
I Use Billions Of Superpowers To Create A World Of Superpowers

[Urban superpowers + no heroine + super many superpowers + sequence + behind the scenes + alien world + world growth] Wang Yue awakens hundreds of millions of superpowers at the beginning, and can also give the power to others, making others his dependents. The growth of the dependents' abilities will be fed back to Wang Yue, and half of the energy gained will belong to Wang Yue. What? You said you are very capable? Sorry, I have n more perverted abilities than this. He is the god, the number one in the world, the most wanted criminal, and the devil. He is both the god respected by people with superpowers and the devil feared by people with superpowers. He controls everything behind the scenes, but no one knows about him. True face. This world is an imaginary world and all contents are purely fictitious. Please do not substitute it into reality. I hold no credit on this novel..

Davidplays_5397 · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 46 The Mushroom Cloud That Starts The Battle

"Damn it!" Yu Ziyi knelt on the ground, punched a small hole in the ground, and shouted: "How does he know what we are going to do? Even if he can remotely sense our position, he cannot know what we are going to do." , Could it be that he has been watching us all day long without being noticed by us? "

"How can this be!"

"Senior Brother Yu, how about we escape? If we continue like this, sooner or later our storage bags will be snatched away by the gods." A monk next to him said.

"Escape? Others can sense where we are, is there any use in running away?" Yu Ziyi said collapsed.

"Then what should we do?" Liu Wan frowned.

"Since he likes to grab storage bags so much, let's let him get as much as he can! Come back with me, I have a plan."

In the free fighting competition venue, the audience was very enthusiastic. 82 pounds vs. 96 pounds. I thought it was a match without any suspense. As a result, the thin young man with a tuft of white hair actually started from 50 to 50 and then took over. advantageous situation.

The boy's movements and skills are perfect, flowing smoothly and pleasing to the eye.

If it weren't for the young man's weak strength, the other party would have fallen to the ground.

Although the boy was handsome and attractive, most people were still cheering for the other person, because most people lost because they bought the boy with white hair.

"Huh? Why is Bai Zai sweating? With our physique, we shouldn't be tired from playing with ordinary people for such a long time." Wu Chudan asked.

"Even for Bai Zai, it is very difficult for him to control himself until he is 50-50 against the opponent. If he loses concentration even a little bit, the opponent will be killed immediately. It can be said that he is trying his best." Guo Yunfei replied.

Xiang Zaibai, who was fighting fiercely, seemed to have become stronger, and actually knocked his opponent to the ground with one punch, making the opponent unconscious on the spot.



The whole place was in an uproar!

It ended with Xiang Zaibai's victory, a huge upset.

After Xiang Zai finished playing, everyone in the Alliance of Superpowers didn't look any further. They took the tickets to ask someone to remit the money. Due to the huge amount, it would take a day or two to arrive.

After Xiang Zaibai joined the others, he said with a naive smile: "The power evolved just now, and I couldn't control my strength well. Fortunately, the other party is not seriously injured, he is just unconscious."

"What happened to the superpower?" Guo Yunfei asked.

"Let me tell you something first. I can now double my strength when fighting with the God of War. Even if I face the immortal cultivator who attacked me tonight, I am sure to win." Xiang Zaibai is now very confident.

Ou Bo smiled bitterly: "Is the increase so big? It seems that you are going to widen the gap."

"Little brat, don't be too arrogant. The difference in strength was so big that day. The opponent must not have used all his strength. It's better to be careful." Du Yiming reminded.

"Don't worry, I'm measured."

Late at night, it was almost 12 o'clock, a van drove to an abandoned building, and nine people got out of the van. However, Wu Chudan was not among the nine people, and they were replaced by Zhou Zun.

Wu Chudan's ability is limited to those with supernatural powers. This time the enemy is an immortal cultivator, which makes Wu Chudan's ability useless.

However, this is not because she thinks she will be a hindrance, but because she is afraid that the members of the Alliance of Superpowers will not be able to protect her. The battlefield that Wu Chudan belongs to is different from the others. Her battlefield is to help the Alliance of Superpowers find people.

Although Pan Yufei does not have combat capabilities, medical personnel are needed for frontline battles, so she must be brought along.

They are not worried that the cultivators will come to cut the back row. In the eyes of others, would those who dare to leave the team privately during this period be weak?



Wang Yue had already been waiting for them in the building. After seeing everyone, he said, "Is everyone here?"

This was the first time Zhou Zun met Yi Shou, and he found that he actually looked exactly like Guo Yunfei said, with a chaotic face.

"We're all here, what are you going to do? The other party can sense our location. If we go directly, we will definitely be discovered." Guo Yunfei said.

"Perceptual shielding, I'm not the only one who can shield it." Wang Yue said slowly.

Guo Yunfei raised his eyebrows, thinking that this alien hunter would not be very useful when they were on the same front. But this is only temporary. Once the matter with the immortal cultivator is settled, a life and death battle will begin.

Everyone felt as if something was attached to their bodies. Wang Yue said: "I have used the perception shield on you. From now on, no one can sense you before I remove the ability."

Chen Shuying's face was filled with joy. With the sensory shield on her body, if anyone present could benefit the most, it would definitely be her. Even she could play an role in this battle.

"Where are those cultivators?" Guo Yunfei asked.

"No. 45, Duotian Village, in the outskirts of Lianyun District."

"It's actually in the suburbs? I thought it was at the Yang's house in Pingbao Village."

"It seems that you are not very stupid. You were indeed in the Yang family before, but they changed places two days ago. They are now living in the Yang family's house." Wang Yue's words seemed to be full of sarcasm.

It's really hard to hold back laughter, Wang Yue thought to himself.

Guo Yunfei ignored the ridicule and said with a smile: "That's just right. No one lives there, so you don't have to worry too much about the residents during the fight."

the other side.

"Senior Brother Yu, you can't sense that group of people anymore. Why are they dead?" asked a monk.


"They are not dead. The God Generation can escape the perception of the Jade Spirit Plate. It is not surprising that others can escape the perception. The God Generation is preparing to kill us." Yu Ziyi said calmly.

"Junior brothers and sisters, don't worry. This time, I will let God make sure they come back."

Two and a half hours later, Wang Yue and others have arrived 300 meters away from the immortal cultivator's hiding place. There are not many buildings nearby, and the immortal cultivator's hiding place is particularly conspicuous.

Ou Bo asked in a very small voice: "What to do next? Go in directly? I'm afraid there will be a trap."

"No need to bother, I will let them come out on their own. It would be lucky if they could come out to meet us in the form of corpses." Zhou Zun's voice was lazy and dull.

In the building.

"Senior Brother Yu, you are really smart. You used the camouflage charm to disguise the slave as you and pretend to practice there. He also used a storage bag to pack a bunch of talismans that were activated to the point of explosion. He opened the bag and placed it in front of the slave. , as long as someone touches the storage bag, the talismans inside will explode instantly." Liu Wan said with a smile.

"Yes, we just need to hide outside and wait for the gods to come to grab the storage bag and be blown to death." Yu Ziyi said with a smile.

"Brother, are you saying it will explode if you touch it?" said a monk next to him, his tone obviously a little panicked.

"That's right." Yu Ziyi turned around and looked around, his mouth wide.

A cockroach, at some point, avoided everyone's sight and climbed onto the storage bag.


The storage bag gave off a dazzling light.


A mushroom cloud rose from the dark night and lit up the entire night.