Meanwhile, inside the chopper, Heaven and Dragon engaged in close combat. Yet, they were in a stalemate. They looked at each other with Dragon holding her securely, his arm against her upper chest, to her throat with a gun under her chin. Heaven, on the other hand, was motionless in their position. Her back was against the pilot's seat and his foot was raised to her leg. He got her in a good position where it seemed to be a checkmate. But the smirk on her face said otherwise.
"You're good," Dragon mused, glancing down to his side, where he could feel something pressing on the side of his abdomen. He slowly lifted his eyes back to her, raising his brows briefly. "Though I don't understand this antagonistic air you emit."
"You tried to kill me."
The man blinked and then remembered the occurrence a few minutes ago. "Now I understand." He nodded in understanding. "But are you sure you're going to continue?"
"My pleasure."