
I thought I was a Devil

She was a devil in everyone's eyes , no one cared about her feelings or saw her sufferings, a lonely genius who suffered great losses in her life yet stood up as a phoenix flying in the sky, being an anti hero isn't everyone's cup of tea, being a strong woman is what she always dreamed to be. Trigger warning

Anne_Elizabeth_2142 · Teen
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114 Chs

Season 3 Chapter 11

Emilia: Team, meet your new Manager, Anne Elizabeth. (She said in an uninterested tone)

"What?!" (Jules, Victoria and Julie looked at me in surprise as their mouth dropped)

Me: What? (I rolled up my eyes) This is my punishment for hurting K'arse'l (I gave stress on the middle word while smiling mischievously)

Emilia: You! (She takes a deep breath) This is now your headache. (She says before walking off)

Jules: (hugs me tightly) Yay! Anne will help us! (She says while feeling excited)

Victoria: (she raises her brow) when I asked you to help us, I never meant you to join our team as a manager. Do you even have the slightest idea regarding this game? (She looked frustrated and concerned at the same time)

Me: No…I hope to learn from you. (I forced myself to smile)

Julie: But….I wanted you to- (she shuts her mouth noticing that I was glaring at her)

Victoria: hm?...what happened Julie? (She raises her brow while staring at her face)

Julie: No…nothing. (She smiles)

Me: I need to speak with the captain in private, before getting started. (I said in a professional manner)

Victoria: Why? You just speak in our presence, what is the necessity for privacy? (She seemed suspicious)

Me: I cannot reveal it to you, it's between Julie and me, isn't it? (I glanced at Julie who nodded in return)

Victoria: (sighed) Alright then, but I hope you will mind your language, Anne. (She said in a threatening manner)

Me: I will try my best. (I said while walking inside the club room as Julie followed, I locked the door behind us then grabbed Julie by her collar pulling her closer as I have out a cold and murderous aura) forget about that day, and keep your mouth shut, or I will make you. (I whispered in her ear) Nobody should discover the fact that I know how to play football.

Julie: (she pushes me away getting annoyed) So you indeed know how to play football, and choose to lie that day? I despise liars like you! (She bites her lower lip)

Me: heh~ so you really believed my words that day? (I hold her chin pinching it) How can someone be so naïve?~ I wonder if you are good at pretending or you are simply an Idiot? (I let her go) Neither Victoria or Jules should know about it.

Julie: And what if I tell them? What will you do? Hit me? (She narrows her eyes) don't forget that you already have a bad reputation.

Me: Do you think I care? Aren't you being a little haughty? (I tilt my head) Ate something wrong in lunch? (I mocked her)

Julie: I am getting tired of your attitude. (She bites her lower lip) Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, you want to waste your talent, go ahead. (She rolled her eyes)

Me: (I stared at her coldly) What do you know about me to judge?

Julie: I don't , and unfortunately neither do Victoria or Jules who considers you as their friend. And that is your personal problem, but I would say, if you hate being judged, first of all stop judging others. (She gulps her spit, her body trembled in fear but she tried to act brave) Y-You also don't know anything a-about me…I-I am quite…..(she looks away taking a deep breath)

Me: Ah…haha…did the air pop out? Nice try kiddo, better luck next time. (I smirked and was about to pat her head as a sign of encouraging her but withdrawing my hand instead)

Julie: (she lowers her head while biting her lower lip) I-I am sorry….

Me: hm? (I raised my eyebrow)

Julie: I…I am sorry….if I hurt your feelings….I didn't want to be rude. (She almost tears up) I am sorry….

Me: Are you trying to guilt-trip me? Because it's not working. (I said folding my arms while staring at her)

Julie: (she looks down holding back her tears) My mother says that you shouldn't hurt someone's feelings no matter who it is, but I ended up saying bad things to you due to losing self-control. So…I am sorry…I will try not to repeat my mistake again. (She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath to control her emotions).

Me: And my dad taught me to….(I bent towards her) destroy my enemies. (I smirk) So…better be careful, don't step on the wrong side.

There was a light knock at the door, as I moved away from Julie and opened the door, Victoria rushed in with a worried expression and looked at both of us in a suspicious manner, then grabbed Julie's hand.

Victoria: Are you alright? (She asked out of concern)

Julie: (she nods slightly) Yeah…don't worry.

Me: Where are the other 5 members? You said that there are 8 people in the team right? (I folded my arms)

Victoria: Four of them follow Christina and refuse to play with us. (She sighed)

Me: (I started laughing at my misery) GREAT! So now I need to solve your internal conflicts and help you find team members and make sure the team works? Is this a fucking joke?! Why am I getting dragged into someone else's mess just because you have a useless captain?! (I bite my lower lip hard)

Victoria: (she crossed her arms annoyed) Because you caused a blander and got punished. Stop acting like we dragged you into this. Anyways…we just need 8 more members, Julie is the goalkeeper, Jules defense and I am a mid-fielder, so, all the best. If you need any help, feel free to approach us. (She stood in a defensive manner guarding Julie)

Me: Yeah yeah…whatever. (I said before walking off)

That evening I stood in front of the balcony while smoking cigarettes, and staring at the street blankly, Jules seemed concerned with my increasing consumption of cigarettes, she kept on nagging me and I felt like taping her lips, but alas.

Jules: This is your third one. (She frowns) stop it already, you are getting addicted.

Me: No…I am not. I am just calming my mind, so that I don't end up killing someone. (I sighed)

Jules: Why are you getting so stressed out? (She bites her lower lip) We all are there to help you out, so don't worry.

Me: You have been here since last few months, what could you do for that lousy team? Nothing, right? (I said while pressing the cigarette in between my lips and taking a long puff) And, here I am supposed to make everything work within 2 months.

Jules: I am sorry….(she looks down)

Me: For what? You didn't do anything wrong, or anything at all….this is my own problem, because I created a mess. (I exhaled the smoke while relaxing my mind)

Jules: But it happened because you were trying to protect me. (She felt guilty)

Me: Don't give yourself so much importance, all that happened because Karl ticked me off. (I patted her shoulder while forcing a smile over my face) Don't worry, everything will work out, just trust me.

Jules: But…do you trust yourself? (She stared in my eyes getting concerned)

Me: (I smirked while pinching her cheek) No one trusts me, more than myself. I, Anne Elizabeth, will never lose a challenge. Mark my words. This team will stand strong, as long as I am around.

To be continued...