
I, Time

Time has had a chance encounter with another deity that has left him completely captivated but alas, she's immortal and they cannot be together. He therefore decides to make the leap to become immortal and reunite with her. As he walks down the forever staircase to the land of the eternal, a massive force comes and knocks him off course, leaving him high and dry and grounded on earth. Now he's on a quest to find a way back onto the immortal path by finding the only other two variables that can help him; Space and Speed.

Tracy_Alele · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Knight In Selfish Armour

He was there, standing right in front of me. I couldn't believe it. I held firm my smug expression to the infamous force's face. I have you now Mr Fluff!


As Missy and I walked out the door after our long talk with Space, I felt a hand on my shoulder again. I turned around.

"You seem to do that quite a lot, eh?" I said, referring to his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. It's just... these things usually come when they have long skipped my mind," he chuckled nervously.

"What is it now?"

"Well, since you ask... seeing as how I have been commandeered to complete this quest for you..."

My amusement grew as he spoke. I knew what he was going to say.

"I'm sorry, I was of the assumption that you offered."

"No, not really. Advice yes, but it's an awfully out-of-the-way task that I—"

"—what do you want for it?"

He braced himself. "To come with you... If immortality is as near to me as it is now, why shouldn't I take it?"

It was a solid point. This could've been his only chance.

"A worthy argument, but then what do you have to live for? It's such a long time to have with no plans for the future," I said.

"Then I'll make them as I go. Earth isn't a place for me anymore. It hasn't been for a while. Look around you, there's not much to live for here."

I shrugged. Who was I to stop such a rash life altering decision he'd made in just the course of my one visit.

"I won't object," I said, "Now that our priorities are aligned. Of course, the faster it happens, the better for me."

"I'll see to it!" he said excitedly.

Two days later, a message was brought to us at the nearby inn we had taken up while we waited for an update from Space. It was good news. The Resistance had agreed to a meeting. On the card already, I saw a name that aroused in me happiness for the very first time. The feeling was one I embraced without worry, for I knew it was well-deserved. The date had been set for the next day. We were to meet Space at his house where we would be picked up and taken to the secret assembly point. I was anxious to get it done with. The universe knew too well.

..... .....

I stood still in what I thought felt like a large hollow space. The large echoes the sound of our movements made confirmed it. I couldn't see anything, and as my anxiety grew, so did the beating of my heart. This really needed to be over soon. Just then, a brightness began to fill up my face as the sack over my head was slowly lifted off. Finally, I could see again... and I was right.

We appeared to be standing at the front of a large empty hall that was located underground. It reminded me greatly of the convening room for the House of gods... maybe these were gods. Space had said they were very powerful men, who were more powerful than gods? Anyway, my attention quickly reverted back to the size of the room and soon, to the members that started trickling in one by one to the gathering.

We waited. Missy was just as anxious as I was. Maybe it was wrong of me to bring her along. After all, she had no real business with this matter. I just hoped Mr Fluff would be compliant. When people had stopped coming in, the meeting commenced. Someone began to address the crowd. He was to be our mediator. He then turned and started talking to Space. He asked him about our business. Of course, we believed he already knew why we were there so he was asking simply as a mere formality. Space stepped forward.

"Time would like to summon Mr Fluff, my lord," he said.

"Bring in Mr Fluff," the man beckoned.

A large metal door opened and a very tall man emerged with guards behind him. My face went white with shock as I stared at the man coming towards us. I had met him in person only once before, had seen his likeness on paper and as a terror in my dreams. Now, we were to meet and talk like civilised beings with grudges to overlook. Because I needed something only he could give, and he had the power to refuse my request at any time. My vengeful temperament would set me back here. I had to be good.

"Mr Fluff, we have been told you have wronged this man. Do you recognize him?" the man asked. Mr Fluff took a glance at me and smirked.

"I believe I do know Time, yes."

"Good. Then as a courtesy, would you please amend your misconduct?"

Mr Fluff then turned his whole body to me. He began to laugh.

"You're pathetic, Time. I showed you no malice as I knocked you off that staircase. I did it because it was a selfish thing you were doing. Time cannot be an immortal deity, it simply cannot be!"

His Frank speech did not surprise me. I just needed to choose my next words very carefully.

"How is it selfish if I am in essence giving the whole universe an infinite amount of time for everything. There would be much more of me," I explained.

"And that is the problem," he said.

I became confused.

"You see, if you were to go out and ask people what they really thought about your little act of supposed good faith, it would be a very different story you would hear. Much different from what that small mind of yours can fathom."

"Enlighten me..."

"My mother was a god, as you know. A mortal god. She knew she would die eventually. When she came here, that time was cut in half. We all had to make peace with it," he said, now looking at Missy, "Nan has made peace with it. But then through your selfish act of becoming immortal, you go and bestow on her a life never-ending. For her to suffer in her state for what, an eternity?! It's not fair. Death and dying should be something we all get in the end. We deserve it, it is a gift. You should not be allowed the power to change that. It will affect millions of lives."

"I can make it right, all of it," I pleaded.

"Not even as an immortal deity... Time cannot be reversed. It is a myth."

I held my head down in defeat. His argument was far stronger than mine. It might've been true, but I did not want to believe I was doing a selfish thing. I thought of Nan. Was this it then?

Mr Fluff started talking again.

"My conscience is clear, and I have said my peace. I know I cannot change your mind in a day. That said, I will do as you ask. However, I beg of you that as you are facing the gates of eternity, you reconsider my words. It will not be without my gratitude."

I looked up, my eyes beaming with newfound joy. The members then began to murmur. A few of them huddled in small groups and continued to discuss discreetly. After a while, the mediator called for silence and everyone's attention was brought back to Mr Fluff's acceptance to put me back onto the staircase.

"This has by far been the most civil and peaceful conflict I have solved in my time on the board. The Resistance acknowledges your compliance and thanks you Mr Fluff. As for you Time, there is really not much to say but good luck and... we hope you know the consequences of your imminent actions and bear them accordingly. We are adjourned."

Indeed, I had expected worse. A struggle at best. If I had not held back my true sentiments and confronted him with all the might I had left, there would definitely have been a bad ending to this. I could not complain; I had won. As people began to leave, I got ready to soar up high into the air. Space came to my side and lingered. I had not forgotten my promise.

"Stay close," I said. He nodded excitedly.

Soon, our time to ascend came. Sadly, Missy could not proceed with us. She however assured me she knew the way home. I was making a gamble. Nan would kill me if she didn't get home, immortal or not. It was nevertheless a very sad goodbye. Hopefully, we would meet again. The next time she would see me, I would be much changed. I knew so.

I was ready to put my inglorious fall behind me. Now looking forward to a redemption where I would rise up in a fiery feat of greatness to the sky. Mr Fluff spared no energy; Space and I were thrust up so high in a mere matter of seconds. The breeze on our way up felt so good even though our vision was watered to blurriness. We closed our eyes and waited. We were almost there.