
I want to be close to you

Mike , lonely through out his whole life, finally met someone he wanted to get close with. His name was Shaun . Shaun was quite a fat guy since his childhood, he was quite tall and good looking too . He often get bullied for his body weight and all but his personality was god like . He was quite a gentleman with an angelic voice and that was what Mike mesmerised about. Mike family was not that bright, his mother and father hated him for being born while they loved their other two kids very much . Mike had beautiful blonde hair with feminine features and that's was what he got bullied about from his classmates and colleagues. When he first saw Shaun at his freshman year Meetup, when he was falling down when an classmate pushed Mike , Shaun helped him , his gentleness had made Mike melt his heart for him . From then on Mike cannot get Shaun out of his mind . Slowly his feelings developed and he wanted to get close to him , talk to him, hug him and eat with him . And finally when he got the chance to get close to him , he didn't expected that it would all turn upside down. Everything went wrong Shaun left the college that day and Mike never met him again. For years he thought about him and continued his life , trying to get a good job and Start his life but he didn't expected that he would meet Shaun again during his job freshman meetup but what have changed was that Shaun was not like how he was before his personality fully change . He was no longer a fat guy , he had became a tall , muscular and handsome man . Mike thought that he was still like before and tried to talk to him but he didn't expected him to threatened him to not know him . He made Mike sad , he hurted his wrist while grabbing it and slamming Mike on the wall . All the hope disappeared from him at that time thinking that he made a mistake. Mike left the Meetup right after that and wished to never show up there again. Breaking Mike's heart he decided not to talk to him again and to let go his feeling but who would have thought that he was assigned to Shaun team as an assistant and now he had to see him everyday. Thinking that God doesn't favour him at all but now god even hates him for putting him in this situation. Now he had to handle his feelings and the new type of Shaun with his eccentric team members. To know how will Mike handle all this situation and how both of them will fall for each other keep reading " I want to get close to you " . Thanking you!!!.

Animeloverdj136 · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 :- A bad morning.

" RINGGGGGG - RINGGGGGG " The alarm clock was ringing for a long time but Mike who had gone through some difficulties last time drunk himself out with just one can of beer and now he is asleep like sloth even he knew that when he woke up he will be in big trouble. Today is the very important day for him as he got a job as an assistant in the top company of agents , detective and Officer. He has assigned to a team to take care and assist them .

finally, the alarm which was ringing for a long time was stop by Mike who was still half asleep .

" Ughh , so noisy in the early morning" rubbing his both eyes with his hand , Mike in a dazed look at the clock to see the time .

" What the -- , oh no- oh no - oh no , I am late , I am late , ahhh !!!!! " in a panic he got off the bed while slipping down a little. Running directly to the bathroom to do his morning routine asap . It's already been 8:15 and Mike job starts at 8:30, getting himself ready in 15 minutes was quite difficult and he even have to catch the bus in time that he don't think he will catch in time .

Opening the bathroom door with a slam he rushed out of the door to his closest and took his pant and shirt from there . His pants were white in colour and shirt was in light blue colour going perfectly with his personality.

Wearing his clothes in a hurry , he rushed to comb his hair , spray a little perfume on him as he rushed to the kitchen to take out one donut to eat . He took his office bag , wore his shoes and got out of his apartment. He locked the apartment in a rushed , put in key in bag and rushed towards with main road where he can get a taxi , since no way he will get a bus .








" Taxi , taxi, ahh dammit why is non of them stopping.....Ahh finally a taxi is here wait - wait - wait . Can you take me to the Xy company Plz , thank you very much " Mike sat in the taxi quickly, he opened his donut packet and started eating his bread quietly while looking outside of the window.

The middle age man who was driving the taxi looked at Mike and said in a loud voice, " Are you going on your first job , young man ?"

" Ohh , yeah I am , but I woke up late because of not sleeping well at night ."

" Haha I can understand that, my daughter was like this when she went for her first job , she was so excited that she didn't slept well at the night and woke up late . My wife tired to wake her up but she didn't woke up and got late . That day was the funniest, I laughed my ass off while seeing her all panic."

" Ha ha , your daughter is quite something, I think the same happened to me . Now i am worried that I will get yelled at for being late ."

" Ohh don't worry with me here I will take you to your destination ASAP. Beside, just apologize a little and everything will be fine ."

" Yes ." talking with the uncle made Mike relaxed he now was feeling a little bit at ease .

Both of them chatted through the destination, mike has finished his donut in the meantime.

" Young man , we have arrived, you can go now ." The driver stopped the car and Mike got the it quickly he handed the fees to the driver.

" Thank you so much for giving me a lift ."

" Ah don't worry , it's my job , now hurry up ."

" Oh yes - yes , bye ."

Running directly to the building , he entered his Id card and went directly toward the elevator. There were ton of people waiting in front of the elevator soon the door opened and everyone got on it by pushing each other . And 'ding ' the lift got overloaded when Mike entered the elevator.

" What!! , uhh- I'll get off ." He got off as the elevator door closed he runn towards the stairs and started climbing it with a run .

" Why is things like these happening to me !? "

Out of breath as he was he finally reached his destination.

