mom! mom!.. please wake up! wake up mom! pease! stay with me mom!! please don't leave me! mom! mom!! mom!! pleaseee!!" brei shouted in cry while being stoped by the nurses from coming near to his mother who is lying on the bed unconcious and being defibrillated. "200 Joulse! shock! j! shock!! shock! shock! 300! shock!" the doctor shouted while giving brei's mom a defibrillation and a CPR. but then a weird sound came out from the monitor that connects to his mom's pulse. "time of death... June 11,1995, 3:45pm." the doctor said in a sad tone. No! No! doctor please! save my mom! please I'm begging you!! Brei said begging while holding the doctor's gown, but the doctor said nothing and looked away. brei let the doctor go and slowly looked at his mother while trembling. he walk towards her with a disbelief in his eyes. "No! m-mom...mom..." brei said in a small voice while tapping his mom's arm but there is no response from his mother. brei burst out in tears and shouted. Mom! Mom!!please don't leave me! It's only a joke right? you're only faking this right? Mom..please wake up... if you wake up I promise I wont be a whimpy limpy son..I'll be brave and strong! just please wake up! mom please! I beg you please! Mom..momm!!!"

(End of Flashback)

"Mr. Winston. Yes I'll be their tomorrow." brie said while gripping his hand.