

Attention, viewers! I bring you good news! If you're eager to delve deeper into the chapters of this captivating tale, simply search for the title, "I Want You Back: A Tale of Twisted Fate." There, you'll find the complete narrative waiting to unfold. Thank you for your interest! Separated by fate, haunted by the past-- that's how they live. Until they meet again, they build hatred, show agony, betray friends, want to be loved, and learn how to sacrifice their happiness. Remember those nights that I've been disturbing you? It's because I can't say what I need to say. Remember the time that I didn't disturb you? I've been holding so much, hoping that you'd be the one to call me first- and you did. Every time I hurt your feelings, I'm hurting too. I- I just don't know how to tell you the exact words, so I keep on annoying you. I'm sorry for all the trouble that I have caused- "I know," I said, and I hugged him. I can sense the same pain as what he is in my dream. Confessing is not bad. I'm just overwhelmed because I feel the same. "I like you too, Alex. I don't know how, and I don't know why, but that's how I felt. I hate you harassing and annoying me, but I miss it when you don't!" I smiled. Their fate is twisted.

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14 Chs

Stupid Game

Attention, viewers! I bring you good news! If you're eager to delve deeper into the chapters of this captivating tale, simply search for the title, "I Want You Back: A Tale of Twisted Fate." There, you'll find the complete narrative waiting to unfold. Thank you for your interest!

We all have that dream to find the guy who would perfectly love us despite our imperfections. We even adore those hunks we saw in the movies we watched and wished that one of them would be our partners for life. But everything was just an illusion.

Five years ago, I had this paranoid, devastating, funny, sweet, and cheesy relationship with my first love. I can still remember our first encounter.


3:00 PM during Filipino class. I was in my third year at that time. The class went boring and I suddenly felt the urge to go outside and find someone to bully.

Yes! You got it right; I'm not the usual pabebe teenager during my high school days. I loved punching guys and I do love bullying the weaklings. My classmates have their groups every break time to talk to, but I prefer to stay alone at the Mango Tree reading books.

Our class was on the third floor. It's not that I loved skipping class, but I just felt bored and wanted to walk around the campus. I don't want to sleep in Mrs. Del Rosario's class, that would be rude. The school's surroundings are so silent that I can only hear the teacher's voice while teaching the students, who obviously doesn't listen to them. I can see those students who kept playing at the back. Some are using their phones and some are having trouble as to how to keep their eyes open while listening to the boring class. Mr. Sanchez (guidance counselor) has his class during this time, that's why I feel so confident wandering around. But even if I acted stupid, I somehow excelled in academics.

I was about to reach the restroom when I saw a guy smiling while holding his phone and I felt irritated. I don't like those smiles.

I guess I have my prey now!

I walk quietly towards Mrs. Magno's classroom. Some of her students saw me walking by, so I whispered, "Don't tell Mrs, Magno" to them. They just laughed after hearing those words. I continue walking outside Mrs. Magno's classroom without her idea of what I am doing outside. I don't know what got into me, but I got the vase outside. Without a warning, I threw it to the guy in front of me.

I saw how startled he was.

"Shit!" he shouted.

I didn't feel scared, but instead, I felt satisfied while looking at how pissed he was. I couldn't control my emotions anymore. I couldn't help but burst into laughter after seeing him covered in mud. I did not realize that I had thrown him a living plant. I kept on laughing while pointing my index finger at him. I almost got a stomach ache while laughing at him when the mood suddenly changed. His eyes went sharp. He was frozen and I could see how angry he was with me.

Did I pick the wrong guy to mess with?

I thought that was fun, but the gaze in his eyes went sharp. I swallowed my saliva several times. He didn't take his eyes off of me. I can hear the student murmuring at my back while looking at us. I thought this guy was a weakling. But it's too late. What's done is done. He threw his phone at me and it landed in my chest. Ouch! It really hurt like hell, but I acted like I didn't feel the pain.

I guess I made a mistake this time.

I saw his phone on the floor cracked, so damn cracked! I saw him slowly step his feet towards me. His face was covered with mud, but I could clearly see how fierce his gaze was. His polo shirt was unbuttoned and I could clearly see the dark coat inside. The sun shone on the silver stain on her left ear. His earring shone, dazzling.

Why didn't I notice that he was a bad boy's image?

I made a few more steps backward while looking at him. I haven't experienced this scene before. I'm the bully. I'm the one who doesn't back down, but this day was different. I had nowhere to escape, so I entered the female C.R. thinking that he would not follow me there, but that was again a wrong move. He cornered me even more. He is now holding my uniform. The laughter in his eyes is replaced with so much anger.

Did I really mess with the wrong guy?

