
I transmigrated into Romance of The Three Kingdoms with a Game System!

Yayoi a lesbian otaku was suspiciously killed by a truck and was transmigrated! What? Why have I genderbend and become a guy? So tall and strong! I even got a game system and a tons of different skills?! Nice! But this world seems a little wrong... What is with the goblins and Yellow Turban? Romance of the three kingdom!? A arrogant doctor asked: "I have studied the Arts of Healing for 50 years! What do you have to compare with me?" "Me? I have [Heal!]" A peerless beauty asked: "A brute like you want to marry me? Do you even know poetry?" "Poetry? Pretty girl, I'm a bandit. You have no opption! Let's do it first and marry later!" The enermy have an army of millions? Yayoi have countless blood thirsty wolves! Lu Bu: "I have the Fang Tian Halbert and Red Hare! Who can compared?" Yayoi: "I forged my own divine weapon and cultivated my own mount. Can you do it>?" Guan Yu: "My blade can kills thousand elite soldiers in the blink of an eye. What about you?" Yayoi: "I have Bankai! Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!" When the fight for hegemony lead to chaos and demon occupied the lands. Yayoi appeared, wearing handsome battle armor. He stood front of Cao Cao's defeated army, holding a exquisite long spear, mounting on top of a badass beast, leading the charge toward the ocean of enemy. "Die, cunts!!"

ChibiSage · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Little Birds! Grey Wolf!

[Name: Long Aotian(25)]

[Title: None]

[Class: Priest(lvl3), Tamer(lvl1), Warrior(lvl1), Farmer(lvl1)]

[Disposition: Pervert]

[Level: 6 (0/1500)]

[EXP: 610]

[Legend: 0]

[Status: Normal]

[Skills: Basic Spearmanship(lvl 2), Basic Swordsmanship(lvl1), Heal(lvl 1), Taming(lvl 1), Thunder Strike(lvl 1), Warehouse(lvl 1)]

[Attributes: Strength(14)(Mythical), Dexterity(7)(Rare), Constitution(11)(Heroic), Qi(9)(Legendary), Intelligence(13)(Rare), Mana(5)(Heroic), Luck(40)(Rare)]

[Stat Points: 0]

[Skill Points: 2]


The next morning.

Xiao Ling'er said worriedly: "Tian, we are out of food and money."

"I know, don't worry. Now that my strength has fully recovered, even reaching a new height, you can leave all the worrying matters to me." Yayoi laughed, held her waist, and kissed her forehead. "Later, I will hunt in the mountain. Come with me."

"That...Will I not be a burden?"

Xiao Ling'er hesitates a little. Her body is still sore from their wild night exercises.

"Of course not, and even if you are a burden, I will protect you." He looked her in the eyes and explained: "With Yellow Turban bandits roaming around, who knows when they will raid the village? Get ready. I don't feel at ease leaving you home alone."

"Alright, wait for me."

Xiao Ling'er nodded, looking serious.

Her husband's concerns warmed her heart with inexplicable joys. After they prepared a few necessary things, Yayoi left for the mountains carrying her on his back.

"Husband let me down. I can walk by myself..." Seeing the villagers looking at them, Xiao Ling'er complained with a red face.

She feels a little shy.

"No way, hahaha." He teased. "At least let me carry you till we reach the mountain. Hang on tight!"

On the road, Yayoi looked around and sighed from time to time. The scene was rather depressing. Autumn is coming, yet the fields are empty—no water, no moisture. Here, the earth is filled with cracks.

For a few miles, there was barely any vegetation.

It wasn't until they reached the foot of the mountains that there were signs of life and greenery.

But places like this are often loaded with risks and dangers.

Now that they arrived at their destination, Yayoi finally let Xiao Ling'er down on her feet and started taking out his equipment.

In an instant, several items appeared out of thin air.


As one of the two starter skills of the Farmer class, at Level 1, it has a pocket space of 100 cubic meters that can freely store various things like weapons, food, and clothes...

Overall, this skill is handy and practical.

At this moment, Yayoi's holding a cleaving axe and a wooden staff with a sharpened end hanging on his back while Xiao Ling'er 's holding a makeshift shield made of wood planks and a small bamboo basket.

Composed himself, Yayoi entered the mountain, standing at the forefront with Xiao Ling'er closely following behind him.

Occasionally he stopped, waiting for her to pick up some wild vegetables, mushrooms, and fruits into the bamboo basket. When the basket's full, he will put them into the [Warehouse]. Ling'er also has some knowledge about medicinal herbs, so they were able to harvest some along the road.

Pleasant chirping sounds are coming from above.

As Yayoi glanced at the little birds resting on the tree branches, he tried using [Taming], a skill from the Tamer class.



