

WSA 2023 A demonic knight in shining armor or a mysterious but lovable palace guard? This was the dilemma Sage, the handmaid to the princess of Aeradon was stuck in. While the former loathed her despite she having feelings for him, the latter was in love with her, but Sage didn't reciprocate his love. In a sudden attack on their kingdom, the Princess was captured and in an attempt to rescue her, alongside both men, Sage fell in their clutches too and was taken to another kingdom. However, she found favor in the sight of the king and seized it as an opportunity to uncover the reason behind their kidnapper and sudden attack. But amidst all these, both knight and guard clashed in a battle to win her heart, which took an unexpected turn and led to the revelation of astonishing secrets. Now the question remains, will she let the handsome knight emerge victorious in the battle for her love, or give room for the palace guard to secure her heart? Cover photo was found on Pinterest.

Lawrence_Oshim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
127 Chs


Just like I hoped for, a knight alongside an old lady walked out of the trees with the Princess and Sage and that made me sighed in relief.

"At least they are alive," I said to myself.

The knights took the Princess to the horse and Sage was made to work behind them, I kept quiet through the journey until we got to the cliff.

When those knights came from behind, I thought that they had discovered that two of their men were killed and left naked, but they rode past us and one of them handed a letter to the leader of the knights. 

The rest of her journey was long and boring, but we made it to Tersian at noon because the sun was still bright in the sky.

When they were taken into the field, I searched for Allesio because we had gotten mixed up in the crowd. He found me first and I told him that we had to leave.

Before we walked away, the leader of the knight called us, since he was the head, it was going to be suspicious if we did not obey, so we did, I was only concerned because he was standing with the princess.

"Yes sir," I saluted him and so did Allesio, we both faked our voices but I was still uncomfortable with the way the Princess stared at us.

"Head towards the palace immediately, inform the king that we have arrived with the Princess and all the captives as he told us to."

Everything worked in our favor, he had no idea that we were headed for the palace but since he sent us, we didn't have to go secretly.

We walked away from him and headed for the palace which was not far away from the field, we remained confident even as we walked into the Palace.

"You can take your helmets off now, the battle is over, " a guard who we met in the hallway said to us but we paid no attention.

Because I was conversant with a lot of royal architecture, I was able to navigate through the palace even though I had never been there before. I led us straight to the throne room where the king had just dismissed a servant.

"Ah yes, tell me you have come with good news," the king spoke first. I must admit that he was the most joyful king I had ever met.

I delivered the information just as the knight had instructed but before we turned to leave, the king asked us,

"Aren't you going to take off the helmet now?" 

We froze and stared at each other simultaneously, our luck ran out at that moment because he might discover that we were intruders.

And because I was the leader of the Aeradonian knights, the idea of taking the helmet off and the king would think that he hasn't seen us yet was not a good one.

"Your majesty," the leader of the knight greeted the king as he walked into the throne room with Sage and the Princess.

"Why do you still have your helmets on?" He asked us but we did not say anything.

" You can leave now," he told us and we were back in luck.

When we left their presence, we didn't go straight to the exit but diverted and took a different route without knowing where it led us.

"So what now sir?" Allesio asked me, he never came up with an idea and even if he did I was never going to agree with it.

"We wait," I replied.

"Find out where they would take the Princess to and plot a rescue afterward."

" Then don't you think sir that we should have stayed behind, at least close enough to know what their plan was, because staying here we may never know, " Allesio was right, I wondered why I didn't think of it?

When we got back there, they were leaving the throne room. We followed them secretly, but we couldn't continue when they went up the stairs. I knew where it led them so there was no need to take that risk.

"You two!" We were taken aback by another voice and we turned and saw the King staring at us intently.

"Come with me, I have something for you to do, and take those helmets off now! " He ordered.

And that was it, we were out of luck and thought there was no way out, I touched my helmet and raised it slowly, the King had never seen any of us so I weighed the options that he may think of us as intruders or not, besides there was no way a king could know every knight aside the leader.

"Good now follow me!" He commanded.

He didn't react at all when we took off the helmets, which was a good thing. He led us to his chamber and instructed us to move the bed to another side of the room so that he would get his ring which had fallen under.

I was astonished, the royal bed weighs the same as a horse so it was not a two-man job, but Allesio and I had no choice but to listen. We moved it to the side by pushing it because lifting it would have broken our backs.

He took out his ring and we took the bed back to its original place and left the chamber, we went back to where we had taken off our helmets and wore them back to be on the safe side, even if no one else knew us, I believed that the leader would recognize me.

"Take this food to the princess," We walked past the kitchen when I heard those words and acted quickly.

"I'll go with you," I said and everyone turned around amazed.

" Why, if I may ask? " The chef asked me.

"Because the girl who was brought here alongside the princess is a good fighter, the only reason she hasn't done anything was that she is powerless against the knights, she could easily beat you up and escape with the princess, " I was quick to have prepared such a believable lie.

" I see, go with him then," the chef instructed the servant and handed the keys over to me. I smiled at my victory and walked out of the kitchen with the servants.

I used my fingers to tell Allesio to stay behind us, he understood the sign so he stayed close, and when we got to the stairs, I knocked the servant unconscious Allesio quickly took the tray from him, and wore the apron on himself.

I carried the servant until we got up the stairs and threw her into a room which I was able to unlock after several attempts with different keys. 

We got to the highest point of the palace and that was where I believed the princess was kept so I unlocked it after trying about twelve keys. 

I saw the fear written all over their faces when we approached them without a word. I believed they must have thought we were about to take advantage of them but they were in for a shock. 

A.N So I wrote these three chapters in Adriel's POV at a fast pace because I don't plan to make you relive an entire event for so long, however I could make it exclusive if you want me to. I hope you have enjoyed it so far.