

Words could not describe how I felt, it was unfair how treated me yet he claimed to be in love with me, I didn't know if that was the reason I was angry or if I was just overwhelmed by the sudden statement.

As I climbed the stairs, I used my dress to wipe my face, I also ignored Allesio who called me several times to ask what was wrong, I couldn't face him nor did I want to.

The distance up the stairs that seemed long in a normal was shortened by half due to how I was feeling, I was climbing like a living dead unaware of how far I had gone.

With crazy things going on in my mind like,

"How does Adriel love me, Allesio loves me as well, why am I stuck in this nonsense now when there is a battle at hand,"

I tried to convince myself to ignore both of them, act like they never existed in my life, and concentrate on the situation that was at hand because that was more important.