Descriptions: Capture the monsters weaker than you. If successful, it will become your pet and listen to your order. The chance of failure decreases if the monster is stupid or incapacitated. Extra mana will be used up as a penalty once the capture fails.


After Yayoi used [Taming], an invisible energy pulse quickly flew out from his raised hand toward one of the clueless little birds. Perhaps the little bird was too stupid, but after getting hit, there was hardly any resistance, and it was tamed.

[+1 EXP!]

The operation was smooth, and the skill didn't use much mana.

Albeit faintly, Yayoi could feel some kind of connection between him and the little bird as it flew around his head merrily. As a Tamer, he could even feel its emotions to a certain extent. Perhaps there might be skills for them to communicate directly at a higher level.

Sadly, Yayoi didn't even give it a name.

[+1 EXP!]

[+1 EXP!]


[+1 EXP!]


[+1 EXP!]

For every little bird Yayoi tamed, he gained 1 exp.

Gradually as he and Xiao Ling'er go deeper into the mountains, more and more dumb little birds are tamed by him. Their number quickly exceeded fifty, nearly reaching a hundred when he stopped.

At first, Xiao Ling'er was very surprised and then fascinated. And in no time, she started naming every one of them while he advised her not to get too attached to the little birds.

They are kinda dumb, after all.

"Hahaha~~ Tian, look, look at this. I think they like me very much!"

Xiao Ling'er giggled like a little girl falling in love, surrounded by dozens of cute, fluffy little birds of various colors. Some were flying, and some rested on her shoulders while the lazy ones slept in the bamboo basket as if making it their nest. The more stupid ones even fly back to their nest and bring back their bird eggs as offering.

The scene was spectacular.

Walking over, Yayoi playfully slapped her ass. There is a crisp sound. Watching them jiggle, he pretended to be tough.

"Ah!?" Instantly, her cheeks blushed. "Tian, why did you do that? You scared them away. Will they come back?"

"Ohh, looks at you having fun. We are here to hunt, not to play. You have to be more vigilant." Yayoi chuckled, concealing the fact that it was himself who let the little birds tease her. Though he thinks it's good that she is a little more relaxed.

He enjoyed their little moment.

Shortly, a little bird of the special scouting squads he sent out returned with some discoveries. Following the little bird, they soon encountered a lone wolf with grey fur.

Presumably, the wolf's body alone is around 1.5 meters long and 1 meter tall. A scar blinds the left eye. Its mouth was bloody, busy feasting on a rabbit.

'What a large wolf.' Xiao Ling'er held her breath.

Yayoi raises his hand and gestures for her to stay calm.

[Grey Wolf]

[Disposition: Prudent hunter]

[Level: 8]

[Status: Starving]

[Attributes: Strength(9)(Rare), Dexterity(8)(Common), Constitution(6)(Common), Qi(6)(Common), Intelligence(8)(Common), Mana(1)(Common), Luck(15)(Common)]

This is a grey wolf with some talent!

Yayoi wanted to tame it as a hunting dog.

Although the wolf is strong, its strength couldn't pose much threat to him. Killing it is easy, but capturing it is hard. If they were to fight, there is a good chance the wolf would be injured, if not crippled, once subdued. He doesn't want to waste his already limited mana on healing it afterward.

That wouldn't be good.

Now that the wolf was busy eating and still hadn't discovered them. He thought it was a good chance. With the blood helping masked his smell, Yayoi silently approached the wolf from behind.

50 steps

30 steps

20 steps

As their distance narrowed, Yayoi suddenly exerted strength and lunged forward.



After Yayoi seized the grey wolf by its shoulder, he quickly pressed it to the ground with just enough force so the wolf couldn't break away. The beast tried to struggle but in vain and could only resort to growling fiercely.


Looking at the wolf's eye full of hostility, Yayoi terrorized it with his strength for a while and used [Taming].

Unlike the dumb birds, this wolf puts up much resistance despite the hopeless situation leading to the first attempt failing.


Yayoi cussed.

The failure used up nearly a third of his max mana. That amount is enough to tame 100 little birds.

"So you are a stubborn one, huh?! But this is not good." He shook his head disapprovingly and explained: "Just because I didn't hurt you doesn't mean you have a chance. There is no way out. Being too stubborn in front of the impossible is equivalent to being stupid. Good night—!"


Saying so, Yayoi knocked the wolf unconscious and tried [Tame]. The wolf's expression squirmed a little as if having some horrible nightmares but eventually relaxed.

[You tamed a Level 8 Grey Wolf!]

[+80 EXP!]

"Nice!" Yayoi was overjoyed though he wondered whether killing it would give him more EXP.