

Celestia Vos Lexington, a princess of a great empire lexington, who's hated by her father the emperor killian von lexington. She is a princess whose half face is covered with a cursed scar. The emperor despited the princess because she was not able to use her magic because of the cursed scar. It was the prophecy that stated "A cursed person with crystal hair will destroy the whole lexington empire." The emperor thought the princess was not worth the crown and he didn't wanted the whole empire know about his cursed daughter and brought in a girl with crystal hair to replace the princess as her substitute. The princess who craved her father's and mother's love accepted it right away. So, do you think she will gain her family's love?

Shreya_Shrestha_6425 · Teen
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2 Chs


Celestia : (yawns) Finally, today is the day. I finally turned 16.

*Knock knock*

My lady, can i get in? asks her personal maid yona

Celestia : come in yona.

Yona : Happy 16th birthday your highness.

Celestia : (halppily) Thank you so much Yona. It means a lot to me ^_^

Yona : It's my pleasure my lady. Ahh.. the bath is ready. Would you like to take a bath first my lady?

celestia : Sure. Yona, Prepare the best dress i have ready. Today, I'm really excited to meet my father.

Yona : (Smiling ^^) Yes my lady.

(After taking the bath, celestia hurriedly gets ready and goes to the Imperial palace.)


(Opens the door)

Celestia proudly enters the imperial hall. "Greeting to the sun of the empire" says the princess.



people in the hall :- "Who is she?" "Yeah, never saw her around" "She looks so hideous" "She have crystal hair, maybe she's the distant relative of the emperor"

(Hearing all those people talking, celestia ignores them and moves forward to bow the emperor)

Emperor : (Rudely) Who asked you here?

Tia : (Awkwardly) Pardon.. I'm here to greet you Your majesty. Today i-

Emperor : How dare you to interrupt my meeting.( Frowning) Did i ask you to come and greet me with that lowly face of yours?

Tia : (With a scared looks and voice) Father i-

Emperor : Get her out of here right now. I don't want to see her face.



(Pin drop silence)

Emperor : If you call me father one more time, I will chop your head off. Get out right now

Tia : (with right hand on her cheek) B-but father..

Emperor : I SAID GET OUT!

(Running with teary eyes, celestia returns back to her room)

It was hard for celestia to accept the fact that she was not allowed to call her father "Father". She weeped and weeped.

Yona : (hugs) My lady, please don't cry.

Tia : Waaahh.... uwaaahh ( cries very hard)

yona, am i...n-not his majesty daughter?

Yona : Of course not my lady. You are the pure blooded royalty my lady. How could you say that

Tia : But Father said he'd kill me (cries)

Yona : ....

Yona : Don't worry my lady, he will accept you someday.

Tia : What if he really kill me yona? I only wanted him to wish me Happy birthday and nothing more. (Weeps)

Yona : ( teary eyes) My lady...(Hugs tia) Everything will be alright my lady. Everything will be alright.

In this way, Tia falls asleep and yona take her to her bed.