
I turned into a cat girl?

this is one of my first books, I apologize if words are messed up. as Auto correct is a nightmare and, even when I read the chapters 3 times before posting I am bad about messing things. if I mess word up I'll do my best to go back and fix it.

sunni_1201 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

John is scary

the man stepped over, he had a white patches on his shoulders with what appeared to be a shield.

he looked at zero before back at John.

he then turned to Lola raising a brow before asking.

"what's going on over here?" he asked looking at John.

John stood tall ears still pinned back.

"zero brought in a stranger! we don't know where she came from.

we already don't have the supplies to support our own people!" he snapped.

the man nodded listening quietly before turning to zero.

"what's your side?"

he asked.

zero nodded "it was yesterday, she found us outside the walls while we were checking the traps to collect hide and of course give the meat to the local butcher." zero said before hearing his brother say.

"stop rambling make it shorter."

zero nodded biting his lip.

"I took her to sunni, our chief she cleared Lola.

she looked into her memory, she safe.

she stayed the night with me."

zero points to Lola "what's you side."

he asked.

Lola looked at zero "I found zero walking in the woods lost he brought me here.."she said shaking.

zeros brother smiled before laughing "I'll go check with sunni. since you're so worried John."

he said waving him off.

"what are you so scared of John she's a level 0. if you're that weak at a level 3 then you should go level up more." he said laughing.

John lowered his brows growling again before raising his fist shaking from anger.

zero shook his head grabbing Lola pulling her behind him. "Uno let me take him." zero snapped angrily fed up with John nonsense.

he didn't understand why he was being so aggressive.

Uno held his hand up to zero looking at John.

he stepped closer to John stretching out, smiling.

John gave a slight look of fear before yelling. "fuck you and your family." he said to them before running off.

Uno laughed "run coward." he called.

zero felt angry still glaring before feeling Lola tug on him.

she felt worried and kind of bad.

"I am sorry zero...is the town really that low on supplies..." she said

zero blinked feeling the anger subsides a little.

he nodded gently looking at her.

Uno chimed in "yes we are lower than normal but you'll be fine.

he worries too much, plus we are still recovering from a flood." he said before reaching out his hand.

"it's nice to meet you Lola.

my name is Uno, zeros brother." he said trying to be polite.

Lola reached out shaking his hand.

Uno let her hand go laughing, " y'all gave me an excuse to get off work easier today since I have to see the chief now."

Lola still felt a little shook from everything.

zero patted her back "it's okay, his just like that John has all always been...odd."

Lola looked at him lowering her brows "his still stronger than me.." she said.

Uno laughed harder "you'll be fine, if something bad happens you and zero can look for me.

his a level 3.

zero is 8 and am 10.

John can't beat us." he said before pointing to the house behind the shop.

"why don't y'all come over later for dinner later....I'll even see if I can get something meat wise for you."

Uno said to Lola and zero.

Lola felt her stomach growl nodding quickly.

zero smiled nodding "gets me out of cooking tonight." he said laughing.

Uno shrugged "I ain't cooking, you know my track record. if it wasn't for my lovely wife I'd probably eat raw food all the time."

zero laughed "are you might almost burn the town down again!"

Lola blinked eyes wide "wait what! you about burnythe town down!?" she said.

uno rolled his eyes"oh...it wasn't that bad." he said shrugging.

Lola shook her head in disbelief looking at them.

uno looked back "I need to get back to work.

y'all be good and stay out of trouble." he said walking off.

zero nodded looking at Lola who was lost in thought again.

"do you know how to cook?"

he asked leaning down poking her.

Lola Jumped before nodding "am not a great cook, but I know a thing are two." she said.

zero pointed to the shop "then we can go pick up some supplies, that way you have some things at the house.

I have some things I can trade." he stood back up giving her a warm look.

Lola shook her head "no! you don't have to trade your stuff!

isn't there a way I can earn it myself?" she asked.

zero thought scratching his face before looking back towards the Fields out in distance.

"you could start working early to earn coins."

Lola nodded smiling grabbing his hand.

"come on let's go!"

zero signed leaning back "come on it's my day off.

can't we just do it tomorrow?"

he said being dramatic.

Lola crossed her arms "lazy!"

zero smiled at her snapping his finger pointing to her.

"yup, plus we need to get you some clothes you can actually fit...I don't think you have noticed but your butt is hafe way showing."

he said.

she blushed sighing "we have to trade for clothing to don't we."

she asked.

he nodded "you can just owe, am not stressed about it.

even if you don't pay me back it's whatever.

am just happy to help people.

plus.... something must have happened to you....."

he said bending down.

"you really don't remember anything..." he asked.

Lola looked down shaking her head to scared to say anything else.

zero smiled not pressing any further grabbing a bag off the side of his hips handing her 30 coins.

he pointed to a shop

"go there, Daisy sales clothes.

she can help you find something nice out.

whatever's left go to the shop across the way.

they sell food.

get yourself a few things."

Lola gave him a soft look before he gently pushed her. "go it's okay,"

he smiled waving her on.

"I'll be out here if you need me."

Lola looked at the shop before turning to him.

"thank you zero."

she said before running off to the shop.

zero smiled softly shaking his head.