
Someone Please Stop This : Part 4

"I see, I guess I won't need to show serious fashion anytime soon, hahaha. "

Oyaji returned to his usual demeanor.

"Okaa sama, you should do something about the portal you created. "

"That's right, I almost forgot about it. "

Okaa sama also snapped her fingers once; instantly, the portal disappeared.

For now, it looks like I can't just tell Okaa sama.

"Goddess Rei, is there anything else you want to say? "

"Thank you for canceling your wish to start another great war. "

"It seems that I have indeed done something wrong, I didn't expect you to dare to challenge me even though your current position can't possibly stop me. "

At the very least, I have to maintain my dignity because the gods will not stay if I just show my weakness.

"Please forgive me, I really have no shame. "

She again bowed his head at me as he said that.

"Don't worry, I didn't change my choice just because of your opinion, but I just thought of a big game that might be interesting. "