
I Transmigrated with Nano Combat Suit

With the hope to find a different universe, Ye Jingyi arrived at the Cultivation world equipped with Modern Knowledge And Technologies! On the first day, he encountered a female cultivator and had dual cultivation with her and became unconscious for a... Year? After waking up he realized that he has been chased by a group of foundation realm assassins. What the heck? Ye Jingyi who is only equipped with a Nano Combat suit which is on the verge of collapse has to protect the unconscious Female Cultivator with the assistance of a... Bald Bear? No matter how he looks at it, The situation seems hopeless but to survive he needs to use his wits and available resources. ..... Follow Ye Jingyi to find out how he uses Science and Technologies to make Cultivation easier. Using Angioplasty to make the foundation stronger! Using Spirit Lotion to make cultivation faster! Mass-producing Foundation breaking through medicine! Using clones for rebirth! And many more, Join Ye Jingyi on a wonderful journey to make cultivation easy and see how he change the whole Cultivation Universe. [I do not own this poster, Original owner can comment and I will take it down.]

I_just_want_To_eat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
149 Chs

Chapter 21: A unique way of Talking.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Many figures in black clothes arrived at the location where Ye Jingyi and the others had resided previously. They gathered, their attention drawn to the naked figure hanging from a tree.

Boom! Another person descended from the sky, the leader of the operation. The leader examined the scout, stripped and suspended on the tree, the aura around them fluctuating wildly.

"Wake him up," the Leader commanded in a calm and hoarse voice, but an inexplicable chill settled over the onlookers, signaling the leader's evident anger.

"Hey, wake up! The Leader is calling you! *Vomit*," a man of short stature stepped forward, attempting to rouse the scout. However, as he neared the suspended figure, a horrendous smell reached him, causing him to gag.

"Shit! Did this guy sleep in a pit where the beasts defecate? Does he smell this bad?" the short-statured man said bitterly as he recoiled.

"Does he smell that bad? Let me see. *Vomit* Goddammit! Even the excrement of a groundhog doesn't smell so bad! Fuck.. *Vomit*.." Another curious individual ventured forward but ended up vomiting. [AN: Groundhog, a creature of this world. It tends to inhabit places filled with garbage and waste.]

"Eh? What happened? Where is my wife?...*Vomit*....$@$#?..*Vomit*..." The scout, who had been stunned by Ye Jingyi, woke up and tried to ask something, but before he could finish, he caught a whiff of the foul fragrance and began vomiting.

Observing the guy retching and uttering incomprehensible words, everyone became afraid, no longer daring to approach him. The scout, unable to control his urge to vomit, stumbled toward another nearby individual, intending to inquire, "What happened? Why does it smell so bad? *Vomit*"

The scout barely got eight words out before he started vomiting. The short-statured man, recognizing the familiar stench, was horrified. As he witnessed the man clutching his stomach and vomiting simultaneously, he couldn't help but curse, "Leave me alone, you nasty crit…*Vomit*..."

"What happened but… *Vomit*..." The scout was dumbfounded, halfway through his inquiry when he began vomiting again.

"*Vomit* Fuck off! Bastard.. *Vomit*..."

"If you don't want to say, then it's fine. But why are you cursing me, bastard? *Vomit*.." The scout, now angry, cursed and vomited on the person once again.

"You... *Vomit*..."

The other assassins retreated even further after witnessing this unique form of conversation. They did not want to become part of this bizarre dialogue. It was too scary….

At the same time, they couldn't help but feel sympathy for the short-statured guy. He was enduring such cruel torture simply for following the leader's orders.

Hiss! He would undoubtedly have nightmares related to this event.

Even the leader felt sympathy for these guys, so he addressed the others, saying, "The woman should have escaped. All of you spread out and look for their tracks. If you find them, don't engage! Call for support immediately!"

"Disperse!" With that command, the leader was the first to leave, and everyone followed suit, eager to vacate the area. They had no intention of lingering, foreseeing potential challenges in the future.

Soon, everyone retreated, leaving only two individuals engaged in a rather unorthodox conversation, both enduring bouts of vomiting.


"So, why did you come to this place? I mean, this so-called forbidden land?" Ye Jingyi inquired, scrutinizing their new residence.

After walking for an hour, they had found a cave nestled deep inside the mountain. Initially occupied by a boar-like creature, the bald bear had easily dealt with the situation. With temporary intentions, they decided to stay here and recuperate.

He could now converse with Hui Ying more comfortably. Although she still appeared a bit reserved, he believed it was a temporary issue that could be resolved through further conversation.

"I received news that this forbidden land holds something very important to me, and that's why I came here," Hui Ying explained, her mood uplifted due to the effects of the healing pill.

"Ah," Ye Jingyi wasn't particularly interested in this topic, so he moved on, asking, "How is your recovery?"

"I've recovered 30% from my injuries," Hui Ying replied with a smile, her gaze meeting Ye Jingyi's.

Ye Jingyi, unsure of what to say next, ended up staring at her, and an awkward atmosphere settled between them.

"Will more humans come after us?" The bear, anxious about the potential threats, broke the silence with a question.

"I believe they will continue to chase us," Ye Jingyi responded. "So, if we want to survive, our best option is to hide and let Hui Ying recover."

There was another option – repairing his nano combat suit and defeating their pursuers. However, he chose not to reveal this plan, keeping it as a potential ace up his sleeve for critical moments.

"How long will it take you to recover?" The bald bear, concerned for their survival, looked at Hui Ying.

"For a full recovery, it will take about 2 months if I take the medicines you make," Hui Ying informed, glancing at Ye Jingyi.

"Two months… So we have to survive for two months," the bear muttered anxiously. Previously an innocent bear, now, staying with these two, he knew he would be hunted by those pursuing them. Survival for two months seemed like a daunting task.

"I think there's a better way," Ye Jingyi suggested, observing the bear's expression.

"What is it?" Both Hui Ying and the bear asked simultaneously, placing their trust in Ye Jingyi's capabilities, especially after the mysterious manner in which he defeated their pursuer.

"Let's rush out of this so-called Forbidden Land by ourselves," Ye Jingyi proposed, believing it was more prudent than being trapped and waiting for Hui Ying to recover.