

Attention, viewers! I bring you good news! If you're eager to delve deeper into the chapters of this captivating tale, simply search for the title, "I Want You Back: A Tale of Twisted Fate." There, you'll find the complete narrative waiting to unfold. Thank you for your interest! Separated by fate, haunted by the past-- that's how they live. Until they meet again, they build hatred, show agony, betray friends, want to be loved, and learn how to sacrifice their happiness. Remember those nights that I've been disturbing you? It's because I can't say what I need to say. Remember the time that I didn't disturb you? I've been holding so much, hoping that you'd be the one to call me first- and you did. Every time I hurt your feelings, I'm hurting too. I- I just don't know how to tell you the exact words, so I keep on annoying you. I'm sorry for all the trouble that I have caused- "I know," I said, and I hugged him. I can sense the same pain as what he is in my dream. Confessing is not bad. I'm just overwhelmed because I feel the same. "I like you too, Alex. I don't know how, and I don't know why, but that's how I felt. I hate you harassing and annoying me, but I miss it when you don't!" I smiled. Their fate is twisted.

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14 Chs

I'm trapped.

Attention, viewers! I bring you good news! If you're eager to delve deeper into the chapters of this captivating tale, simply search for the title, "I Want You Back: A Tale of Twisted Fate." There, you'll find the complete narrative waiting to unfold. Thank you for your interest!

"Can't you see what time is it? Stupid!"

"Hi pumpkin!", and my eyes widened. I hurriedly turned off my phone.

I feel so annoyed, "What the heck, where did he get my number!"

Because of that stupid mistake, my calvary has already begun. I couldn't even sleep again thinking about where Patrick got my number from. Even my classmates don't have my digits. This is really bad.

If I can only turn back time.

End of flashback.

I just couldn't stop my tears from falling remembering how pathetic our start was.

"Alex! Alex....Hey!" she is waving her hands and she always has this happy face whenever she sees me.

That is Miyah "Michaela Beatrice Lorejo" my bestfriend. I'm not anti-social anymore, I also have friends and most of all I don't look like a gangster anymore, thanks to Miyah.

Breathlessly, Miyah approached me, "Hey! I've been calling you several times." She was still chasing her breath.

"Are you crazy? We are inside the Mall and not in the supermarket", and we both chuckled.

She offered me a milk tea from our favorite store. We have too much in common, except for one reason, she's taken and I'm still single waiting in vain.

She was taken a month ago. But he still did not want to introduce her man because he wanted us to meet in person, and I respect her privacy. The two of us are like that, we don't ask questions on things we don't want to share. She just met her boyfriend on a dating app. Miyah is prettier than me. She also has a lot of suitors but none of them won her heart not until she met her Mr. Right. And I don't have questions about that. I'm happy whenever she's happy. The apple of her eye is still in London and will return here to the Philippines for good on our graduation. That would be two months from now. Miya is a happy-go-lucky girl. She is easy to be with. I met her when we were in our first year of college. She was in the same class as me with the same schedule of course. It's really hard for me to find friends since I'm from Cebu and I only study here in Manila. She was from Makati and she helped me out all the time. Manila is too big for someone like me. And I'm very thankful for her.

Hey! You're daydreaming again", she always caught me thinking about something. "Who are you thinking again this time?", she said with raised eyebrows. "Is it Mr. Changer again?", she rolled her eyes again. "Move on bestie! It's already five years, and who knows he is already married this time", she even showed me the date today. "The past should remain in the past, do you understand?", she said with a warning.

Mr.Changer, she doesn't know the name, only our story. I didn't drop a name since then. I keep it a secret to myself, dying and hurting every day for letting him go.

"What, No!", I knew she wouldn't buy my excuses so I changed the topic. "Come on. You're going to change your hair color, aren't you? I'm also going to fix mine", I said as I avoided her question.

Miyah keeps on reminding me about forgetting the past, she's "palaban" but a crybaby. I can still remember how miserable she was when we were in our second year. She keeps on crying over her ugly ex who made her broken. It took months before she finally moved on. I really like Miyah because she's always a female version of my knight in shining armor who always defends me in so many ways.

Fast Forward.

We were currently getting our hair done when I remember those days again...


I did not attend class the next day right after that call. I went to the Parlor first thing in the morning to fix my hair and even change it into black. I also got my eyebrows done, got my nails polished and all. To make it short, I desperately wanted to be beautiful.

You are not even pretty at all.

That Facebook post made me angrier right now.

You're about to fall from my trap.

I was planning on taking revenge. If he finds me interesting and finally wins his heart, I will definitely make him pay for all the trouble he made to me!


I was looking for a perfect-fit uniform. That's what I'm going to wear.

I am planning to make you fall, Alex! You're gonna pay for everything!

I'm walking silently in the hallway. Everyone is staring at me. I know because I look pretty today.

Fast forward.

I'm fixing my things right after the class ended. Time for our community service.

I was on my way out when Alex showed up, "You were absent yesterday. We will end at 6 pm today.", he said angrily.

I was surprised, I know he can work without me. "What? You didn't work yesterday? I can extend-"

"You're still not pretty!", Smirk.

I was frozen while clenching my fists.

And that made my day again, worse.

I ran and followed him. My eyes were narrowing, I wanted to chop him with a knife and I wanted to punch him. I could do nothing but bow down and keep the anger to myself because I felt embarrassed.

I really hate you!

I was just following behind him when he suddenly stopped.

Bogs!, a loud bang.

I banged my head on his back.

He stopped walking, "And oh", he said while turning his back on me. "If you are planning to seduce me, it's not effective", he laughed slowly. "You're not even pretty. Even if you got whiter complexion, you are still ugly!", he teased me.

I was shocked by his words "Excuse me, Mr. Feeling Handsome-"

"Correction, Mr. Handsome!", I wasn't able to finish what I was supposed to say. I rolled my eyes. He has all these guts and charisma that always upsets me.

"Grr! Whatever!" And I walked out. I was furious as I lifted the garbage to put it in the MRF.

"You thought you were too handsome with your looks? Feeling handsome! Pervert! Annoying! Disgusting! Die, you moron!"

I kicked the bottle that I saw and hit the dog that had just been sleeping.


Jesus! Not now, Dogie. I'm not in the mood.

Aww! Aww!

I dropped the trash can and ran, being chased by a disturbed dog. Alex was just behind me so I hid behind him. Luckily, he was holding a stick and he used it to send away the dog. I felt relieved as I saw the dog running away.

"Enjoying me? I don't let strangers touch me that way, especially if that stranger is as ugly as you!", he said with disgust only to find out I was hugging him because of so much fear.

"Sorry! Mr. Feeling Handsome!", I rolled my eyes again while he was fixing his uniform.

"Correction, Handsome!", he said with authority.


To escape from his annoying looks, I continued cleaning. I rested for a while when he threw a bottle of water at me. "Drink! You look even uglier", I did not answer but instead I rolled my eyes and drank the water. It is very difficult to argue with someone like him.

After all these years, I am now in front of someone who is more bully than me. He walked passed me and threw the towel.

"Really?", I answered angrily.

"Wipe your face! You're sweating and it disgusts me so much!", he said with disgust.

I rolled my eyes again. I wiped the sweat on my face and threw the towel into the trash bin.

I am trapped in my own game.

After all the efforts to make myself beautiful, he's still still not done to make my day miserable.

End of flashback.

....to be continued.