
I want to f girls with my monster body( evolution god cult system )

I was on my 8-strike-making fountain then I closed my eyes because of sleepiness, then I was in a monstrous body then found out that a guy before me was using this body and system acting like a god now I am in a dyeing monstrous body because it was cursed by a goddess if I survive this is a dream come true elves, vampires, tentacles, beast women, dragons, bdsm, milking I will survive and play god MC is truly fed up in mind and has many fantasies warning readers that this content sexual/ explicit content mc does truly fed-up shit if you are not a legend then you won't be able to stand it all characters here are above 18 and at least have been I am like you guys I couldn't find good monster erotica don't worry it's good and there are some wifu's that we all like here 02... to remove the book cover contact Theculturedguy0@gmail.com

The_cultured_guy · Fantasy
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Great plan to f milf

I woke up with this young guy remembering my bitter past and yesterday's pleasant memory of my first time well

I think my world was full of hypocretins I feel complicated emotions as you know there are different people some say it is wrong to have 2 relationships,

is it wrong to make out with another woman I get it the emotion of a guy who loses his girl or woman but he lost for what because she wasn't worth it he found that out right also the guy who stole was better that's why he got it as we saying rich should flex or everybody is equal we are not meant to be equal right like government tries so hard to avoid corruption now I feel let there be corruption you want this job but you scored little less ok pay and get in and give won't it help all I feel we are pretending like girls are equal no we are different she is supposed to give birth we are supposed to make that easy that all 

is this too influenced by monster genes or is this coming from me to comfort myself so I can fulfill my fantasy I don't know whatever it is I will start enjoying whatever this is 

ashen was checking his new Status with glee creepy one at that I guess it is understandable you know Imagine you have a small penus it is a lifetime in the same size.

but now not only has it increased it is increasable just like all of his physical abilities that he got it almost no effort aren't I kind and a little unselfish I mean who would still be sharing his body I can easily make it but because of contract what am I saying let's see what he is doing 

he starts his morning routine by waking up early and doing basic good stuff like exercising, yoga, cleaning the room, etc I showed him fewer stats than what he has gained I just will slowly reward him for his efforts by unlocking some of his stats gradually 

but seriously this wasn't mine at all, all I did was necessary things brushing while watching shorts if I had privacy then sex videos, I want him to put in some effort without it you would be ungrateful, and won't be able to know the value of stats 

he has been helping his mom today I made him wake up late telling him there was a system issue because from today onwards we will make mlif ready to savour 

his mom was watching him exercise with fascination and admiration I guess because now I have made him look like a Greek god he also noticed 2nd time I gave him a system prompt

[Improve your stepmom chain quest: get her to exercise with you] 

he called her mom she came do you need anything, Ash, he asked ahh yes can help me exercise be my partner this will also help you Mom we can be fit together

holy this guy does he know my intention he has Improved my plan twice does he have a high IQ system do I have a read function still available

[no it violates oath]

what oath 

[Ashen has recited an Oath with the user]

Ahh, don't tell me that oath I accepted wasn't part of the system contract smart punk what does oath say 

[it says until his wish is fulfilled you will not forcefully take over without any danger and read his thoughts private thoughts when he is not conspiring against you]

smart ass at least he won't betray me that's assuring oh her bedclothes she is doing with her bedclothes it doesn't has a bra I want to feel them damit Wait I can, system integrates senses 

being able to feel breathing is amazing truly this guy isn't innocent huh let me help you cut off the blood flow to his penus system 


huu as little help she called with pressure bending to touch her knee with her head while her hands were not reaching her feet her melons pressing against her thick thigh I don't know what Haven looked like but this is heaven man i can even see her dark flowers with bud which looked like a cylindrical one i want to bite that and why does she calling ash sounds too alluring 

oh I need to help her keep straightening her leg until she touches her knee with her head and feet with her hands I can see the nipples clearly oh no she saw 

ahh Ash embarrassed I forgot to change into yoga clothes I will be back ahh I don't think I can play slow games dammit I need experience and control 

her sweat has this intoxicating fragrance ahh I didn't know man my sweat wasn't like this it was disgusting this one is like a drug 

after I get her into shape I will make her wear this and these yoga pants too and fuck her all over that day was ok-ish as she said she will prepare breakfast and won't exercise too much on one day

for 2nd day I had another plan creating a portion to give her vitality and make her horny well it didn't need his permission because you see I had consumed his penus before oath so I was able to produce one overnight with the help of back tentacles which is also not his organ 

the morning I called him and told him to give my portion to his mom that it would help her get fit he asked if he could drink I said yes well I knew he was smart ass so prepared 2 cups one with a special substance and one without any even if he drank I could just filter out so I win L hahaha 

I don't know why I remembered my favorite anime he gave her a drink that was a special drink prepared for her she drank and did a little more light and medium exercise

so with that said 2nd day was so so 3rd day was epic you know because I asked him to make her stretch more through the system and also improved my portion well the formula was stolen by that monster body whatever 

she was doing the same yoga pose but was sweating more and breathing heavily I swear I wanted to pound her here and now I disconnected all my senses for one minute then after I calmed down I saw her improve so much she could do that pose also her fat was less her skin was more refined and about her boobs I don't know I didn't look saggy it might just because if her bra

now she was doing some workout like running, and skipping when I saw her beauties jiggle calling me then she was trying to stretch her legs ya legs splitting she obviously couldn't she called me well us to do it together there was an awkward tension as I was staring at her stretched pant covered pussy well she saw me doing that's why I don't know if it was sweat but it was little wet I guess portion is working her rapid breathing was making me shiver then I had to leave because that brat left tich annoying but fun 

then on day 4 cycling well I made the Ashen do it also he was building a torture house diligently in his room underground well we switched rooms she suggested it so I guess an unexpected blessing

well cycle was awesome its blueprint was made by me of course I made it vibrate as he was touching her she shivered now I am sure her pussy was wet she was horny her face was pink she gave up and told me she will learn tomorrow but that brat is trying to fix it I made him work more on room 

and I am worried his step sisters will come in 15 days I need to conker her fully by then 

she was surprised and happy because she was losing fat, gaining her youth all because of me i can't wait 

ashen (pov)

this god is a pervert god I am sure of it he is also called the god of primal urge ok boos whatever you are I will do as your wish but my stepmom seriously doesn't want to give her ahh its complicated sigh he has given me a new life that to one where you can get your revenge be grateful ya I guess 

even the system must be created by this god ahh Mom why are exercising your night ware it's reviling your boobs now you get it ahh actually why didn't I get heard my suspicion was right he is watching me whenever I exercise with my mom it's been 4 days because of my super straight and stamina I was able to finish making a room now I need to make torcher equipment which is a sharp but not enough to make one bleed wooden board with is hanged is it to blast balls terrifying what is your plan and injection which are hard to get and some shackles, whipping materials, I need to make this room sound proof I need to learn mud magic also use cement ahh it will take at least 9 more days 

I am scared of what I might have to do today my mom was using a tool called cycle which is best for exercising those who don't have or use magic I guess it was old equipment used ages ago but the design seems not right as the seat was little pointy and was shaky, not stable my mom was struggling I guess he is testing me to fix it I might get a sat point but I made my mom fall on me often she was really uncomfortable I guess the system is not perfect but she is happiest because she looks young also compliment me about my body I feel good that my mom like me I feel weird in my heart too no no she is my mom