
I Want to Hug Mr.K

The first time I saw Karney/Karne (Mr.K) he had reminded me of someone whom I loved before. I had felt if we had a connection.. I met him a couple months before Grade 9, it was a dark rainy evening. It was about 7 PM, my mom dragged me out to join her on a parent meeting, so we could get to know the new High School that I was going to. I did not want to go because it would be boring but I went because this school that I was going to was brand new. New people, new grade, new everything. I never experienced anything like that. So I went along.

Square_Time · Teen
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The Next Step

I had a mini crush over Karney after that first encounter, but I got over it after a couple months. Turns out, I had to see him again. I had to go to a another school event because they were giving tours. When me and my mom arrived, it was a really big barbecue, there were more parents than kids though. There might've been some of the staff too. I got some food and Karney came over. He greeted me and I cant believe he remembered my name from months ago. HE asked if the food was alright. I nodded and he gave a somewhat satisfied response.

It was time for the tour, everyone gathered and took their last bites. Looking back now I feel like the school was very big. It was only one floor and there were still painters painting when we saw the school building but it felt small on the outside but somewhat spacious on the inside.

During the tour, I saw how humane the principal was he felt like your casual dude at the supermarket. He carried around a young child during the tour and I think that it made him look even more sweeter.

During the part of the tour, he was positioned by the door, and being quite tall, he reached his arm out so he can show the people walking by how big the room was. However, I unintentionally slipped beneath his arm and entered the room. He smiled and told me to hold to door instead.. I became so embarrassed I wish I hadn't done that.

Soon after that, I got over another mini crush, with the help of watching movies and TV shows, I find that movies and TV shows can help me drift away from my crushes I'm not supposed to have.