
I wanna stuck with you

HE always wants to wins over her but he knows deep in his heart that She's one for him always.

ruchika_mangeshwar · Teen
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203 Chs


Jhummi went inside and called Suhani, she told her that she is waiting for her in the classroom for their second lecture, everyone in the classroom was gossiping about the trip, Jhummi and Suhani were also excited for this trip, they planned everything, and their shopping, that purchased almost everything, everyone was just waiting for the confirm dates and wishing that this trip should be for one week at least, the professor came in the class and Ayan was following him with Raghav, he sat on the bench before Jhummi's bench, before sitting he passes a smile to Jhummi but she ignored it, Suhani noticed the smile of Ayan and reaction of Jhummi and she laughed, "what is wrong with you, why you ignored his smile", asked Suhani and Jhummi made a spoiler face, " can we please not talk about him" said Jhummi and Suhani glared her, "chill, fine we are not talking okay", said Suhani, Ayan turn his head and give Jhummi a flying kiss, and Jhummi made an angry face but Suhani again laughed, the lecturer angrily glared in Ayan's direction and Ayan tried to control his laughed, most of teachers knows him, but they never say him anything, the lecturer divert his focus and started teaching again, Raghav hit Ayan's hand and told him to behave properly but instead of understanding Ayan teased him.

After the class Jhummi and Suhani went to the cafe, Jhummi ate her breakfast early in the morning so after attending the class she was feeling hungry, and she wants to talk with Suhani about the last night incident, she didn't show but she was still upset, and Jhummi was thinking about Ayan too, "I am trying so hard not to think anything negative about my mom, I know she is genuinely trying to change herself for us, but how could I easily forget my past, that cries, my loneliness, her cold behavior, for me it is not easy to do this, I want to know the reason behind this, but I don't want to hurt myself again by digging her past", said Jhummi.

Suhani pat her shoulder and wipes her tears, "then let it go Jhummi, leave your past behind, give her a chance to heal you, she accepted her sins and now she really wants to be a good mother for you and Neel, then why you are finding a way to damage yourself again, forget everything and focus on your career and on your dreams, only remember one thing, how much hard work you had done for the scholrship and for admission in this college, stop running your mind in all this and just be yourself, think about the trip now, we will have a lot of fun okay", said Suhani "now give me a hug and smile", she continued and hugged her, Jhummi wipes her tears and hugged her back, "you know last night Ayan called me and i thought it was you, without checking the number I burst out on the call, I felt really stupid, what he will be thinking about me, why the hell i am like this", said Jhummi in frustation and Suhani laughed, " why you are thinking, whatever he is thinking, let it be, I am very sure he will understand you instead of judge you", said Suhani and Jhummi smiled.

Ayan was also sitting in the, he was watching Jhummi but Jhummi couldn't see him, Ayan was listening to her talks as the boy whom Raghav hired was sitting just next to Jhummi's bench, Ayan felt really sad for her, he could still hear the sobbings of her from last night, he knows everything about Jhummi and her past, he knows how much she suffered all those years, a few weeks ago he met Jhummi's mother on a journal store, her mother was looking so frustrated and she was crying and yelling on a phone call, Ayan was standing just near her, he listened to all her talks, she cut the call in anger and went inside, she asked for rat poison and she paid the shopkeeper and started running in madness, Ayan had felt the pain of losing her mother, he felt the miserable time of his life, Jhummi's mother seems a good person, Ayan started following her.

Ayan followed her until she reached her house, she was crying continuously, she went into the kitchen and poured water in a glass and unwrap the poison, she was about to eat that but Ayan pushed her hand, Jhummi's mother got panic to see him, "who are you, and how you came inside and why did you stop me", her mother managed to yell on him, Ayan felt so sad to see her condition, tears build up in his eyes, his mother's accident and her memories started flashing in his mind, Jhummi's mother become rigid to see a strangers reaction her condition.

Ayan snatched the poison from her hand and throw it into the dustbin and wiped her tears, he made her sit on the sofa and made her drink some water, "may I know who are you and why you did all this for me", said her mother "you can consider me as your son", said Ayan and tears rolled down from her eyes, Ayan again wiped her tears, "don't you have any family or your loved ones, you didn't think once before taking this huge step", said Ayan and asked her the reason of her this condition, Jhummi's mother felt a different bond with Ayan, she told him everything, how she was fade up with life, the fights with Jhummi's father.

Jhummi's father become alcohol addicted, he used to drink and beat her mother daily, Jhummi was also the victim of her father's tortures, and financial problem her mother was facing that time, Jhummi and Neel was managing that time on their own, they never know what condition was their mother at that time because she stopped caring their about her kid's condition, she has no one with whom she could share her pain and her miserable condition, Ayan wiped her tears again and helped her, he forcefully send Jhummi's father to rehab and he was paying for all his expanses, he also find a job for Jhummi's mother in his dad's company, although he don't talk to his dad, but he has his own contacts so without his dad's intterup he gave a good job to her mother, "never ever think this type of things again, you have your own job now, and i am sending your husband to rehab, this is only option i have, and one more thing, please start loving your kids, as they are seeking for your love from so many years, and if you need anything, i am just one phone call away", said Ayan and her mother kissed Ayan's head, "you are angel for me, i will never forget your favor, god will bless you my son, may your all wishes come true soon, thank you so much", said her mother and Ayan give her his card and he asked her for her phone number, so he could ask him time to time if she needs anything, Ayan was leaving the house but then he saw a picture on the table, that picture was Jhummi's and Neel's, shocked and a happiness was on his face and he left te house.

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