
Chapter 599: Testing

"Where did you buy this from? What I want to tell you is that I sent this out, and you've actually bought it back. I want to know who exactly leaked my plan. It's just too ridiculous that you were able to purchase it—maybe even fate doesn't want to see the plan I've worked so hard on get stolen by others. So, it ended up in your hands by some strange twist of luck.

Let's find this person first. I really want to see who's bold enough to do such a thing right under everyone's noses. I'm going to make them pay, and I'm not going to let them off easy. This is going to be quite an interesting challenge. Alright, go and get this sorted out."

After saying this, he let Wang Xiaocong leave. Wang Xiaocong felt utterly confused, not expecting at all to become unwittingly involved in this matter. He felt a bit guilty but quickly collected himself. It wasn't his doing, so there was nothing to feel guilty about. Just as he was about to leave, suddenly he heard his cell phone ring.