" Hu Hu Hu , finally I am here . My hair is a mess . " setting his hair a little, he wipped the little sweat he got on his face a little.

After his breath got in control he walked toward the manager office , with a little knock on the door the person inside the room answered him .

" Yes , who is it ? " The person who answered had a rough voice which made Mike think about bad things .

" Umm , sir it's me Mike Gray , the one who got assigned as the assistant of Team A of department X . "

There was a little bit a silent which made Mike heart beat like crazy and suddenly the door opened.

" Mike finally you are here ." With a cheerful voice the manager opened the door and hugged Mike in a tight grip .

" What the -- sir ".

" Do you know how much I have been waiting for yo-- cough cough , oh sorry , my throat are a little bit dry since I got drunk a little too much last night and you know what I didn't even went back home because if I did , I don't think my wife would have let me get a single bit of sleep and I would have not even had make it to the office today . Her nagging hurts more than her punches, hush, just thinking about it makes me shiver . "

" Uhh, okay..."

The manager was really chatty he talked to Mike till the reaches in front of his department.

" Look Mike we made it here . I know that you will do a great job but here's a little bit of advice, no a warning , those people inside there are a little bit, just a little bit eccentric, just a little so be a careful and stay positive. Do you think you can do that ?."

" Of course I will ."Mike with a confident smile that gather all that was left in him and decided to stay strong. He didn't wanted to let go off this job which pay good money and the place was even better .

The manager grins in a strange way and open the door in the of them in a full swing.

" Hello, good morning to everyone. Guess who is here today , your new assistant. ."

As the manager opened the door everyone were busy doing there own things that is no way related to the work , this made the manager a little angry but to keep his cool he dragged Mike who was still outside, inside the room .

" Here let me introduce you all to your new assistant, Mike Gray . "

He pushed Mike in front of team A , Mike gaze widened at the sight of them even he didn't know whether it was for how tall they are and how good looking all of them were or was it because of the different aura they were giving. But what shocked him the most was the man who was sitting on the chair in the middle , head was slightly down , his eyes were closed and he looked like he didn't care a little thing about world.

Upon seeing him Mike frozen in his place , his manager pushed him a little bit with his elbow which made him come to his sense .

With a little hesitation he introduced himself.

" Hello... I am Mike Gray , nice to meet you . "

A little nervous as he was , all the people in the room looked at him and then again strated doing their own business. All the nervousness made Mike think about running away which came true when the man in the middle opened his eyes as he looked into Mike eyes.

His gaze were piecering in Mike eyes , his heart beat were running crazy . At this moment his lost his control and directly ran outside of the room .

Mike knew that man , he was the man he wanted to get close with but after what happened yesterday all Mike can feel his anger toward that man , he decided to give up on him , but now that he has to work with him there's no way he would do that , it'll feel like walking on a thread with lava beneath him everyday .

He'd rather quit his job the feel this way .

" Mike , Mike wait where are you going!!" The manager ran toward Mike to catch him , holding his wrist both of them stopped far away from the Team A room .

" Huff , Huff , just where are you going huh , and ... and why did you ran away . "

" Sorry , Sir but I don't think I can work here , I am very sorry for wasting your time but...." As Mike was just about to finish his sentence, the manager dropped to the group, he held both legs of Mike and started crying out loudly.

" Mike , oh sweet Mike , please don't do that , ok please. I beg you , you don't know how much I had to struggle to find a assistant for them , they are special team . I got orders from the head quarter to find them a new assistant in two days and today is the last day , if they knew about you quiting this job , I will definitely become jobless. They will fire me , then what about me , my wife and my future kids. Please think about it , you will be the bad guy throughout the whole life . Huff huff "

The manager said all of these in one breath, being out of breath he didn't let Mike legs go from his grip . The truth was that he had already brought many assistant before Mike but all of them left within a week , no one could stand Team A . He had already got the last chance from the head quarter given that Mike is this last choice, no matter what he have to make Mike stay here at least for two or three months until he find another assistant.

" Please stand up sir , don't do that . I-i'll do it , I'll do this job until you get to find some other assistance. "

Mike, now , was in great crisis . Being beg like this he couldn't stand to refuse the manager at all. Maybe it was because of his kind nature which is one of his great quality.

" Really , really, you will do it for real . You will not back down now , right ? "

" Yeah , but you will help me when I am in trouble , ok ?! "

" Of course, so let's go and greet them once again. "

" ok "

Mike again gathering up all of his courage once again and with a long sign, he march forward toward the department X of Team A .

' Mike I know that you can do it , you just have to handle all of this for just two or three months and then you will have your peaceful day back to you again . You just have to make sure to talk to him less as possible and you have to try to get along with all of them . Yes I know that you can do it , yep I can and I will .'

Mike made a long courage full speech for himself and got self motivated.

With all his might he marched forward as the manager opened the door of the room which will snatch his peaceful days away from him .

What will become of Mike now ? , will all the team members will accept him? , will the man he is trying to avoid make trouble with him? and will Mike get his peaceful days back to him ?. To know what will happen next stay with us till the next update .

To be continued..............

Thank for reading this chapter please look forward to the next chapter which will be uploaded next week .

Thank you , bye bye 😄😄😄