
I Time Travelled to TITANIC. Help! I want to go home.

A happy go lucky police lawyer travels back in time and found himself on board of Titanic that he knows 1000% will hit an iceberg and sink. Immediately, he asked to go home. Luckily, Allverse blessed him with three gifts. Witness how a police lawyer from 2022 travels to 1912, a century and a decade apart. Will he shape the future into his image or just enjoy the blessings of a new lease of life? Sit back and enjoy. *I do not own copyrights and trademarks that will be present in the story's world. Nor i am claiming ownership. I only own the writing work of the story.* Enjoy Reading.

Boy_George · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Fifteenth Chapter

"Gents, Ladies, in behalf of White Star Lines, we are very, very, very sorry for the tragedy.An investigation is going to be commenced to determine the cause of the accident. Rest assured, we will compensate each and every one of you, including the crew. We promise that the compensation will be commensurate to the tragedy befell to all of you. Us. Again. We are very sorry for this accident." The US office chief of White Star Line spoke in front of the passengers of people and dozens of joirnalist on a podium.

With his statement, the place exploded.

Every survivor expressed their emotions.

"Give us compensation! Or we will sue for negligence!"

"My goods sunk with the ship!"

"False assurances! You said unsinkable! But it sunk!"

"My husband is dead! You sonofabitch!"

"My wife is dead! Thankyou! Thankyou!"

"My wife is dead too! Freedom!!!!!!!!" One Englishman to a Scotsman. Say, they are all Brits. Yeah?

More and more outcry, the place is imploding.

"Compensation for actual and mental damages.. hey...add temperate and moral. I think im traumatized so emotional damages too.." John claimed all in one.

"Traumatized?" Esme asked what he meant.

"It means some kind of scar. A scar that isnt healed completely. Its always there." He tries to explain but he got no idea what he is saying.

"I know the meaning of traumatized, I even know where it started, 1893, in reference to physical wounds." She responded and looks at John.

"I meant, if you have any physical discomfort? We...Aunt Finna surely knows a doctor. Let us consult later." She added.

"No need. Im okay. How do you even know the etemology of trauma. Nevermind. Esme, are we really not talking about the kiss?" He senses that its close to say goodbye for the moment. So, he gotta pull a fast one from her.

"Ugh.." now its her time to get tounge tied.

"Haha. My my. Lady Esme. Lost for words." He teases.

Thinking what to answer, her eyes fixed on John.

Their moments together to now flashes in her mind.

Meeting such an ass that can keep up with her, is not always going to happen, no one before John.

Not even her brothers and cousins can keep up with her who claim to be men of men and rulers of rulers.

She stomps them all, men and women alike in terms of intelligence and wits.

But the odd John sticks out. Then the feeling of heart racing starts again when they kissed.

She is a simple woman. She will say whats in her mind.

"Do you suggest we commence a romantic relationship?" She concluded.

"Ugh....come again?" Now its John's time to be ongue tied. His face shows the shock of such unexpected proposal.

"Because we already kissed. Thats how it works. Besides, all my suitors line up from Big Ben to Berlin. Ur lucky." She expressed coyly.

"Ha. Im really lucky then. If thats what u want, ill reluctantly agree to have romantic relationship with u." He stressed the romantic relationship.

"Ok then. Dont regret it."

"Hahaha. I wont. Just so u know, romantic relationship leads to marriage."

"Ugh. I wasnt born yesterday de Vere."

"Hahahaha." John having fun talking to this quirky personality who happens to be very very beautiful and hot.

"We are now in a relationship. Okay. So what now?" She props herself to him proudly displaying her healthy breast and very beautiful flawless face. She is visibly having fun.

"Lets kiss." John softly said to her ear.

Esme instantly shivered and went limp. The hot breath of John did the magic.

"Ugh...anything but that. So many people are watching. A lady should not be seen flirting with a man not his sweetheart or spouse."

"Then...we can do it when no one is looking?" John realized the loophole.

Esme realized the loophole too.

"Ill think about it." she shruggs.

"Hahaha." John laughs inside.

"Esme, ur so cute. Hmmm." He pinches her cheek cause he thinks she is so gullible. Not him.

Esme's face alighted with his action. She felt funny in her stomach but instincts and reason tells her very being not to show emotions, even to one self.