
I Think Mr.Celebrity Loves Me

14Sarahsha97 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter-11: Voice recorder

[Sarah pov]

Oh My God STACY !!!!!!

I shouted out loud and Stacy ran to my room i started crying while holding her

" what happened?" She asked me while looking worried.

" i lost it. The last thing that i have with them i lost it." I said and started crying

I don't know how I even lost it. It was the only memory that I have with my family .

It has voice recordings of all my family members . I listen to it every day

"Please don't cry.it must here around let's search for it together " Stacy hold me tight while i was crying hard

" Wait let me search" she said and started searching for it

I was looking at her all the time with the hope that she gonna find it

After 30 min she came back with a pout.

"I am sorry Sarah" she told me while hugging

"Where do you think it might be let's go to all the places you went again" she told me and went back to her room knowing that i need some privacy

I Am trying to sleep with a hope that i gonna find it tomorrow.But i was not able to sleep

[ Justin pov ]

" come to mama jay " we heard her voice from the recorder

" Is it Sarah's voice?" Caleb asked

Aaron nodded his head as yes

" she got a baby. Does it mean she is already married?" Caleb said

"Wowwwwww" we all said at the same time

"Enough .it's not our concern to know whether she is married or not?" Eros said

" she is too young to be mom" Xavier said with a pout

" i imagined a future with her" Caleb said

I felt kind of jealous and hit him on his head

"Heyyyy" Caleb said while raising his fist to punch me back

" You deserve it, Caleb .By the way show me at least one woman that you never imagined your life with"Aaron said.

" OK now.give it to me .i will use it" Xavier said while reaching for it

" No, I need it" Caleb said while reaching for it too.

"Why don't we play rock paper and scissor and winner get to keep the recorder" Eros said

"Eros!!! at least not you" Aaron said

"No game.this one belongs to her no one is using it" Aaron said with authority

Their kept a low face whereas me was still stuck at the fact the she is mom

"Justin Justin" Aaron called me

"Yes yes" i replied back

" are you ok? You are spacing out" Aaron asked me.

" I am fine, just sleepy" I lied to him.

"You keep the recorder"Aaron said while passing the recorder to me.

" No, I don't want it" I said to him.

" take it" he said and put it in my hands.

Whole journey towards home I was staring at it.

"I am really tired. I think i can sleep up to 27 hrs straight"Eros said

"Why 27 hrs?"Caleb asked.

"Because we have 27 hrs a day stupid"Eros said.

"Bro we have 24 hrs a day.even elementary kid can answer that question"Xavier said

" don't show your intelligence to me.even i know that ,it was just because of jet lag" Eros said to Xavier while getting out of the car.

"Oh jet lag!!! bro than how many hrs in 2 days" Xavier asked Eros

"Its should be 82 hrs" Eros said with confidence

We all started laughing.

"He is really bad at this" Caleb said while laughing hard

"He was bad than i expected.that to the way he said 82 with full of confidence" I said while laughing along

"You all are grounded" Eros said while pointing at me,Caleb and Xavier

"What????" We three said in union.

"Aaron brother" Xavier called Aaron for help

"This is not fair.why there are grounded.there are right though. just agree that you are really bad at it" Aaron said while laughing.

Which made us laugh along with him.

Eros went to the tree and broke a stem that moment we know we are in danger .

We started running inside home while our laughs echoed throughout the entire home.


I woke up with a loud shouts from down stairs.i rushed downstairs in panic and was shocked to see what happened

Our kitchen stove was set on fire and the funny thing was that no one was trying to stop it.

This was what their were doing:

Aaron - was getting panic and moving from one side to other side of the room

Eros - he came out of his room at the same time when I reached the kitchen. He saw the situation and went back to his room while saying "not again".

Ya it was not the first time our kitchen was on fire. It was all because of the greatest chefs we have

Caleb & Xavier - their both where were arguing about who started the fire

At that moment i observed that fire was gonna get on the curtains

I ran to the fire extinguishers and handed one to Aaron bro and we started to calm down the fire.

After few minutes we put down the fire

And we all started laughing hard.

" what really happened ?" Aaron asked after few seconds of silence

"He started it" Caleb said

"No he started" Xavier said

"Both of you are banned from kitchen" Aaron said in agony

"What ??? You can never understand the Gordon Ramsay in us" Caleb said

"If real Gordon Ramsay was here he would kill both of you right now.you know that?" I asked them

" O M G you people spoiled my kitchen" Aaron said while going through the kitchen

" don't worry bro, we can renovate the kitchen " Caleb said

" this is the third time you morons" Aaron said

"We just thought of making you people breakfast" Xavier said while looking at us with puppy eyes

"Come here " he called Xavier and Caleb and hugged them

"What are you watching? Join us"Aaron said and pulled me into the group hug

After few seconds

"Ahhhhhhhh" Caleb shouted

"What Happened? Ahhhhh" Xavier shouted

I and Aaron brother turned our heads to know why there are shouting

We were really shocked when we saw Eros in our group hug

"Woowwww when did you join the hug" Aaron asked

"Are you people planning my murder?"Eros asked

"Yesss. Want to join?" Caleb asked

"Yesss!!!!" Eros said

"Ok everybody calm down. In order to plan murder you people should have energy so lets eat something first"Aaron said

"I will cook" Eros said

"But the question is where is the kitchen?" I asked them

Now we all turned to the kitchen .

"My poor baby" Aaron said while wiping tears

"Ohhh come on. Grow up" Xavier and Caleb said at the same time.

We all laughed when Aaron started chasing them both

"Stop all of you. If not i will order broccoli" i warned

"Ok, Justin order food for all of us. Aaron bro call Edward and ask him to come here and you two morons clean the mess" Eros said and walked back to his room

"But why call Edward?" Aaron asked

"Bro forgot our bet" we all said in union

"He was missing since we went for practice yesterday" i told them

"Wait, our schedule is free from today!!!!" Eros said

"Where you people want to go? we decide first then call Edward to follow us" Aaron said.

"Yesss!!" I,Xavier and Caleb said at the same time

"Lets go to shopping" Xavier said

"I'm out of it" i said

I'm really not into shopping. All I wore was black tee shirt and black jeans. You can tell i am completely opposite for the word shopping

"Me too" Eros said

Eros' brother was the same as me in the concept of shopping. We both feel comfortable in black and black we don't want to spend too much on clothes.

Where as Caleb and Xavier spent fortune on clothes and accessories

"Lets go to place where we all can go together "Aaron said

" As old times can we go to Han river bridge and ride bicycles??" i suggested

"Yesss" they all said in union.

"Justin call Edward and ask him to be here" Eros said it to me

"Ok" I said to him and called Edward and informed him to be here.

[ Sarah pov ]

I couldn't able to sleep the whole night I kept on crying for being so irresponsible and stupid to lose it.

"Come on get up now" Stacy came to my room

"Where??" I asked her

"To find your voice recorder" she said that and continued to talk while looking down

"I somehow feel that it was my mistake what i have done yesterday" she said

"it's OK Stacy. lets go to the restaurant and figure it out " i told her.

After 30 min we started for the restaurant .