
Chapter Seventeen




Eden didn't hear from Oliver for the rest of winter break. And to be quite honest, she didn't want to. Oliver knew what she believed about sex, and he chose to ignore her. He knew because that's how they were both raised.

Mr. Butler was the pastor at the local Community Church they all used to go to. That's how Eden had been friends with Oliver for so long. They'd been born only several months apart. From the time they could walk, they'd been running around with each other. Their quick friendship had made their parents fast friends as well.

Together, they'd made it through every boring Sunday School class, until they reached school. Then, to their delight, they went to the same school. All through elementary school, middle school, and finally, high school, they had leaned on each other. Until their sophomore year, that is.

That's why it bothered Eden so much. She couldn't stand the way Oliver had slighted her beliefs. Although she no longer went to church, she held on to many of her beliefs. Among them, she believed that sex was sacred, only to be shared in between married couples. She couldn't control what other people did, but she could control herself.

Eden hung out with Gus a few times throughout the rest of their break. She didn't tell him what happened between her and Oliver and she probably never would. Gus didn't need any more reasons to berate Eden about Oliver. He scolded her enough as it was.

As her final week of vacation came to a close, Eden found herself dreading going back to college. It wasn't because of all the work she wasn't ready to go back to, though that was part of it. She worried more about what she would do about Oliver. They would inevitably run into each other. It was a small campus, after all.

Should she ignore him? Act like nothing happened? Gove him a piece of her mind? Eden wasn't sure yet. But soon her mind focused on more important things.

The day came before she knew it. She felt like a kid again, not wanting summer break to end. But she got up early and was out the door by her normal time.

She managed to go the whole day without seeing Oliver. She was feeling pretty lucky until she saw him leaning on her car. He was waiting for her.

Eden stopped short and looked around for a place to hide, but not before Oliver spotted her. Eden silently cursed as he walked towards her.

"Eden," he said, stopping in front of her.

"Oliver," she nodded, attempting to step past him.

"Hold on a second," he said, grasping her arm. "We need to talk."

"Really? I don't feel the same. Goodbye." Eden shook him off and tried once again to reach her car.

But Oliver wasn't done with her yet. He grabbed her hand and yanked her back to him. She turned around, ready to punch him, but instead found herself in his arms.

"Don't move," he told her, his voice muffled from his scarf. "Unless you want to make a scene?"

Oliver had her right where he wanted her. The last thing Eden wanted was to make a scene. The one time all eyes had been on her, back in her freshman year of high school, it had taken her weeks to recover.

"What do you want?" she said into his coat. Despite cooperating with him, Eden wasn't happy about it.

"Like I said, we need to talk," Oliver repeated.

"Fine. Just let me go first."

"I don't think so. I have a feeling you'll bolt." Eden could just see him smiling right about now.

"Can we at least go inside? It's freezing out here." Even now she was shivering from the cold.

Oliver released her, but immediately gripped her hand, hard enough to be painful if she fought. He led her towards her car, past it, and to his own. He unlocked it, walked Eden to the passenger side, and made sure she wasn't going anywhere before he walked around to the driver's side.

"You have me where you want me," Eden grumbled. "Now tell me what you want."

Oliver started the car so the heat would come on. "I wanted to apologize for... well, you know. I know how you feel about that and I messed with you on purpose. I shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry."

Eden stared out the window, refusing to look at him. This wasn't the first time Oliver had apologized for something. He seemed to be doing it all the time lately. She could accept his apology. What she couldn't accept was that he kept doing the same thing over and over, expecting to be forgiven each time.

When Eden didn't say anything, Oliver sighed and took her hand. "Look, Richie, I know I'm pressing my luck. I really screwed up this time."

"Yeah, you did."

"And I'm sorry for that. I know I hurt you, but that wasn't my intention."

Eden whipped her head around. "What was your intention then? You were just looking for a good time? Just like all the other girls who've been in your bed?" She tore her hand from his grasp.

"No! No." Oliver held up his hands in defeat. "I dont know what I was thinking, to be honest with you. I guess... I guess I wasn't using my head."

Eden snorted. "When have you ever?"

Eden almost broke down and forgave him when she saw the hurt in his eye at her last comment. Almost.

"Just leave me alone for a while, Ollie." She used her pet name for him to let him know she wasn't past forgiveness. "I just need some time alone."

"Away from me, you mean." The sadness in his voice surprised her more than it should have.

"No, that's not what I mean. I've been really stressed lately and-"

"But not too stressed for Gus. I understand."

"Ollie." Eden couldn't believe how quickly this conversation had turned on her. One second she was mad at Oliver, the next she was trying to cheer him up. What a twisted life she had!

"Don't feel sorry for me, Eden," Oliver told her, anger creeping into his voice. "You can go. I'm not stopping you."

Eden contemplated staying. She didn't want to leave with Oliver mad at her. But looking at his stiffness, Eden decided it was better for her to just leave, like he'd said.

She stepped out of his car, but before she closed the door, she said, "I'm not mad at you Ollie. I forgive you."

Oliver gave her a small, sad smile before driving off.

My Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for your patience! I know it's been a while. It has been such a hectic week for me, what with battling a strange illness, suffering a wrist injury, and just the busyness of daily life. I will try to keep updating at least once a week (hopefully more!) and go from there.

Thanks Again,

The Author

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