
Can I Still Believe In Love?

Was he still in love with the princess?

It was a question he had been dreading asking himself. 

A question he avoided so he wouldn't have to realize that it was over for good. 

However, once the question was asked, he had a realization that struck him in his heart and he felt lonely as much as he finally felt free with his life and his future. He was rebuilding himself the best way he knew how. 

The words left Irene's lips and she instantly felt terrible when Henry's expression fell. It was close to the expression he wore when she sat on the stairs and watched him finally giving a hint to how much his heart had been broken. 

However, that was months ago, she wondered if he had a change of heart since then. 

After stumbling upon the letter he had hidden away in his desk, her curiosity was eating away at her. Yet she hoped it wouldn't push him away from the small amount of comfortableness they had formed between one another that day.