
Chapter Twenty-Three





Eden nodded. Astonishment was plastered all over Oliver's face. Eden couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Oliver had once dated this girl, though it was only for about a month. Now she was back. Eden already regretted telling Oliver about the fiasco at Gus' baseball game.

Oliver raked his fingers through his hair, something he only did if he was nervous or his hair really needed to be fixed. Both were rare occasions.

But just as soon as the surprise flashed across his features, it vanished. His usual smirk took hold once more, though Eden noticed his eyes seemed a little distant. Probably wishing he hadn't dumped her in 9th Grade, Eden thought irrationally.

Eden couldn't forget what Lara had done to her their freshmen year. Eden couldn't remember the names of all the girls who had sabatoged her to try to get close to Oliver. It usually never worked. But Eden clearly remembered the name "Lara Garner." She was one of the ones whose plan DID work. Who could forget the name of the person who had stolen her Homecoming date? Even though it had been almost eight years, the incident was still clear in her mind. And the emotions that came along with it.

"You say Gus was acting weird?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah," Eden said. As an afterthought, she added, "Kind of like you."

"Me?" Oliver raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, you. Who else?"

Just as Oliver was going to say something, Eden's mom walked into the kitchen. Eden didn't miss the side-eye she gave Oliver. Eden looked back at Oliver. She couldn't tell if he had seen it or not.

"Hello, Mrs. Richard," Oliver greeted Eden's mom amiably. Like he'd known her his whole life. Which he had.

"Hello, Oliver," Mrs. Richard said, the distaste melting off her face to reveal a fake kindness underneath. "How are your parents? I haven't seen them recently."

The neighborhood church Oliver's parents had pastored at and Eden had grown up in had closed Eden's first year of college. Oliver's parents has given up the church right after Oliver had started high school. The new pastor didn't know how to manage money and ended up losing most of his congregation. Only a faithful few remained. Eden's family was not one of them.

Oliver's smile was deceptive. "Not bad. Mom just got a new hairstyle."

Mrs. Richard returned the smile. "Of course. She was always a fan of change."

Oliver laughed. "You could say that."

"I'll leave you two alone. I only came in here for a glass of water." True to her word, Mrs. Richard left after pouring herself a cup of water.

The smile melted off Oliver's face as soon Mrs. Richard left the kitchen.

Eden eyed him warily. "You saw it too, then?"

"How could I not?" Oliver said, staring at the table.

Eden decided to change the topic before he got angry. She'd seen angry Oliver enough times in her lifetime.

"Have you been home recently?" she asked cautiously, although she already knew the answer.

"No," Oliver confirmed.

Eden sighed. "You can't avoid them forever, you know."

"I can sure as heck try."

Eden tried a different approach to an argument they'd had more than once before. "Why don't you just go back, Ollie? Your parents have probably already forgiven you. They always were the forgiving type." Eden chuckled. "It must come with the job description."

Oliver finally looked up at Eden. His eyes were bloodshot, his body rigid, his gaze frosty. Eden withered under his glare.

"Wha-?" Eden tried to ask.

He stood up from the table abruptly. "If you think my parents are forgiving, you don't know them as well as you thought." He strode toward the front door after saying those words.

Eden watched him go in shock, his words replaying in her mind. The look he gave her as he said them. "You don't know my parents as well as you thought."

Oliver was keeping something from her. Eden needed answers. She knew that Oliver held a lot of anger inside. He directed a lot of it at her. But underneath that anger, there was something more. Something that resembled... sorrow.

Eden never believed for a minute that Oliver was crying his eyes out over a girl that night at the bar. Even if he really liked Saffi, which was hard to believe, he'd never cry over her like that. He'd never done that before in his life and Eden had a feeling he never would. No, something else was going on. Maybe Saffi's rejection was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

Eden made up her mind, even before she realized she had. She stood up so fast she knocked over her chair. Not bothering to pick it up, she ran to the front door and busted it open.

Oliver was just starting his engine. He didn't look up when Eden slammed the door shut. He didn't look up while Eden stomped over to his car. He DID look up when opened his passenger side door and slid into the seat next to him.

"What do you want?" he said coldly, probably to mask the surprise in his eyes.

Eden crossed her arms. "Something's up. And I'm not leaving until you tell me what it is."

Oliver stared at her for a moment before he let out a throaty chuckle. "You asked for it."

Eden wavered at the sound of his veiled threat. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Oliver was emotional right now. Who knows what he might do--?

No. Eden shook her head, biting her tongue as she did so. Oliver wouldnt hurt her. He would NEVER hurt her.

"But what about when he sent you to the hospital?" the voices in her head asked. Eden ignored them.

Oliver looked away from Eden and started the car.

"What are you doing?" Eden asked with a trembling voice.

Oliver glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. "You said you weren't leaving until I tell you what's going on, right?" Oliver laughed again, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Well, honey, you're gonna be with me for a VERY long time."