
I Transmigrated at the Wrong Time

Code of Magic, a game that was so advanced in its time that it was said to have been made by magic. A world that was so rich in content that finishing it would take a veteran gamer half a year to finish. Despite it being single-player, it was the most popular and played game on the planet that even a history professor named Hans is playing it— a man who is contented with his life that revolve around history and teaching. Hans fell inlove in this game after being awoken from his delusion, he poured all his passion towards the game instead. Especially since the game even has its unknown history to which he pioneered towards to discovering. Years passed… he played Code of Magic obsessively and became a renowned figure in it. On the verge of a massive discovery, his heart failed after years of consuming processed foods and lack of exercise. Fate played with him as he woke up in the game he fell in love with— but a time long before the game started that the protagonists were only children!? Reincarnating as a dead character in the game… how would Hans use his knowledge of the future to defy the shackles of fate and destiny to become— god. _____ Credits to the artist The art is not mine. If the artists wants credits or for it to be put down, message me.

fishjunior · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Final Preparations

Inside one of the palace training grounds, Hans was diligently swinging his sword.

His sweat was pouring down from his scalp to his body, every strike was precise and calculated.

It was simple yet complex, every strike contains the profundity of sword arts.

This was the (Name of sword technique), one of the sword arts that the SMC could pick from in the game.

Even though it was not the most destructive, fastest, most complex or had the best killing ability, it was a jack-of-all trades technique.

Because it was not the complete sword technique, if it was it would eclipse all other.

Hans used this all the time whenever he played as the SMC in the game, you can react with the best move and always be prepared for whatever they would use to attack or defend you from.

Suddenly, he closed his eyes and his stance turned steady.

Hans opened them and slashed with all his might.


[Congratulations Hans for learning {Name of technique (✦✦✦✦)}!]


Hans sighed in relief, despite being novice in it, it was far better than what the royal family had to offer.

And besides, despite being on the other side of the screen, he was far more familiar with this type of sword technique rather than the brutish one that the royal family had.

He threw the wooden sword away and headed to his bathroom to cleanse himself.

Once done, he would then head to the Royal Palace of Sae.


Sae was the golden child of the Royal Twins, despite being twins one was clearly favored.

She was taught to be kind and impartial towards anyone, since young she was already being groomed as the Puppet empress of the council.

Clueless about all of this, his father made it worse by further protecting her from the politics of the royals and also pampering her with all he got.

It was an envious life, despite having a bad fate that was coming to her, it was better than most children out there being left to fend for themselves.

But without their knowledge, Sae was far from simple.

She knew all their intentions and the downfall of the royal family but she will never give up.

Father loves her so much that it was pressuring and her little brother despite having worse treatment, loved her impartially.

Despite what the royal family thought that Sae awakened at the age of 14, she has long since awakened since her mothers death.

Her talent silently manifested when she saw her mothers death right in front of her eyes.

[Purus Optics (SS)]

Kneeling down the floor, crying tears of blood, her eyes turned a whole shade darker holding the corpse of her mother.

That day, she vowed to be the Queen of Sin and not let anyone ever harm her family ever again.

So when she noticed that her brother suddenly become wiser and his love for her grew another level, she was shocked.

Such a change on a short amount of time is not possible, only an event that would be on a scale of a Nexus Act, an event so crucial towards their lives would affect him.

But her eyes did not forsee such an event happening, even she who can peer through someones' past and future, could no longer see what her brothers future holds.

It made her anxious, so she just did her best to pry as much as she could, but never getting the answer she want.

Hans just looked mature and far more protective of her during their talk.

Maybe something close is about to happen, the only thing that she could not peer on or even dare to peer on was her death.

It would make her death predestined and no longer changed, she tried changing other peoples fate but even she was powerless with all her power.

All she could do now was to work hard on Academy to achieve her dreams.

This eyes of her immensely helped, and despite losing out in terms of power to other people, she has more talented people on her side.

Though it attracted trouble, the gains far outweigh the loses that she concured to procuring these talents.

It felt like she was a reader of a novel who knew the whole plot!

Sae giggled at the though, she already missed her faction, they were probably spending a lot of time with their family.


Sae wished that his father and brother could reconcile, so without the consent of Hans she informed her father of their runaway together.

Her father nodded with understanding at the time but I knew he was hurt.

Sae then suggested for him to come, in a coincidental manner.

The way father's eye shone at the time was adorable, I just hoped that Hans would see it.

They chat for a bit before leaving.

Sae left for her training ground, she trains hard on a specific time in the night with the same routine as she did since she awakened her eyes.

It was the best time for her to do so, according to her eyes.

But before she could get to do so, a maid ran towards her before she managed to pick the sword.

The maid bowed gracefully before Sae signaled for her to speak, "Princess Sae, the Royal Prince is looking for you. He said it is an important private meeting."

Sae pondered for a moment, what again, well its just brother anyway. Maybe I'll find out the reason why he changed so suddenly.

