
I Transmigrated at the Wrong Time

Code of Magic, a game that was so advanced in its time that it was said to have been made by magic. A world that was so rich in content that finishing it would take a veteran gamer half a year to finish. Despite it being single-player, it was the most popular and played game on the planet that even a history professor named Hans is playing it— a man who is contented with his life that revolve around history and teaching. Hans fell inlove in this game after being awoken from his delusion, he poured all his passion towards the game instead. Especially since the game even has its unknown history to which he pioneered towards to discovering. Years passed… he played Code of Magic obsessively and became a renowned figure in it. On the verge of a massive discovery, his heart failed after years of consuming processed foods and lack of exercise. Fate played with him as he woke up in the game he fell in love with— but a time long before the game started that the protagonists were only children!? Reincarnating as a dead character in the game… how would Hans use his knowledge of the future to defy the shackles of fate and destiny to become— god. _____ Credits to the artist The art is not mine. If the artists wants credits or for it to be put down, message me.

fishjunior · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


The fauna of the Hawaiian continent have been far sparser than ever before, with it becoming less populated, the wildlife and the mana in the surroundings are very rich compared to the Royal Capital.

Numerous beasts and monsters alike are spread around the surroundings ranging from Embryonic-Class monsters who are but measly instinct driven beasts, to Crisis-Class monsters who could speak and communicate like humans also.

In one of the clearings in the Oahu Rainforest, the largest forest in the Hawaiian continent, a flash of light suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It came to reveal a young woman with bloody red eyes and deep raven hair, she was confused of the surroundings but calmed down moments later.

Her tension slowly faded and she proceeded to take precautions to survive in the forest...


The door went open and the handsome Long Xi entered with some refreshments in his hand, he was currently dropping of a piece of beverage to parch the thirst of Hans when he woke up but—

He didn't expect that he would wake up so soon.

Hans was sitting upright in the bed with a frightening expression, his face devoid of emotions and he looks like he turned into a single brain-celled organism. The look of vengeance was all over his face.

"Want some water Hans?" Long Xi placed it gently on the table top, he sat down on one of the chairs and sighed.

Hans sat, he glanced at the glass and hesitated. Still, he accepted Long Xi's goodwill and drank the water.

The cool sensation of the water filled his throat till his stomach, it calmed his mind a bit.

"A bit better?" Hans nodded.

Long Xi smiled before putting on a serious face, "What do you plan to do, Hans?"

Hans hung his head low, the pain of losing Sae, he doesn't know how to handle it. He felt so powerless and helpless against fate, he thought everything would be alright, getting complacent because his father would soon get a power up.

But it ultimately lead to Sae's kidnapping, all he felt was immense guilt. All the planning that he had, thinking they were perfect as it is.

"Truly, Long Xi. I don't know…"

Tears fell down in his face, all the emotions and helplessness he felt poured down. All his life, both past and present, once he started to love someone, they would all leave him in one way or another.

His past flame with Gloria, his students who never checked on him, his mother, and now even his sister Sae would abandon him.

Maybe I am just meant to be—


Hans head slammed in the headboard, he looked disbelievingly at Long Xi who slapped him, "Why?"

"Because your already giving up," Long Xi coldly uttered, "Sae could have very well been waiting for you to rescue her at this very moment. Your father himself is a Divine-Class, have you lost your faith to both of them?"

Hans could only silently grit his teeth, he wanted to scream yes.

Because they were destined to day in this day!

If not for my complacency...

I might be only be able to save myse—

But when he saw a silhouette of himself in the mirror, he found his eyes looked eerily familiar. It was the eyes of a man who gave up, like that of Earth Hans.

The smell of rotten food, an unbreathable air, and a light so bright that it was blinding.

Long Xi saw Hans being in a daze, he might as well slap him again but Hans raised his head.

His eyes were full of determination, "I might not trust them, but I can trust my capabilities."

Long Xi sneered, "What kind of weird line is that?" He chuckled for a bit before tossing a crumpled paper.

"What is this?" Hans was visibly confused.

Long Xi's eyes were deadpan, "Just read it."

Hans complied and his face went weird as he recited, "July 3, 1988… red… february 7, 2000… wait isn't this—"

Long Xi tried to snatch the paper, but Hans dodged it effortlessly.

"Lobster Piccata… haha theres even a grocery list, are you going senile Long Xi?"

"Stop! Hand it over already!"

Hans ran and kept reciting the papers contents, Long Xi's face looked like a red tomato as he ran after him.

Servants around them became startled before secretly giggling as they heard the words.

This went around for a minute to two before they eventually reach the roof top.

The wind was howling, it was as fierce as gales as both their contrasting hair flew wildly in the wind.

Hans ocean blue eyes calmly read the contents of the paper like a sutra, "Vegetables no like… Zimz favorite game… calm down during period impossible…"

Meanwhile Long Xi has long had his face become thick enough to not radiate in red, he was utterly calm now as he questioned, "Are you done yet? Happy now that your friend lost his face?"

"Yes… yes, I'm very happy!" Hans said before crumpling the paper and threw it straight into the palm of Long Xi.

Long Xi wanted to kill this bastard right now but he was at fault for purposefully giving it to him anyway.

He threw another paper towards him solemnly, it wasn't crumpled like the last.

Hans received the paper, not like the other time, he red it solemnly then he burned it with his mana.

Long Xi was shocked, Mystic-Class!

Only people who reached the Mystic-Class can harness the elements and wield them. Despite its crude control, it showed that Hans has reached a level higher than him already.