"Hey! Wait!?" I stepped backward.

I saw his ID.

"Wait, wait Patrick? Yesss... Patrick, let me explain-" but he didn't listen. He even walks closer to me, cornering me more.

"Hey! Patrick? Are you listening?" I was holding his hand because he was choking me now. This is bad. This is NO JOKE anymore.

"Do I know you, Mildred?" He is looking at my ID and again looking at my eyes angrily.

"Nope, but I can explain-"

"I don't need an explanation!" he answered in a very husky voice. He is now choking me again.

I made a mistake after all.

"Stop! I can't breathe- You're harassing me now! Stop or I'll shout-"

"Try me," those two words came out of his mouth, followed by a smirk.

I felt so nervous, but I found it ineffective. I was about to kick his balls, but he seemed so ready for my every action. He is holding my left leg while leaning at the very end of the C.R. That scene was really awkward that whoever would see it might think of something unthinkable. That's why I shouted.

I stop. He kissed me.


I wanted to slap him, but he's holding my arms now.

"Pervert! Pervert!" I didn't see it coming.

He even smirked, I could not read his emotions this time.

"Mr.Alonzo! Ms. Garcia!" Mrs. Magno angrily shouted at us. The murmurs of the students are getting clearer and clearer now. I can hear what they are saying right now.

"Is it Alex?" a student asked.

"Yes!" another student answered.

I eyed the door while looking at Mrs. Magno's face. 

We looked towards the door. Mrs. Magno was blushing, staring at us, while the students behind her were curious. "Holy Child! What do you think you are doing!?"

"Ma'am, No! Where not... I don't even know this guy-" I wasn't able to continue what I was about to say because Mrs. Magno cut me off. I can clearly hear the laughter of those students who are talking about me.

"Look how cute the guy is" the girl on the left said flirty.

"I guess he's the one who got suspended the other time-"

"Go back to your room now!" Mrs. Magno shouted at them. I saw them walk back to their respective classrooms.

"Patrick, you just came back from suspension, this is it again!" Mrs. Magno said. "In Mr. Sanchez's office, now!"

"But Mrs Magno- Ouch!" Mrs. Magno pinched me even more.

I adjusted my uniform, which had been messed up when the man next to me strangled me.

Is he really going to kill me?

We both walked down the hallway while students were staring at us from the first floor. It would be a lot of trouble if Mrs. Del Rosario would find out what I did during his time. Patrick kicked his phone, which had fallen to the floor earlier. He looked at me again and suddenly smirked. His two hands were covered in mud as he walked. I just now noticed some scars on his right cheek. I didn't notice it before because it was covered with mud.

Mrs. Magno left us both at Mr. Sanchez's office. We both sat on the chair facing each other. He didn't move an inch while staring at me intently which made me uneasy.

"Look, I'm sorry." I started the conversation. "Sorry if I mess with you," I said while looking at his face, hoping he'd forgive me. "I'll forgive you for stealing a kiss from me if-"

"Tss!" He averted his eyes from me as he played with his hands. I guess he doesn't want to listen, so I shut my mouth.

I opened my Facebook and I opened the notifications. I saw a short clip of me and Mrs. Magno.

I can see in the video how Mrs. Magno pinched my ear.

Shit! Whoever uploaded this video will surely pay the price!

I looked for the person who uploaded the video, but it was a dummy account. This leads me to the point that I can't find who the hell uploaded the video. We waited almost 30 minutes before Mr. Sanchez came from his class.

"PATRICK? MILDRED?" Mr. Sanchez asked puzzled.

I just looked down because I was still blushing with anger from the comments I read in my viral video. Patrick, on the other hand, did not move from his seat.

"Patrick, how many times do we have to suspend you? You just came back now, another problem again?" Mr. Sanchez stepped himself from his seat. "Based on Mrs. Magno's report, you were caught kissing her in the C.R.", he paused. Is Mildred your girlfriend?" Mr. Sanchez calmly asked.

"Yes!" Patrick's quick answer.

"What? Nooo! No, Sir, I don't even know this guy!" I answered surprisingly. I even stood from where I was sitting. I can see how annoyed Mr. Sanchez is. "Mildred, I'm not talking to you!"

But I wanted to tell the truth. I really don't know the guy!

"But Sir! I'm telling the truth. I don't have a boyfriend-"

"We are kissing when Mrs. Magno saw us," Patrick said straightforwardly. His eyes meet mine and he smirks again.

I rolled my eyes, actually.

What is his problem with me? Is this revenge!?

"Noooo ... no ... Sir, that's a lie-"

"Shut up, Mildred!" Mr. Sanchez cut me angrily.

...to be continued.