
Me and Eveline : Part 9

"I don't think I'll be of much help to you, but I'll try."

"No matter how small it is, it's still a help to me, thank you. "

After I said that, Eveline started letting go of her hug and sticking her pinky out.

"You have to promise. "

So, Eveline knew where this promise came from. Even Nee sama looked confused when I did this to her.

"Understood Ojou sama. "

I tied our pinkies together.

"Little promise, if Oni violates it then Oni must fulfill all my wishes even though it is impossible. "

"I promise to fulfill all of my sister Eveline's wishes. "

"I think that's enough, if there is free time Oni should help me practice. "

"Even though I helped you. I don't know what to teach myself. "

"Whatever it is like a rose bomb or an ability creation concept, I will listen to you carefully. "

"It's too dangerous if you still haven't controlled the scope of the explosion. "

She knows how to find loopholes in every word I say.

"Did Nee sama teach you that? "

"hehehe. "