

While walking whithout any direction Shen Longbecause of sad occurences entered an alley way suddenly he saw a murder taking place.When he saw the man who was going to get murdered Shen Long tried saving the man,But got headshot.After this Leon will become from a nobody to become the King Of Gods.Join him on his journey as he becomes the most powerful God in existence

Xanthus_3748 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

1 Transmigration


"Where am i?"

Leon asked himself while looking around.

"Why am I seeing black every where,Ah! wait a minute didn't i got shot while trying to save that women,why am I still alive,or am I dead.

Shen Long pondered thinking why he was alive

Suddenly light started coming from the darkness.

"I will think what is happening later!"

Leon said to himself as he started running towards the light

...After 3 hours



"I have been running nonstop but the light might look like its really near but it's really far away."

...after some time

"I can see a door nearby."

Leon said while running

"Now that I have reached the door what should I do now,well let's try other methods to open the door."

Shen Long said while trying to knock on the door.

"Hello is anybody there?"

...No Response

"Nobody is answering,let's think other methods"

Leon started thinking about what other methods can he use...while he was thinking the door started opening automatically

[Hmm the door is opening,well let's try to enter the door and see what's inside.]

As Leon thought this he decided to enter the door.

The whole room was white and there was nothing inside beside a large beam of light piercing the heavens,And beside the light it was written (Enter this beam of light and see what happens)in an unknown language.