
I Told The Stars About Us

Jiana Achilla Chavez is the daughter of a big-time business tycoon. Her name rings ostentatiously around her high school campus and maybe even beyond its four walls. But despite having that title, she finds it hard to communicate and trust people. So when she took step on her new school grounds, her life took a lot of different (and unforeseen) series of turns- especially that it involves a certain guy who's a year ahead of her; a guy who happened to have unexpected connections with very unexpected girls.

soltoyourlunaaa · Teen
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130 Chs

Chapter 78: Ready For Take-Off

"Hey," I leaned onto my table. "I told you all these things because you're my friend and you deserve it. You, Leo, and Selene has been with me through the years. I don't want you to think that you're being insensitive especially now that you know everything. I have no intentions to tear you apart and you know that,"

Harvey, with weary eyes, held my hand. "Yes, I know that. I know you wouldn't do it. I love her now, Jiana, but I love you more. You're a close friends and I don't want you hurting because of my selfish actions by being with her,"

I was touched by his words. I somehow saw my old self in him—that he would always choose friendship over love. In my case, I chose to rather have Lucas have as a friend than a lover.