Meanwhile, Hans was really enraged. With his numerous years of dealing with the cultists in the game, he knew what they were exactly doing.

They were farming their negative mana!

It was a cruel practice they do to their victims, they would instill trauma and rage to their victims, making it fester long enough till it became a part of their lives.

If he goes by how predictable this fuckers are in the game, his father is already captured.

But it wouldn't make sense, why would they bother to leave a letter than to just wait in the manor.

It would trap him faster and most of them are lazy, they wouldn't bother to move so far just for nothing except…

Sae wasn't with them!!

He sighed in relief, Sae was safe that was good.

Long Xi saw the multitude of emotions flashing in his friends expression.

This would be far easier to deal with, Hans thought but his expression instantly changed.

"Long Xi! We have to get out of here… fast!" Hans didn't wait for him, he already arrived at the room of Su Mei who was peacefully resting.

He carried her like a rice sack, whilst telling the dumbfounded Long Xi said, "Use your treasure."

"What..? Hans tell me what's gotten you so agitat—"

"Quick! Just trust me!" Hans glared at him a bit, with the slightest bit of threat.

Long Xi was befuddled, using this treasure wouldn't put a strain in his family but it would certainly cause a headache.

He sighed, "Fine."

Long Xi activated it, then a blinding light flashed between the three of them.

Then an unexpected visitor arrived.


Long Xi's eyes went wide, he was glad he listened to Hans.

The shadow tried its best to reach them, but ultimately it was futile as their bodies turned corporeal and disappeared.



An eastern palace atop a mountains, it was a majestic piece of architecture, clouds of white around it as numerous auspicious beasts lingered about it.

In one of its teleportation pads, a blinding flash appeared.

A guards was instantly alerted, he ordered his subordinates, "A royal used the emergency teleportation! Inform the emperor!"

They marched on, leaving the one knight alone.

He kneeled respectfully at the light, before it disappeared.

It revealed three people exact, a white haired man with pristine features appeared, a black-haired youth with his ocean blue eyes scanned the area carefully as he carried a woman on his shoulder.

It was Hans, Long Xi and Su Mei.

The guard was shocked, "Crown Prince!"

"At ease."

Long Xi said lightly, he then gestured for the guard, "Inform father immediate—"

"Xi'er!!!" A shadow quickly hugged Long Xi, suffocating him.

It was a middle-aged man with oriental features, he had a topknot above his black hair and he was dressed with imperialistic robes.


The emperor coughed lightly before he regained his bearings, he turned regal as he ordered, "Prepare a feast, my heir arrived safely with his companions. Bring Su Mei into her room also."

The guard bowed whilst saluting he carried Su Mei respectfully, "Yes, emperor!"

He immediately left, leaving some space to the four of them.

After the guard disappeared, the emperor's aura turned gentle again before turning into anger.

"So, who dared touch the Long family?" His cold voice devoid of emotions, but it was filled with utmost doting.

Long Xi had his face blushed but kept his face straight, luckily Hans was looking around the place not paying attention to the two of them.

"Father, cultists nearly kidnapped us. But luckily, Hans's senses were sharp and we escaped immediately without harm."

"Hmm?" The emperor finally noticed Hans, all his attention was in his son, wether he had injuries somewhere.

Using an emergency teleportation talisman could be said to be quite rare as there were only few who would have the balls to hurt them.

"So it's of the Sinclair royal family, one of your friends. I'll have an award prepared for you as compensation."

Hans knew the personality of the emperor, he needed help as he casted away his useless pride and kowtowed, "Uncle, I need your help!"

The emperor kept his face straight, but the glee he felt inside was too much. He just wished that he had a spirit camera on his hand right now.

He inquired, "And why should I help?"

The emperor seriously thought so, but he saw his son frown a bit, not expecting his reaction.

Long Xi instantly asked, "But his my friend da—"

A spell covered his mouth, and his fathers voice rang in his mind.

'It's about time for you to know to not be taken advantaged of'

Long Xi gritted his teeth, he sighed and waited for Hans request.

Hans already expected this so he complied,

"I need help, my father has been kidnapped by the cultists while my sister is missing."

"And why should I believe you?" The emperor said with scrutiny, for all he knew this might be a plot of the Sinclair's.

"Because of the event ten years ago…"

The event flashed into the mind of the emperor, that day was a dark day for all humanity. A demon king was born, and the scales tipped into the sides of demons.

"It's connected because..?"

Hans gritted his teeth, "They were going to farm our negative mana."

The emperor coldly calculated, and said, "And what would your compensation be?"

Hans remained silent.

"Land— I don't need more… money— we are richer than you… treasures or techniques— maybe your core technique would be enough, but would your elders even agree?"

"Don't refuse yet emperor… my father recently received information about abandoned dungeons." Hans paused to let the emperor process the information, "My father has it, and if you want a share of it, we would need your help to get it."

Hans still had his head on the ground, he was gambling a bit cause he knew that the emperor was losing out in this deal.

The empire would get one less competitor, the royal castle might collapse in its inside.

But looking at his son Long Xi, his heart gave up and he sighed, "Fine just promise me one thing."

"Thank you uncle!"

Hans stood up with a bright smile on his face.

"Don't thank me yet. I just want to have a favor."

Hans frowned, that would be a bit hard since he was not running for king but the emperors voice interrupted him.

"Not from the Sinclairs… but from you Hans, my son's friend."

Hans was dumbfounded, thats much harder!

He was about to barter but the emperor disappeared.

Long Xi tapped Hans's shoulder, "Its great that father would help…"

Hans was a bit awkward but he eked out a "Yes, thank him for me…"