
Chapter 8

It's been a while since I wrote to my father, I started to think he was never going to reply, I mean it's my father. He doesn't care about anyone but himself so I don't know why I was even thinking about a reply from him, he doesn't even reply to important emails so what would make me any different. I may be his child but in his eyes that doesn't mean anything.

I was laying in my room looking at the ceiling, there was nothing to do since everyone was out on a trip, but I couldn't go since my father was Voldemort meaning I couldn't get his permission, my cover will be blown otherwise. The student wouldn't be here for another four hours meaning I have the whole school to myself, well not to myself there was still a few teachers here but I'm the only student. I decided that since nobody was here, nobody could stop me from going to the roof of the castle, so I decided to go there, I wondered out into the corridor with my broom in my hand, I wasnt very good at Flight Class so I thought because nobody's around to watch me screw up, I'd do okay.

I walked onto the field and placed my broom on the floor, I looked down at it and put my arm out. "up" I said calmly, but nothing happened, so I tried again "up." I said it a bit more sturnly but again, nothing happened. In the wizarding/witching world we say that the third time is a charm, I guess right now is a good time to test that theory. I grunted and put my arm out again "Up!!" I shouted, but this time it worked, the broom was hovering, but now it was time for something i hadn't done before due to the fact that this was the first time I'd ever gotten the broom to actually lift of the floor. I tried to sit on it but I fell off. "ow.." I said rubbing my head, I stood up throwing a tantrum. I decided to have a second go but flipped upside down, I managed to keep my anger contained, I stood up and forced myself onto my broom, I sighed in relief at finally achieving something. I was so used to dissappearing in black smoke and teleporting I never felt the need to fly. I flew all the way to the top of the castle and sat on the roof

"I don't trust her" Hermionie said, Ron and Harry looked at her weirdly "you don't trust anyone" they laughed, Hermionie rolled her eyes and grunted "no, I mean it. There's something off about her" she looked around her to see if anyone was listening. "how so?" Harry asked, Draco walked from behind the corner and saw them, he hid and listened in. "I mean, don't you think it's weird on when we met her on the train she had to tell us that she might be placed into slytherin, as if she knew she was?" the two boys looked at eachother confused "Well of course she would know, she was only warning us" Ron laughed, but Hermionie started raising her voice "doesn't she look familiar? I feel as if I've seen her before, as if I know her from somewhere." Hermionie continuted to question herself about Catalina. "She's probably an old friend, or someone you used to go to school with when you were younger" Ron would suggest, Harry nodded "seems about right", but Hermionie wasn't having it. "I'm telling you, there's something not right about that girl". Draco heard everything, he put his head against the wall and banged his hands "Bloody Riddle, can't leave her without her nearly bloody blowing her cover" he'd say to himself as he fixed his jacket walking away.

I layed on the roof of hogwarts admiring the snow falling from the clouds. An owl circled me and it confused me for a while but I remembered that it was my owl, but it seemed to be holding something, a letter maybe? The owl started to fly down to me squawking. It dropped the letter in my hands and landed on my shoulders "could it be from father?" I asked myself as I opened it carefully.

Dear Catalina.

Glad to hear your enjoying yourself, I'm also glad it was easy for you to gain Harry Potters trust, not even that, you managed to become friends with him!. Just remember that you have to stay focused on your mission, classes aren't important right now you're obviously going to work for me when you're older and hopefully take my position when I pass. When you next see Draco, tell him to contact his father as soon as possible, Lucius has something to say, anyways. Meet me in the The Forbidden Forest, I have a suprise for you.


I sighed looking down at the letter, I could tell he didn't actually care about my feelings, but then again, he has a suprise for me so I could be wrong?.

I walked into the dark, misty forest. Everything was silent, not a single howl nor crack, it was completely silent. "hello?" i grabbed my wand out my pocket incase anything happened, I looked around me to make sure nobody was behind me or watching me. "Catalina" someone said, the person appeared in black fog. "father!" I smiled, happy to see my father. I ran to him giving him a hug but he quickly removed me away from him. "now, for your suprise. Follow me" getting rejected by my own father hurt, but he could just be in a bad mood.

I followed my father into the forest, but as we got closer I couldn't help but hear crying and screams, but also music. I could smell fire and smoke. In the distance I saw red flames rawing at me, I gasped but my father walked towards it "Come Catalina, enjoy the party" father said, I thought he was mad but I went in anyways. It started to look like a camp, but with music and celebrations. I looked over to my left to see one of my friends. "Crystal..?" I said, I didn't want to be loud incase it wasn't her, the girl had her head down to the ground tied up to a log, she looked up at me with fear in her eyes "oh my god, what happened to you" I concerningly asked untying her. She smacked my hand mouthing the words 'monster' I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "Catalina, what are you doing?" My father said, I jumped and looked back at him "no, no, no what are you doing? That was my friend!" I said pointing down at Crystal. "I'm doing this for you, you can't have anyone getting in the way of the mission" Voldemort got closer to me. "Stay away from me! You're doing this for me? Right, okay, kidnapping my friend and trying to kill her infront of me, just for this mission?!" I screamed at Voldemort in emotional agony. "Do you even care about my feelings?!" I grabbed Crystal and started crying endlessly "I've had it, after this mission. Me and you are done!".

We left the forest and Crystal tried to run away from me "Monster!" shed shout, I ran after her tackling her to the ground. I pulled my wand out and cast a spell so she couldn't remember anything that happened. "Obliviate" after the spell was casted, I carried her to the hospital and left.

I sat in the slytherin Common room sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket, I drank green tea as I watched the fire burn. Everyone started to come back from the trip and started to enter their common rooms, Draco and Pansy entered the common room and sat next to me, I just hoped Pansy wouldn't start on me because right now I was not in the mood to argue with someone. "Pansy, I need to talk with Catalina" Draco said rubbing his hands together nervously. "why? I'm sure whatever you're going to say can be said infront of me?" she started to get angry "No Pansy, it really can't" Draco started to get irritated, Pandy stood up getting her wand out "Catalina, get up I'm challenging you to a duel." I can't believe she said that, a duel over what exactly? "over your little boyfriend wanting to talk to me about something that's obviously important and doesn't concern you? Do you knowhow pathetic you sound right now?" this girl pissed me off so much I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and took my wand out "but if you really want to, be my guest". We both bowed walking away from eachother. "Expelliarmus!" I shouted disarming her before she got the chance to do anything "what-"

"you really think I'm going to let you duel me over a pathetic thing?" I laughed, but McGonagall rushed into the common room and saw us "what in heavens is going on here?" she said looking at the wand on the floor and the wand that was in my hand pointing at Pansy. But all this seemed too familiar. A flashback overthrew me but this time it wasn't my own. It appeared to be my mother dueling someone right this very place, right where I was standing, I looked down and passed out on the floor.