
I Want To Become the Demon King

Evil will always exist. No matter how hard someone tries to get rid of it, evil will never go extinct. So then why do we try to get rid of it? Why not control it instead? Skyler a young man finds himself in another world, given no instructions, and stuck alongside his classmates. Stumbling along he discovers new powers and great secrets.

Ethanquiv · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


"Today the Darik family will be selling a divine weapon!" Fremont continued, the men and women standing in the ballroom were all quite excited. They would all have a chance to get their hands on a divine weapon.

Very few people in the world are known to wield a divine weapon, and even fewer know the effects that divine weapons have when used. Excited, most of the noblemen waiting became impatient.

"Hurry and show us!" an Inman yelled, he wore a brown tuxedo, his bright eyes shining. His body was packed full of muscles.

A Pyle, female, held her sword on her lap. She gently caressed her blade, her eyes shone silver as she stared at Fremont make a show of a divine weapon.

A group of Dayton stood in the center of the ballroom. Their bodies seemed to emit heat like none other. Their clothes were all bright, drawing most attention towards them. "It's obvious this weapon will become ours." One of the Daytons snickered, the rest laughed alongside.

A young male, whose head was full of bright blue hair rebutted the snickering Dayton "A divine weapon would never pick such a weak mage to wield it."

The young man's face turned red with anger, fire streamed out of his body twirling around himself, a hurricane of fire explosively blew the tables near him flying. A shadow of an animal emerged within his fire, a bird, unknown screeched.

The bright blue-haired man stood. A smile was plastered across his face. Enormous amounts of energy was released from his body. The ground in a diameter of 10 meters frozen instantly. Snow and flakes of ice shrouded his surroundings but left his body visible and clear for all to see. A massive 4-meter shadow of a figure stood behind the light blue-haired man.


It stood on two legs and growled, shaking the surrounding walls.

Before anything else could get out of hand, Fremont released his darkness, engulfing everything ceaselessly.

"We have not gathered here today to fight!" He yelled his voice resounded across the ballroom. The darkness abruptly disappeared. Both the young men who were about to fight were restrained with wisps of darkness.

Nobody talked after Fremont's display of power, every butler from all noble houses lined up behind their young masters. They couldn't be careless with Fremont here.

Fremont nodded his head at the seemingly docile nature within the ballroom. Seconds later a door opened on the far end of the ballroom. A loud creak resounded throughout the space.

Lucas and Eric were directed forward, a butler leading them towards the back of the crowd. "Stand, do not move or talk," he said, walking away leaving Lucas and Eric by themselves.

Sweat dripped down their foreheads, they felt the power vibrating in the air. Every single one of these people in this room was not to be trifled with.

'WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO?' Lucas screamed in his head. His eyes were extremely sharp, constantly scanning the surroundings. Eric stood as straight as a statue, he was barely breathing not daring to make any sudden movements.

Eventually, a beautiful female dressed in a black dress walked through a side door. She pushed a cart in front of Fremont. A drape was covering an item that was laying on the cart.

Everyone eyed the cart silently. The squeak of a mouse could be heard if one were to be present in the ballroom, nobody wanted to ruin the presentation of a divine weapon. The princess stood at the front of the group. She gulped as she eyed the weapon covered by a thin covering.

Fremont, happy with the suspense circulating in the air finally lifted the sheet covering the weapon. A majestic Halberd entered everyone's view. Curses and gasps resounded within the crowd.

"Damn, I only use swords." one said,

"Such an obscure weapon to be divine." another said,

The weapon looked to be normal apart from its beautiful craftsmanship. Its sharp tip and ax head shined as if it were a newly made weapon.

Interest entered the princess's eyes. She had never used such a weapon before, but if she was picked she would not complain if she had to learn how to fight with such a weapon.

Fremont looked towards the rowdy Daytons, "Since you all are so confident that this weapon will choose one of you. You may go first." He said, his face formed into a smile. 'Nobody could be suitable for this weapon' Fremont thought. Not even his son could wield the weapon.

Markus stood behind his father, his black eyes gleamed with interest.

The rowdy Dayton's each took turns trying the divine weapon. Each time one picked up the weapon, nothing happened. Shouts and curses resounded throughout the hall,

"This damn weapon doesn't know what it is losing out on!" The Dayton who was bound by dark wisps said,

"It would be so lucky to have you as its wielder!" one of the nearby Daytons commented, a smirk was evident on his face.

The other Dayton's disdained his response, but the one those words were directed towards had a smile bloom on his face.

Next, a man with light green eyes walked forward, a crest of an eagle sat upon his chest.

"That is the Quinn young master." one nearby person whispered, "He is apparently the heir to his family."

"No shit." another whispered back, who didn't know about the heir to the Quinn family.

His hand carefully came in contact with the weapon. A slight reaction occurred as the weapon lit up, his energy coursed through the weapon,

Soon after though, it was shot back out. He was rejected, but close. His purple-eyed butler frowned, as he walked up and retrieved his young master who was in a daze.

"Fate has spoken, let us go, young master." The butler said, snapping out of his daze, Guri walked back towards the crowd.

Soon after the Inmans, Pyles, and Philips, all tried their hands at the weapon, but none could envoke a reaction from the great weapon.

Each time someone held it they could feel the 'divine' energy coursing through its body, but it would never accept them.

Soon it was the Princess's turn. She slowly walked towards the weapon. She prayed in her heart after arriving at the cart the weapon was situated on. Opening her eyes from her prayer she reached out and grabbed at the weapon.

Her fingers curled around the handle of the great weapon. She felt the incrediblness it contained.

But nothing happened.

Markus who was standing behind his father chuckled at her failure. Glaring at him briefly she turned and walked back towards her twelve guards. Each of them soon after tried but could not envoke a reaction within the weapon.

Soon it was only Lucas and Eric left.

Markus glanced at Lucas before announcing "It's this scum's turn." his hand waved ever so slightly towards the weak mage in their presence.

Feeling everyone's gaze land on him, Lucas took a step forward towards the weapon. His breathing was erratic and his thoughts were impossible to guess. 'I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IS GOING ON!' he yelled in his head. Everyone had been just walking up, picking up the weapon, then placing it back onto the cart!

Lucas arrived before the weapon. His hands were shaking and his green eyes quivered ever so lightly.

Reaching out towards the weapon, his fingers curled around the handle.