
I Told The Stars About Us

Jiana Achilla Chavez is the daughter of a big-time business tycoon. Her name rings ostentatiously around her high school campus and maybe even beyond its four walls. But despite having that title, she finds it hard to communicate and trust people. So when she took step on her new school grounds, her life took a lot of different (and unforeseen) series of turns- especially that it involves a certain guy who's a year ahead of her; a guy who happened to have unexpected connections with very unexpected girls.

soltoyourlunaaa · Teen
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130 Chs

Chapter 50: Reunite

"Curse you, Juliet! You didn't even told me you're now married and with a daughter!" I pushed her teasingly.

"Well, is it my fault that you suddenly disappeared without saying anything?" she eyed me suspiciously.

"Oh c'mon! And look at you! You're so beautiful and blooming now!" I eyed her from head t foot when I forcefully turned the topic back to her.

She smiled and snaked her arm around his husband's waist. Trevor kissed her forehead and they looked so perfect for each other!

Harvey reflected Juliet as he ran his hands on my waist too. Juliet followed his brother-in-law's hand.

"And I guess you didn't told me you're dating Harvey, huh?" she bluntly said.

Trevor and Harvey laughed at her while my ckeeks heated.

"Still courting, Juliet," Harvey answered. "I just don't have any idea when she will say yes to me,"