
I Try To Become An Immortal Using Mortal Science

Luo Hong was standing in front of the mountain gate of Huangfeng Valley. At this moment, he had to admit the fact that he had traveled to "Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality" Pushing the glasses that no longer existed, Luo Hong said categorically, "Like Han Li, I am a false spiritual root" "It seems the only way I can go is to scientifically cultivate immortality!" Why is there a bottleneck on every fourth level during the qi refining realm? How can you maximize the chance of establishing a foundation? How many factors affect the speed of cultivation? How fast is Han Li running? When cultivating immortality in this world is an objective fact, then science is immortal cultivation, and immortal cultivation is science! (Note: This is not my book)

Deus_Ex_Machina_3195 · Fantasy
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Chapter 1 Entering Yellow Maple Valley

"Nephew Luo, the Grand Moon Mountains are in front of you, and you can arrive at my master's cave mansion after a cup of tea. Please calm down first, and don't lose your manners in front of your ancestors."

  Liu Jing stood at the head of the flying boat, gently persuading an ordinary-looking, fair-skinned boy.

   "Uncle Liu, don't worry about him, he's just a fake spiritual root waste."

   "Yes, yes, Uncle Liu, tell us what kind of person Master is like?"

   "Will the ancestor be very fierce?"

  Looking at these jumping juniors, Liu Jing shook his head helplessly and only said: "You will know when you see Master", and stopped talking.

  Luo Hong, who was rejected by his companions, didn't care at all about this, he lay down on the side of the boat and carefully observed the two rows of oars sticking out of the spirit boat.

   "The spirit boat is flying in the air, and there is no spiritual energy surging on the oars, so what is the use of the oars? Is this boat amphibious in the sea and air?"

   He really couldn't understand the reason, Luo Hong chose to give up, for the time being, he smoothed his messy hair from the wind and tidied up the Yellow Maple Valley uniform he just got.

   It has been a year since he time traveled, Luo Hong has long been used to acting as a fourteen-year-old boy, and has fully accepted this strange yet familiar world.

  Don't mention the past, the Luo Hong in this life is a collateral disciple of the Li Clan in the Moon Kingdom.

   This time, I was able to visit Yellow Maple Valley, one of the seven sects of Immortal Cultivation in the Moon Kingdom, because Li Huayuan, the patriarch of the clan, served as an elder in the valley. He can recommend the juniors of the five clans in the Qi Refining realm to enter the valley every ten years.

Originally, with Luo Hong's aptitude, such an opportunity would not be his turn. After all, the Li Clan is a powerful clan that has been passed down for hundreds of years. There were only four juniors, so Luo Hong was selected.

  As a mortal, Luo Hong naturally knew who Liu Jing and Li Huayuan were. Before boarding the boat, he asked the ancestor how many disciples he had now, and Liu Jing replied that he had seven, and he was the third.

  Han Li became Li Huayuan's eighth disciple after establishing his foundation, that is to say, Han Li is either still looking at the medicine garden, or he hasn't entered the valley yet.

  After entering the valley, I will find an opportunity to go to White Leaf Garden as soon as possible to make a plan for the future.

Looking at the four chatting and laughing boys and girls not far away, who don't know the dangers of the world of immortal cultivation, Luo Hong kept telling himself to firmly follow the righteous way of immortal cultivation that Han Li follows: Stability is the first priority in everything, and action is taken after making decisions.

  Don't ask too much, it's stupid to ask.

  Now that he has decided to act immediately, Luo Hong quietly stood behind the four friends and planned the fastest escape route by the way.

  Li Huayuan's cave mansion is behind a curtain of water. The layout is unique, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and there is aura everywhere.

"These are elixirs for strengthening the foundation and cultivating the essence. Take one bottle for each of you. After entering the valley, you can practice well. Don't cause trouble. If anyone among you can establish a foundation, I will accept him as a disciple. Alright, go, "

  Li Huayuan was lukewarm towards Luo Hong and the others, and after meeting him, he gave them the elixir and asked them to leave.

