
Chapter 57 Has Han Zhijin Returned Home? (1)_1

The meal had been cooked and laid out on the table for half an hour, yet Han Jingnian hadn't moved his chopsticks, frozen like a sculpture.

A servant standing nearby couldn't stand it anymore, she walked over and gently reminded him, "Mr. Han, if you don't start eating soon, your food will get cold."

Without uttering a word, Han Jingnian cast a light glance at the servant.

His gaze, as cold as ice, emitted a chilling light that was absolutely frightening.

His intense aura was too imposing, a mere look was enough to send shivers up the servant's spine, filling her heart with terror.

The servant nearly buckled at the knees and fell to the ground; she didn't dare utter another word and skidaddled from the dining room as if she was fleeing for her life.

Observing the scenario, the rest of the servants comprehended the situation and quietly kept their heads down, clinging to the wall, and deserted the dining room.