
When He Finally Wakes Up

Irene's hopes of a magical reunion were dashed the moment she realized something was amiss in the Duke's Tower. The final confirmation that they wouldn't be able to continue their conversation any time soon was the sight of Henry lying on his stomach in his bed. 

There were so many questions unanswered but she didn't need the answers yet, she just wanted to be there for him in case he woke up. 

At first, Irene was satisfied with sitting at his side in the chair that Ingrid had provided for her but soon it was not enough. The knight crouched next to Henry's large bed since his face was faced in that direction. 

He looked peaceful while he slept but she couldn't imagine the pain he must have been in to wind up in that state. She didn't know what Siverly had done to him or why there was so much blood.