
The young man rubbed his hands together and said with a smile, "I'm going home!"

The driver was also amused. "How long has it been since the last time you've been back? I didn't expect you to be so happy just by being home..." it seemed that this young man was a sentimental person.

"Of course I'm happy!" The young man's eyes were bright, and his tone was a bit ostentatious. "My little sister called me today and said that she wants to see me! I originally told her that I would be back tomorrow, but I bought today's ticket and I plan to give her a surprise."

The driver's expression froze. "I thought that you were working outside. It's not easy to come back, so you're so happy. I didn't expect that it was just because of a phone call from your sister?!"

This guy was a conman right?

"Of course, my sister misses me. This is a big deal to me." The young man said matter-of-factly, "Also, how can I work outside?"

The driver said casually, "Oh, so you went out to start a business?"

The young man shook his head. "I went out to eat, drink, and have fun."

The driver just stared.

The young man smiled and showed his white teeth. He said, "It's impossible to earn money. Spending money is a greater joy in life..."

"Also, uncle driver, the address I just told you is in a famous villa area in Ye City. Even with only my father working, it's enough to earn money for our home. He earns too much money. My task is to help him spend the money. Otherwise, I'm afraid he won't be able to spend it all in his lifetime..."

At first, the driver thought that he was an optimistic young man. However, when he heard this, the driver immediately shut his mouth. He felt that this young man was acting like an old man who did not want to make any progress in life.

Moreover, he was taking everything for granted.

The driver thought that if he had such a son, he would definitely faint from anger. He did not have that much money to spend on his son.

After that, the driver did not speak again. The young man did not mind the silence either. He continued to look out of the window with a smile.

This young man was Yunsha's third brother, Ci Xingzhong

The pronunciation of the last word was "chong".

When his father gave his son a name, there was a particular way.

There was a saying in the Book of Sayings, how the essence of all things were made of the particles of stars.

His father deliberated for a long time and named him Xingzhong, where "xing" meant star and "zhong" meant heavy. At that time, he thought of the name "heavy star".

But he never expected that his son's weight would get heavier year by year.


Ci Xing returned home with the intention of giving his sister a surprise.

But when he saw Fang Huaili eating dinner at the dining table on the first floor, he felt shocked.

"Mom and dad gave birth to another child?"

Ci Xing started to calculate in his mind how long it had been since he had returned.

"Third brother, what nonsense are you talking about?" Yunsha did not know whether to laugh or cry. She said, "How can mom give birth again? Even if she does, it's impossible for a child to grow so big all of a sudden."

"Thank goodness." Ci Xingzhong also realized that he had asked a stupid question. He handed his suitcase to the housekeeper while he sat opposite Yunsha and asked with a smile, "Sha Sha, are you surprised? I'll managed to come back tonight!"

When he smiled, his eyes became smaller and smaller, but his eyes were unusually bright. He looked like he was asking for praise.

"It's really surprising. I thought you wouldn't be back until tomorrow." Yunsha nodded. One of the gift boxes in her mind was already shining.

Yunsha really wanted to give the gift to her third brother right now, but it was inconvenient with an outsider present.

Moreover, the system gifts do not run away, so it was not too late to give them after dinner.

Yunsha asked, "Has third brother eaten?"