

I am always lost in thoughts........... I didn't feel anything when my master died... I don't know how to define emotion and beauty... I don't know any one other than my master and his spirits in my masters little inheritance world.. I always hear my master rambling about how the outside world is so beautiful and how famous he was when he was in outside world that he was chased by hundreds of women , but when I look at that old man , I see a dirty old pedophile. all the spirits left me when my master died and I was the only one left for million years inside as a soul spirit without a body.... I only knew how to forge and swing my sword..... I trained like a maniac for my revenge for a million years alone... At the end of my life, the last, I saw before was a mysterious green gem before i became unconscious... And when when i woke up, I was in front of a woman and mysterious green interface opened right in front of my eyes... And that day my life changed forever......... ----------×--×--×---------- Hi author speaking this my first novel so I sincerely ask you all tell me if there are any mistakes in this novel as this the thing I have always dreamed to do since childhood.

Attracious · Fantasy
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8 Chs

What's a disciple

"it hurts"

"i don't like this"

"where am i now"

In a place where there was nothing but an endless dark horizon where time and space ceased to exist and which looked like a place where no living being could live there.

There was only a flickering wisp of crimson flame which looked like it could be lighted out any second.

In this dark land, that little crimson wisp was wandering without knowing where to go in this dark endless horizon.

That little wisp just kept wandering aimlessly and not caring about the pain it felt just a few breaths ago.

After wandering aimlessly for god knows how much time, the little wisp found a a small white dot.


Then the wisp slowly moved towards white dot , till the dot slowly brightened up and became larger and larger than the little wisp, as it kept moving towards the white dot which was now becoming larger than itself.

After some time the consciousness of the crimson wisp slowly started to get corroded until the crimson wisp slowly turned into white colored wisp, which then got devoured by the white dot which now had turned into a huge blazing sun which instead of emitting light devoured anything near it and making the rest of horizon a dark and eerie plane which was now a endless dark horizon.



Some where in a dark eerie forest where it was raining occasionally, there were a few people in dark clothes which covered their whole body leaving only their eyes the only spot which was not covered by their clothes, one of them was carrying a small bag .

"Hey boss is it okay to leave our young master's body here"

Then a fierce looking man with a scar on one of his eyes slowly turned towards the one who spoke and kicked him in the abdomen.

The one who spoke was sent flying and his body bended in a v shape which made him crash into one of the trees, which left him coughing blood and leaving the bag on the floor.

Then the fierce looking man slowly picked up the bag and looked at the man who he had just hit and spoke.

"Idiot how dare you call this trash our young master, since he was born as a trash he should have been tortured to death, but our virtuous patriarch was lenient enough and gave him a painless death buy injuring his soul, because this trash was his son and this trash just a young brat, i say we should torture him and give him a pain full death "

<What a psychopath he wants to torture a seven year old to death because he had no sprit roots and, I feel sorry for this who could not live a happy life and what wrong thing did this child has commited to be killed by his own father>

The lackey who was beaten thought in his mind

This lackey wouldn't have dared to utter this in front of the fierce looking man or he would have been killed by this man.

Then the fierce looking man turned his head to the other lackey's and said

"Listen here every one in this world obeys two things , one is strength and the other is talent . If you don't have any one these things then you will be devoured by the strong and we all follow the rule the rule of the jungle where the strong devours the weak in this world, so my men listen to my orders carefully since you all are weak with low aptitudes, you all will be killed easily in this world and your fate will the same as this trash of the royal family of the frost lotus kingdom ."

Then all the lackeys looked at each other and nodded at each other.

"Boss why do we have to dispose this trash's body in the plum blossom swordsman's inheritance site, since this kid is from a royal family, why don't they dispose of him"

One of the lackeys asked the boss out of curiosity.

