
Long Awaited Apology

Irene was shocked that Henry would emotionally respond to such a simple question as that. She knew she was digging into his personal life but she couldn't get the look of sadness out of her head from the last inn they visited in Chemois.

He smiled so easily during the day as if trying to make those around him comfortable, but at night he was finally able to sit with his feelings and express them when he was alone.

Irene thought of the painting of the princess in her commander's office back at the Duke's Tower. She wondered if Princess Marie had something to do with his sadness. When he was first in Chemois, she heard Felix talking about how he thought Henry was romantically involved with the princess.

It was casual conversation and Irene hadn't taken it seriously at first but perhaps there was more truth to it than she realized.

She wanted to pry so much deeper into it but she knew that it was none of her business.