
I transmigrated and became the duke's son?!

When Tanaka Haru transmigrated into a pitiful character in an awful novel who was killed by the protagonist in self-defense, Haru decided to live a peaceful life in the dense wilderness but when he saw an injured handsome man in the forest, he helped him not realizing that this was the duke and that he was the son of the duke!!! Let's follow his journey as the boy grow up and found love. It's BL but it probably won't start for a while as our MC is 6. (Sorry for the grammatical mistakes!)

Shruti_Mishra_9182 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 4

Bright sunlight falls on Haru through the window efficiently waking him up with a startle.

"Oh, sh*t! I am going to be late for my part-time job!" Haru yelled rolling out of his futon. "Ouch! Ugh! I forgot I transmigrated!" He said annoyed rubbing his sore butt. "I hoped it was a nightmare."

Haru stood up and opened the hut door. "Wow, the forest looks amazing."

Haru had not really cared about the forest's beauty yesterday because of his hunger but now that he view the forest, it was indeed really beautiful. Big green trees and grass, birds making cute squeaking, and the sun shining brightly in the sky, it was a really good day only to be hindered by,


Haru looked at his stomach sighing tiredly. "Why do humans need to eat? Can't we take in air and sun and be done with it," he grumbled as he walked inside the hut again and took one can with him to collect the food or any important thing he come across.

"Yosh! Let's start with the day!" Haru said pumped up, punching his hand towards the sky, and started walking towards the river. This time, he also searched for fruits more thoroughly.

"An apple tree!" Haru said excitedly as he looked at a tall tree in a distance. He quickly ran to where the tree was and could already feel drool coming from his mouth. There were big red apples in the tree, hanging and swaying by the breeze, literally inviting him to take a bite from those juicy apples.

Haru gulped hungrily. "These apples know how to be so seductive. I shall eat them immediately to show that their seduction was successful!"

Haru looked around and found a rock. He carefully angled it to where an apple was swaying, seducing him, and quickly shot only to be missed.

Haru grimaced before taking another rock and aiming more carefully. This time too he was unsuccessful. Haru was becoming impatient, he simply decided to first gather the rock and then start hitting.

He quickly gathered the rocks and started hitting them. Out of 15 times, only 3 shots were successful.

"I am sure my shooting will become good in the future," Haru consoled himself picking up the 3 apples.

He started walking towards the river and after reaching it, washed the apples carefully. He took a big bite of the apple and felt the juice of the apple running down his lips.

"So delicious!"

After eating the three apples, Haru looked at the fallen tree from yesterday. He walked to the tree and looked at the long strong roots. He started cutting them with his knife. He nodded with satisfaction when he cut all the long roots and started tying them together.

It took him a long time and after numerous trials and errors, he was finally able to make a fishnet though his hands were now full of scratches.

"This way, I can catch many fishes at once!" He said happily. "I will put them in a water bucket so I won't have to catch fish every day."

Haru then searched for where many fishes were, careful to not go too far away. He saw 5-6 fishes together and quickly threw the net on them.

"Woah!" Haru shouted as he struggle to take out the net. Suddenly the weight became lighter. Haru looked in confusion to find that the net had broken and the fishes had hurriedly swum away.

He could feel tears coming from his eyes, after doing such hard work of making a net and almost catching the fish, he thought himself to be too strong than his 6-year-old body.

The tears which had started now don't appear to end anytime soon. Haru could only hug himself as he sat in the middle of nowhere where he was truly alone. There was no noise other than birds chirping. There was no human around him or at a very long distance. He was alone and so lonely.

Haru had become strong after his mother left him and he had never cried since that day. His pent-up frustration, pain, and sadness wall finally seem to break down.

Haru cried for a long time, only stopping when his stomach started hurting.

The day seem to be ending soon and there was now no time to catch fish.

He picked himself up and walked to where the apple tree was. He quickly collected the thrown stones and started shooting them. He shoot 4 stones in succession when he heard animal growls from a distance. He froze in fear and after picking up the apples, he quickly ran to his hut. He could feel his heart pounding as the animal growl seem to be near. He raced his speed and sighed in relief when the growl seem to be still far away. He ran without stopping to his hut and closed the door firmly. He quickly took all the things except the bed and put them in front of the gate to make sure the gate won't open. He also closed the window and put the bedsheet on it. The hut was now really dark. He walked to the fireplace carefully in the dark where some branches were still left from the other night and lightened it up.

He looked at the can and took out the 4 apples and ate them quietly, savoring their taste.

'I don't wanna stay here anymore. I don't wanna feel so hungry and so scared.'

Haru didn't want to stay here anymore.

Yesterday it seemed fun but now on the second day, he had realized just how dangerous this forest was and how he could lose his life any minute.

He could only cry silently as he ate the 4th apple and sat on the untidy bed. He looked at the ceiling of the rooftop, still feeling hungry.

"That boy was really strong to be able to live in this forest. I, even though I am older than him and have much more knowledge than him, am frightened on the second day. I am such a coward."