   There is also a hidden meaning in the words that his name should not be used indiscriminately before the foundation is established.

  The four teenagers were still a little afraid and wronged, but Luo Hong understood the reason.

Li Huayuan has been in alchemy for at least several decades. Even if there are only five nominations every ten years, the number of descendants he nominates into the valley has already reached double digits, but none of his disciples is from the Li Clan, which shows that he is disappointed in his clan's juniors.

  In the world of immortal cultivation where the weak are prey to the strong, how can you enter the alchemy stage if you can't establish a foundation?

"Old Ancestor, since the younger generation learned that they were able to practice in the Yellow Maple Valley, they were overjoyed day by day and thankful for their kindness every night, so today they boldly presented the elixir cultivated at home for generations."

It is an opportunity for an immortal cultivator in the early stages of Qi refining to meet the major refiner in the alchemy stage. Luo Hong had already prepared for this and persuaded the old man in charge in advance to let his grandson take a chance on his future.

"Well, filial piety is good, but the general elixir is useless to immortal cultivators in the alchemy stage, so you don't have to take it out."

Li Huayuan stroked his long beard lightly with a calm expression, indifferent to Luo Hong's rainbow fart.

Old boy, sure enough, if you don't see a rabbit, you won't scatter an eagle. Today I will let you know what the law of true fragrance is!

"Forgive me for being ignorant, but I don't even know the capital of hydrangeas with five hundred years of cultivation."

   "What did you say?! Five-hundred-year-old hydrangeas?! Show me!"

Li Huayuan was very pleasantly surprised. If it is really a five-hundred-year-old hydrangea, it will be of great use to him.

The pill refined from this flower not only helps his cultivation but also replenishes the vitality damaged by decades of refining iron essence.

Luo Hong didn't dare to procrastinate and took out the jade box from the storage bag.

The jade box was sucked into Li Huayuan's right palm when he saw it.

   "Good! Good! This medicine is very good! You, a junior, are born exquisitely. "Tell me what you want, and don't talk nonsense like wanting nothing."

  Li Huayuan was very satisfied after inspecting the hydrangea, and he became more enthusiastic about Luo Hong in words.

   "To tell my ancestors, this junior would like to ask for a few bottles of White Refining Pill and a set of spirit-gathering arrays for the water-based aura."

  Luo Hong made no secret of what he wanted, and it was impossible for the rabbit to make the lion owe him favors.

   "Bai Lian Dan? Haha, you are a little like me. Take it, this is what you want, and I will give you another hundred spirit stones for you to use to drive the formation disk."

   Li Huayuan flicked his sleeves, and those spirit creatures burrowed into Luo Hong's storage bag with aura.


  After coming out of Li Huayuan's cave, Liu Jing took Luo Hong and others through the process of recruiting disciples in Yellow Maple Valley, and then when assigning tasks to them, he deliberately left Luo Hong until the end.

   "Uncle, what orders do you have?"

  Luo Hong was a little puzzled, Liu Jing is a scary genius, he is a rare decent person among immortal cultivators, and he should not be greedy for what he just bought.

   Probably... no way.

"Nephew Luo, this time I want to thank you very much. Master lost the bet with others decades ago and was forced to use a Fire Pill to refine iron essence, which hurts my vitality. As a disciple, I often worry about it.

  Although my nephew didn't know about it, he helped me with my worry. "

  Liu Jing patted Luo Hong's shoulder, feeling that this new disciple looked very pleasing to the eye.

ah? It turned out that he wanted to say this.

  Actually, not only do I know about this, but I also know that your master will have to lose again soon.

   "My nephew did not hesitate to pass on the elixir to his family for the sake of immortal cultivation. He must have a very strong heart. Uncle, I have specially reserved a free job for you so that you can practice. Come with me."

   This time, I really judge the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

  After listening to Liu Jing's words, Luo Hong couldn't help feeling a little guilty, and at the same time had a good impression of him.

  When he was blown by the cold wind, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and his eyes suddenly widened and brightened.


   This routine is the most suitable for making friends with suspicious people, I have learned it!