She headed for her dressing room to change to a normal attire, and a bit of make up.

Afterwards she headed to the guest room where her brother is currently waiting at.


Unaware that their escape has already been exposed to his father by his sister.

Hans was calmly remunerating the plans and everything that would come after.

It was at night once again, further making the eyes of several maids feel a degree colder.

Well not that Hans and Sae care about it anyway, it was a public fact that they were close twins.

Sae arrived after several minutes, she adorned a T-Shirt with joggers, not something a royal would wear but alright.

It was just the two of them anyway.

Hans then looked at his sisters eyes, this pure red eyes of her was the most eye-catching thing in her sisters appearance.

Those pure eyes of her should never be muddied.

Still they just chat a bit before getting into topic.

"Big Sis, I need you to see this..."

Hans chanted an esoteric chance before a blue screen appeared before them.

[Sword Ego: I am the sword.]

The atmosphere turned tense, but Hans wasn't on guard and he continued.

"I-I adventured to the mountains and found a B-Class portal.."

"A B-Class!?"

Sae turned hysterical, a B-Class?

Even a B-Class Human would not necessarily survive in such a dungeon.

It was only called B-Class because B-Class Humans were the bare minimum allowed to go into the dungeon.

Anything less would be suicide.

Thinking about it now, Hans couldn't help but feel suspicious if it is really B-Class.

It showed characteristics of one but the monsters were just too weak.

"Hans, what were you doing there?"

"I wanted to adventure a bit. I'm always almost never allowed to go out alone."

Hans sigh a bit feeling a bit sad for Hans Sinclair, he always without a hint of doubt had one or two guards protecting him in the dark.

Well for him they were just spying on him.

But surprisingly when he went out this time none followed him, or maybe he just couldn't detect it.

Meanwhile, a certain individual who was cloaked like the night was dozing off in one of the castle spires.

He suddenly sneezed, someone talking behind my back? His eyes turned to slits before dozing off without care.

Too tired the prince was too reckless.

Sae, in the room was panicking a bit.

Hans was stupidly showing her such a dangerous thing what if someone else could see it???

Sae hurriedly conjured a spell without Hans noticing.

Upgrading someone's talent was no laughing matter.

Even she was tempted to find out whatever means possible to upgrade hers.

Despite it being powerful enough.

Just imagining her already powerful eyes becoming much more.

Sae let her greedy thoughts slide, she can control it now since she was an experienced stealer of someone else's.

Doing something bad to Hans would just be counter-productive.

"So, are you gonna share it to big sis what made your talent go from A to S. This is no laughing matter Hans." Sae spoke a little bit coldly and interrogating.

Hans was a bit surprised, he thought her sister was super naive but I guess being in the Academy for a year would make people mature a bit.

He sighed a bit of relief, the scene where her sister dumbly saying in her obnoxious manner how he upgraded his talent and she also wants to in the banquet disappeared.

Hans told his full story of curiously following a suspiciously lucky guy.

He told it with such excitement that he even seem to be a fan of the guy despite loathing and envying his luck.

But at the part were he killed the guy, he hesitated for a bit before pouring out all the feelings that he felt at the time.

It was painful, he felt selfish, evil and his mind kept telling him it was the right choice despite his hearts conflicted feelings.

Truly that guy was honorable and deserved to be that lucky, even in the game despite having a bad gambling addiction was a good role-model and an instructor.

And now this already rot-infested world has one less good people.

Sae didn't know why such a violent reaction came out of Hans, her first kill she felt pretty indifferent towards it, like it was part of life the. The strong devour the weak, but she knew that such an insensitive remark would not help his case.

"Then why don't you just pass on his mantle of being an honorable man dummy!" Sae cackled.

But for Hans, it was like an epiphany.

Thats right why don't I just steal that guys place and take his destiny?

But Hans didn't let it show, even the Optics Purus of Sae couldn't pick it up.

"Hey I'm plenty honorable!" Hans huffed, but then hugged Sae deeply, "Thanks sis, I really needed that, Bye!"

Hans sped off under the speechless gaze of Sae, she sighed for a bit then headed back to the training grounds.


Wasn't I suppose to find out the reason of Hans sudden change!?

Sae grabbed her hair tightly.

Gritting her teeth on the way, she didn't even change to her practice attire.

She swung her sword angrily, venting out her emotions.

Stupid Hans, lying to big sis now eh...

She felt like she was seeing him all grown up now even though she was only born a minute longer than Hans.


Hans also went back to his room, he got to his desk and opened one of the drawers to which his diary was placed.

He opened it with his Mana and changed his contents and plans.

Such a thing was out of his mind at the time, only thinking about the opportunities that he must get.

But he can get the same amount of things by achieving this occupation.

A job that would be fought for by thousands of individuals with the same amount of talent if not more talented than him.

The most cutthroat environment in the whole Tellus.

Where you can be replaced by mere moments by becoming useless.

Becoming an Academy Instructor.