" (sigh) you guys don't understand what politics is. listen all of you the royal family of the divine lotus kingdom is currently in an internal strife and the patriarch could use the excuse of the kidnapping of the the patriarch's child to destroy all the opposing opponents in one go and finally become the one with the highest authority, the patriarch will hit two birds with one stone with this plan. And killing a member of a royal family leaves traces and a mark on the killer and now currently this trash is half dead and has not yet died so be careful with this trash's body and the inheritance site slowly devours the life force surrounding life forms and environment"

The fierce looking man explained and threw the bag to one his lackeys

"ohh so that's how it is"

One of the lackeys answered by catching the bag with utmost care so that he does not kill or harm the little kid.

Then the group slowly reached the entrance of the inheritance site, where the entrance was filled with green plum blossom trees and there were green plum blossom petals falling down slowly like snow.

The group of lackeys exclaimed in surprise and they all got mesmerized by the majestic appearance of the inheritance grounds entrance, except for a certain few who has been here before.

Then the fierce looking man took the bag from the lackey and threw the bag as slowly and gently as possible as not to hurt the kid in the bag inside the inheritance site.

After the fierce looking man threw the bag inside the inheritance site, he left immediately quickly with his lackeys, because he was afraid from participating in the tests conducted by the different spirits of the inheritance site.


After some time the bag got devoured and revealed a cute boy who looked even more pretty than some woman, he was 6 or 7 year old with long and smooth black hair that shines like a bright onyx stones, that shines brightly even if a little amount of light is emitted at it and his skin was so faire and pale which would make most of the woman in this world jealous because of his appearance.

Then slowly a ball of light appeared in front of the little boy and materialized into a Oldman, who looked very mature and has undergone many hardships in his life, smiled at the child in front of him.

"I heard all the things those brats had told about this young and innocent child, how could such a cute and innocent girl be betrayed by her own family "

"Good thing I killed all those brats as punishment for doing such a sin against a little child "

Then the Oldman slowly lifted up the child and exclaimed in surprise


< I have never had a disciple in my life and since I only exist in soul form I should take him as my heir and I can admire the growth of my disciple as he's so pretty and it has always been against my principles to force my self against a loli, but since he is a boy with a face which more beautiful than most girls, I can admire him well and I will never force my self upon him or any other loli because that is against my prinaciples>

<Now I have make him proficient in swordsmanship and forging and arrays related to forging in the future, since I am a divine swords saint and a divine grade blacksmith>

<But first of all I have to make him happy since he must have undergone a hard life before and then only make him undergo my hell training, which is hundred times more painful from the torture that brat was talking about and I should heal the injury of his soul now>

<Let's just discard his body since his body is trash and inside my world it is possible to sustain his soul for a long period of time>

The Oldman then placed boy in his arms and then the boy's body slowly started to wither and all that was left was a tiny ball of light which the old man bought it to a majestic green crystal which used to be his divine core before he died in his life

The crystal then made the ball of light a little brighter and then swallowed it whole from the old man's hands.

Then green crystal ball also swallowed the Oldman after swallowing the little kid's soul.


Inside the crystal ball :-

There was a majestic view that even most emperor's who has conquered hundreds of nations and had seen many majestic views in their lives, they would always become mesmerized after seeing this view with their mouth agape.

There was endless golden fields along with thousands a medicinal herbs and fruits where thousands of spirits were playing together, forests filled with green plum blossom trees, there was an moon and an sun hanging opposite to each other highlighting one half as night for the forests and other half as day for the different types of fields which enchanted someone immediately when they looked at this scenery.

Then the old man made the little boy sit on his lap waited for him to open his eyes .

Then the little boy slowly opened his mesmerizing grey eyes which could enchant any men or women, when one looked at it .

<My God this kid has a appearance of a celestial angel>

The Oldman thought in his heart

"Hey kid, will you become my disciple"

The Oldman asked the boy

"What's a disciple ???"


Author's notes: Hey guys I am sorry about the reason why the male lead wasn't there much in this chapter guys. I promise that the male lead will be having more than 80% of the scenes in the future and please tell me if there are any mistakes guys since I am new I will post a single chapter daily. bye and have nice day.